Chapter 47

The next day, Gu Lingjun woke up Liangfan early in the morning, but Liangfan huddled under the quilt and did not want to wake up.

"I'm going to the company. A doctor will come to give you a drip soon."

Liangfan rolled the quilt into a ball, revealing a jade lotus-like arm, she waved at Gu Lingyun, with a lazy voice, "Go, go."

In the next second, she was brought into Gu Lingyun's arms including her person and the quilt.

"Little one, tie me a tie."

Liangfan huddled in her arms, closed his eyes and refused to open them, "I won't, I want to sleep."

Gu Lingyun pinched her little nose, and said in a doting tone, "The husband's tie is only tied by the wife."

Liang Fan opened his eyes suddenly when he heard this, took the tie from Gu Lingyun's hand, and reluctantly reached out to Gu Lingyun's neck.

"Well, Gu Lingyun, you should be lower, I can't reach it."

The corner of Gu Lingyun's mouth raised slightly, it was obvious that this girl was being lazy, she slapped her little butt with her big palm, but she lowered her body.

After a while, "Okay, I can go to sleep."

Gu Lingyun put Liangfan back on the bed, looked down at the crooked tie, and still smiled, "It's so ugly."

"I said I can't, you insist on asking me to bring it for you."

Gu Lingyun had no choice but to tidy up by herself.

He glanced at the girl who was still lying on the bed, walked over and put a kiss on her eyes, "I'll be back in a while, obediently obey the doctor."

Liangfan gestured "OK" with his fingers, then got into the quilt and fell asleep.

Gu Lingyun closed the door for Liangfan and walked out.

He didn't ask much about what happened yesterday. When he saw Liangfan's pale face without a trace of blood, all his anger disappeared. At that time, he only had one thought, which was to wake her up.

I think Gu Lingyun has never been so worried about a woman, not even Lin Siyin.

It seems that he really met his nemesis.

Liangfan stayed on the bed for another half an hour before she was willing to get up, and now she was in the same hospital with the only one, in order not to let the only one worry about her, she decided to wait until the IV was finished before going to see the only one.

Just when she was bored, a white puppy ran into her ward.

It is a purebred bichon frize, the whole body is white and fluffy, and the eyes are as black as grapes.

Liangfan's heart was melted by this little bichon, she knelt down and hugged it.

This puppy is wearing beautiful little clothes, and the fur on his body is also soft and shiny. It can be seen that he has been carefully cared for by people.

This is a hospital, and it stands to reason that small animals are not allowed. The person who can bring this bichon christmas in must be either rich or expensive, and he is qualified to let the hospital give the green light.

There was a knock on the door, Liangfan went to open the door with the bichon in his arms, but saw a strange man.

Seeing the bichon in Liangfan's hand, Xu Chenghao looked Liangfan up and down a few more times before stepping aside.

Only then did Liangfan see the people behind Xu Chenghao.

The face is watery, the eyebrows are full of gentleness, and the delicate eyebrows are faintly morbid, which makes people love, and she is wearing a long-sleeved taupe-colored dress and a large men's black suit, which fully completes her slender body. Wrapped, she looks even more delicate and gentle.

"Sorry to disturb you."

Liangfan smiled, said nothing, and invited the two of them into the ward.

Liang Fan asked Lin Siyi to sit on the sofa, and also wanted to invite Xu Chenghao to sit down with him, but he saw him standing behind Lin Siyin.

She curled her lips to pour water for Lin Siyin, and she kept complaining in her heart that this young lady was so extravagant.

Lin Siyin observed the decoration of the ward, full of fairytale atmosphere, even a HelloKitty doll was placed on the bed, although it was a little vulgar, but everything in this room was very exquisite, and it would be nice to take out any one casually. Masterpiece.

She looked at Liangfan who was pouring water, and she couldn't find a trace of what a rich daughter should look like in her. How could an ordinary person live in such a luxurious ward?

At this moment, Liangfan's cell phone rang, she handed the water to Lin Siyin, and ran to the window to answer the phone...

(End of this chapter)

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