Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 53 He, Gu Lingyun, Shouldn't Be Tempted for a Girl

Chapter 53 He, Gu Lingyun, Shouldn't Be Tempted for a Girl
"Lingyun, my sister-in-law doesn't seem to be able to move anymore."

Can't move?What means?
Though thinking like this, the body has already taken a step ahead.

That thin body, that pale face, the normally radiant eyes have been closed, and there are still tears hanging from the corners of the eyes.

Gu Lingyun.

Her soft voice was still in her ears, and she called his name with a sweet smile.

His cold eyes swept across Mu Zheqing, almost without thinking, he snatched Liangfan back into his arms.

The slender eye feathers trembled slightly.

Gu Lingyun was furious, and was cheated by this girl again!

Just when he was about to throw the person in his arms out, a slender arm was buckled around his waist, and his soft body was pressed against it.

The girl in her arms looked at her pitifully, and said softly, "Gu Lingyun, don't be angry, okay?"

"Liangfan, I'm really blind to be teased by you like this!"

With a cold voice, she didn't want the warmth of the past, and her body was pushed away from her nostalgic embrace.

Startled, she entangled again.

However, it was pushed away again.

Gu Lingyun left again, leaving her with an indifferent back.

Liangfan limped after him.


A voice came from behind.

Liangfan sniffed, then turned around, "Senior Mu, I'm sorry for causing you trouble today, and we'd better stop contacting you in the future."

Then, he chased after him without looking back.

Do not contact me again.

Mu Zheqing stared at the thin figure and forgot to breathe.

"Little sister-in-law." Fang Tianqing stepped forward to help Liangfan doggy.

Liangfan smiled and said no.

Gu Lingyun had already got into the car, and Liang Fan hurried over, and got into the car following his movements.

Forget about the pain in your feet.

Fang Tianqing stared at Mu Zheqing for a few seconds, then waved his long arm, "Close the team!"

A farce ended.

Gu Lingyun's car was in front, followed by dozens of police cars.

The atmosphere in the car has been frozen.

Fang Tianqing couldn't ease it even after making a few bad jokes.

Only then did Liangfan feel the pain in his feet.

She bent down and rolled up her trousers only to find that her ankle was swollen.

She thought, her leg was about to be useless, the last injury was healed, and this time there was a new injury.

Lifting her foot slightly, she gasped in pain, she really didn't know how she walked that distance just now.

All of this seems to have nothing to do with the man around him, there is no past gentle talk, no past worries and concerns.

Liangfan smiled, she just said that she would not interfere with him, why was she the one who was hypocritical first, isn't the current state exactly what she wanted?
So, she leaned on the soft back of the chair without making another movement.

Let go of the pain in your feet.

A ray of light shot out from the sky, tearing apart the darkness, and the fiery red sun gradually rose.

Its daybreak.

My heart has never been so quiet like this moment.

A line of tears slipped down from the corner of her eyes, and there was no pair of warm and slightly callused hands to wipe them away for her.

Some people, once lost, no longer.

It wasn't until the breathing of the girl beside her became even that Gu Lingyun's sleepy eyes opened.

The tears still hung in the corner of her eyes.

Stretching out his hand, wanting to erase it like in the past, he thought of something, but let it go.

Gu Lingyun, do you still want to be stupid?

A wry smile opened the corner of his mouth.

Maybe, he, Gu Lingyun, shouldn't expect it, and shouldn't be tempted by a girl.


Fang Tianqing hadn't finished speaking when he saw Liangfan lying sideways on the seat, and automatically silenced himself.

(End of this chapter)

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