Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 45 Can't Stand Her With Another Man

Chapter 45 Can't Stand Her With Another Man

Wei Wei said that Gu Lingyun came to the hospital to see her yesterday.

He also told her that day that one of his friends was sick and hospitalized.

It turned out that Gu Lingyun had been taking care of his friend in the hospital for the past few days. It turned out that this was the reason why he didn't go home.

It should be something that can be forgiven, but Liangfan is a little angry at this moment for some reason, it is a feeling of being betrayed.

betray!Liangfan was startled.

Maybe the time she lived with Gu Lingyun recently was so happy that she almost forgot that there was always someone in Gu Lingyun's heart, and that the essence of her marriage with Gu Lingyun was just a transaction.

No wonder, he would not go home for several days in a row.

Liangfan smiled wryly.

The fruit knife in his hand cut across the belly of his finger, and Liangfan gasped in pain, only to see a cut was made on his finger, and bright red blood was slowly flowing out.

"Are you all right?" Mu Zheqing, who was playing with the only one, hurriedly took her hand to check.

Liangfan shook his head absent-mindedly, "You stay with the only one for a while, and I'll take care of the wound."

"Mom, blow to the only one." The only one crawled to Liangfan's side and gently blew on her hand.

Liangfan gently touched her face, "Mom will let the nurse and auntie deal with the wound, and she will be back soon, the only one who will obey uncle obediently."

"I'll accompany you."

In the end, Liangfan couldn't hold back Mu Zheqing, so he let him stay with her.

It was almost night now, and many doctors in the hospital had already left work, and there were only the two of them in the corridor at this time, and their elongated figures were reflected on the clean floor.

"Senior Mu, if you have anything to do, go first, I will stay with you in the hospital tonight."

"Liangfan, did you quarrel with him?" Mu Zheqing frowned and looked at her, as if trying to see through her heart.

Liangfan lowered his eyes, "No, he and I are very good." They are indeed very good, aren't they?
But Mu Zheqing held her shoulders with both hands and forced her to look at him, "Liangfan, are you willing to look into my eyes and repeat what you just said?"

Mu Zheqing's eyes were always clear and clear, but this time there was some anger mixed in. Liangfan had never seen such a violent Mu Zheqing.

"Senior..." Liang Fan stared at him blankly, at a loss.

For some reason, I always feel a debt to him.

The next moment, she was embraced by someone.

In an instant, he was surrounded by Mu Zheqing's aura.His aura is just like him, clear and light, like the fragrance of Lanzhi and herb, completely different from Gu Lingyun. Gu Lingyun is luxurious, dignified and graceful like a king.

This familiar feeling coincides with the dream that day.

——Xiao Yao, don't be afraid, the second brother is with you.

Who is embracing her like this in the boundless darkness, that gentle voice can almost melt the snow in the twelfth lunar month of winter.

There was a sudden sharp pain in the heart, as if something was holding the heart tightly, almost bursting, the sound of the heartbeat was gradually amplified, and it hit my mind one after another.

Liangfan never thought that he would have a heart attack at this moment.

The excruciating pain almost made Liangfan scream, and she clutched Mu Zheqing's skirt tightly.

And this scene, viewed from another angle, looks like a pair of lovers embracing each other intimately.

Gu Lingyun happened to come out of the ward with his coat casually draped over his arms, but the scene in front of him suddenly caught his eyes.

But Song Yu behind him looked worriedly at the man in front of him.

No man can bear his wife cuddling with another man in front of him, but the back of the man in front of him is still tall and straight, and there is no trace of anger.

However, how did he know that Gu Lingyun's hands in his pockets had already been tightly clenched together...

(End of this chapter)

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