Chapter 31 Do You Love Me?

When the door of the study room rang, Gu Lingyun was surprised to see Xiao Qiu walking in with tea from outside the door.

"Xiaoqiu, why are you?"

Xiao Qiu lowered her head, "Ma'am, she suddenly feels unwell, so go back to her room to rest."

Physical discomfort?Gu Lingyun frowned slightly, could it be that she was infected by her classmates?

"Put the tea on the table, and you should go to bed earlier."

"Yes, sir."

After Xiaoqiu left, Gu Lingyun returned to the bedroom after finishing her work.

The light in the bedroom was on, Liangfan was lying on his side on the bed, even though his body was covered with a silk quilt, people could still see his thin body curled up.

How could you fall asleep with the lights on so brightly?

Gu Lingyun smiled and turned off the chandelier, only turned on the floor lamp by the bed, and then went to the bathroom.

Liangfan really didn't sleep, with a thousand worries in her heart, how could she fall asleep peacefully.

Being embraced from behind into a warm embrace, with the fragrance of the bath.

"Little Taozi, I know you're not asleep." A gentle voice sounded next to his ear, and Liangfan could hear the smile in it.

But, why didn't she know that she still had the name Xiao Taozi?
"Do you still like the tea set I gave you?"

Liang Fan let Gu Lingyun hug him, closed his eyes, and didn't want to answer any of his questions.

"Xiaoqiu said that you are not feeling well, are you sick?"

With that said, Gu Lingyun's hand touched her forehead.

Liangfan took his hand, withdrew from his embrace, turned to face him, but her eyes were red and swollen.

In the hall, she didn't want Xiaoqiu to worry about her, so she tried not to cry all the time, but when she returned to the bedroom, the sadness in her heart was like a flood that opened the gate, and she couldn't stop it no matter what.

In fact, not only Xiao Qiu thinks that way, even she thinks the same way, if a man really doesn't love a woman, no matter what, he won't ask her to give birth to him.

"Gu Lingyun, do you love me?" The question I had thought about for a long time was asked in this situation.

Gu Lingyun was slightly taken aback, he was very clear about his purpose of marrying her.

Looking at his expression, Liangfan already knew the answer.In fact, she had long been aware of her position in his heart, and asking such a question was nothing but humiliation.

"Actually, you don't have much affection for me, do you? I should have noticed this earlier, but I foolishly took my heart."

"What qualifications does a person like me have to beg you to fall in love with me? Such a huge gap is my delusion."

"Mr. Gu, I don't know what value I can have to you, but as long as you can cure the only one, you can take whatever you want from me."

"Perhaps, our marriage was premised on exchange from the very beginning, and it's only now that I've discovered it."

Liangfan's tears became more turbulent at some point, she couldn't wipe them off no matter how hard she tried, and finally let the tears fall wantonly.

Gu Lingyun looked at the slightly embarrassed girl in front of him, and there was a hint of admiration in his black eyes. He really didn't expect her insight to be so strong.It's just that her endless tears disturbed his mood.

For a moment, he didn't know how to comfort her.

Love, he can't give, what he can give is a stable life.

However, he felt that something happened that was out of his control.

The girl in front of him was crying fiercely, obviously he didn't want to see it, he still liked to see her bright smile and the diamond-like light in her beautiful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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