Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 51 I Will Dedicate My Life To Guarding You

Chapter 51 I Will Dedicate My Life To Guarding You
Liangfan stayed up all night.

Not only because of her unclear relationship with Gu Lingyun, but also because of the excitement of experiencing drag racing for the first time.

The time displayed on the phone is 03:30.

There were several bodyguards standing outside the ward.

Liang Fan tiptoed to the window, and sure enough, the bodyguards outside the hospital let Gu Lingyun drive away.

She looked down, and the distance to the second floor was not very high, so it should be about the same when climbing down.

Looking at the sheets on the bed that he had pulled into long strips and tied them together, Liangfan let out a long breath. It was the first time he did such a terrifying thing at such an age, the sheets should be able to bear her weight.

She tied one end of the sheet to the sturdy cabinet and the other around her waist.

Crazy times are rare in life, come on!
Gritting her teeth, she climbed out along the window.

In the process of escaping, Liangfan thought a little amusedly, she wouldn't scare the people on the first floor with her appearance, maybe there will be a haunting incident in Jincheng Central Hospital tomorrow.

Land safely!
Liangfan looked to both sides and ran out of the hospital after making sure there was no one there.

No matter whether Gu Lingyun comes to the hospital or not, she will come back before the nurse gives her a drip, and no one will find out.

Liangfan, who was still complacent, did not expect a black figure to leave quietly at this moment.

The street lights were still on, Liangfan ran for dozens of meters, and saw a white sports car parked in front of him.

Mu Zheqing got out of the car.

Before she came out, she sent a text message to Mu Zheqing, telling him to come directly to the hospital to pick her up.

Mu Zheqing took out a neatly folded handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her, with a gentle tone, "Wipe your sweat."

Liangfan took it with a smile, and said, "Let's go quickly."

Seeing her excited and hurried appearance, Mu Zheqing's eyes became more and more doting, "Okay."

In the night, the sports car with smooth lines gallops away.

Then, a black car followed.

Liangfan lowered the car window slightly, and the howling cool wind blew in instantly.

"The body is just right, don't blow the wind."

Mu Zheqing raised the window again after speaking.

Seeing his frown, Liangfan felt warm in his heart, and couldn't help but say thank you.

Mu Zheqing paused while holding the steering wheel, and just smiled slightly.

When we arrived at the place we made an appointment with Mu Zheqing's friend, Mu Zheqing handed Liangfan a white coat, "It's cold outside, put it on."

Liangfan nodded and took it.

"Hey, Young Master Mu is finally here." It was the man who saw him in the bar that day. When he saw Liang Fan behind Mu Zheqing, he was slightly taken aback and smiled, "Mrs. Sister-in-law is also here."

Mu Zheqing smiled and punched that person's chest, "Your boy is not serious every day." Then he pulled Liang Fan over and said, "You have seen this man, Liang Hui, the third young master of the Liang family, known as Liang Jiansan."

Seeing Liang Hui's greenish face, Liang Fan couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then realized that it was very embarrassing for him to do so, so he put on a serious look, "Hello, Mr. Liang, I'm Liang Fan."

"Miss Liang, it's a pleasure to meet you, I didn't expect that we are from the same family."

Home?Only then did Liang Fan realize that his surname was Liang and her surname was Liang.

Mu Zheqing looked at his watch and asked, "Did the police say hello?"

Liang Hui waved his hand, "Don't worry."

"Then let's start, follow the original route and see who gets back here first."

Liang Hui and the group of people behind him got into the car, and Liang Fan followed Mu Zheqing back into the car.

"Are you afraid?" Mu Zheqing asked with a smile.

Liangfan shook his head fearlessly, "Not afraid."

At that time, the sky was still dark, only the lights in the car were shining, Mu Zheqing leaned towards Liangfan, tenderness in his warm eyes, the smile on his mouth reminded Liangfan of the warm afternoon sun, warm and gentle, he The voice was extremely soft, but it left a lifetime of shock in Liangfan's heart.

He said, no matter when and where it is placed, I will devote my whole life to guarding you.

 Today is the fourth update, I hope that the babies who read the article will collect more, see you tomorrow~~~
(End of this chapter)

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