Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 4 Jinshui Tangtang, and Jun Changjue

Chapter 4 Jinshui Tangtang, and Jun Changjue (4)

The soft tone sounded, matching the beauty's soft and stretched movements.

The gentle posture and the piano music are in harmony, like a lingering lover, the beauty is elegant and elegant, like a nine-day fairy, she dances

Moving, light and elegant, as if to follow his lover away with the wind.

I don't know when, people and songs are one, I don't know when, there is no hustle and bustle on the field, it seems that there is only this woman who dances with life in the world.

This is "Nine Songs", the "Nine Songs" created by Gongzi Zhan only for Meng Elegy, and also the "Nine Songs" that Meng Elegy danced only for Gongzi Zhan.

When the last sound is over, "Nine Songs" is also over.

The ending of the story is often the end of the song.

Meng Elegy couldn't bear the pain in his heart anymore, a mouthful of blood spewed out, staining his white dress red.

In the deathly silence of the palace, someone's heart-wrenching voice resounded, "Geer!"

Before everyone could react, Yi Mo Ming Huang had already rushed to that person's side, hugging her tightly in his arms.

"Ah... Ananda." Meng Yange put her hand into his, and tried her best to curl her body into his arms, "Ananda, you are finally willing...to take a look at me."

"Ge'er." Young Master Zhan kissed her on the forehead, "Be good, hold on, I'll find the imperial doctor for you."

"Ananda, I have something...for you."

"Ge'er, if there is anything you can give me later, I'll take you to see the doctor." After saying that, Young Master Zhan was about to carry her away.

"Ananda, don't." Meng Wange's hand caressed his face, carefully outlining his eyebrows, his eyes, and his lips, as if they wanted to penetrate deeply into his heart. "Ananda, maybe I won't see the day when you unify the sky, I... I should be dying soon."

Young Master Zhan held her tightly in his arms, his eyes were blood red, exuding the majesty of a king, he gritted his teeth and said, "Ge'er, you will not die, no one in this world dares to take you away from me, even Buddha, No matter ghosts, if they dare, I will meet Buddha and kill Buddha, and ghosts and ghosts!"

"Ge'er, if you dare to leave, I will let the entire Cheng'en Palace be buried with you!"

"Didn't you say that you want to see the small bridges and flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River, and the vast desert in the north? As long as you get better, I will accompany you. Wherever you want to go, I will accompany you."

"Don't you like children, then let's have a few more, no matter the prince or princess, I like them all if they are yours."

"Winter is coming soon, don't you want to see the plum blossoms in Luomeiyuan?"

Meng Elegy shook her head lightly, "Ananda...I'm too tired." She took out a crystal clear jade pendant from her bosom and put it in his hand, "This is Suojun's heart...you put it away, and later...give it to your favorite woman."

Young Master Zhan stared at her coldly, and said bitterly: "Meng Yange, how dare you? How dare you!"

The pain in the heart was overwhelming, almost drowning Meng Yange's whole body, the salty smell kept rising in his mouth, and finally he couldn't help but spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

The vision is already blurred, the last thoughts are about to disperse, and the time limit has come.

"Ananda...Meng Yange's life is already difficult, I don't want to continue, let's... let each other go..."


Jinshuitangtang, and the king's long-term secret.

The last sound was so soft that no one heard it, and the woman had already gone.

Young Master Zhan still hugged her tightly, her body was still hot, how could she be willing to leave him?
Did she blame him for neglecting her?how come?Weak water is three thousand, but take a scoop, he is just jealous after all.

He is a king, but he is also a man, he has given her thousands of favors, how can she betray her?She can only be his alone!All he did these days was to vent his jealousy, but after all, he was reluctant to hurt her.

She didn't want him to accept Lin Shutong as his concubine, so he couldn't do it. He would rather break his promise to Lin Shutong for her and point her to the son of a veteran minister.

And after she left, how could she be willing to let him stay in the world alone and endure the loneliness of the rest of his life.

Everyone knows that the woman he loved the most died on the birthday of the emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty, but no one knows what happened that night, but there are rumors that when he saw the emperor again, the young king had already turned white all night...

 Qianyuan''Jin Shui Tang Tang, and Jun Chang Jue'' has ended, and the gentle and mature uncle will be online soon <(^-^)>
(End of this chapter)

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