Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 59 This time you really opened our eyes

Chapter 59 This time you really opened our eyes
Liangfan was anxious and didn't know how to explain, but looked at Gu Lingyun with tears in his eyes and shook his head frequently.

"Gu Lingyun, I didn't..."

Gu Lingyun pinched her jaw, and said in a cold tone, "Liangfan, what do you think of me? Your life-saving straw? Or the spare tire you chose between me and Mu Zheqing?"

"No..." Liangfan felt that his jaw was about to be crushed by him, and squeezed out these words with difficulty.

"Didn't you want me and you not to interfere with each other? Good! Then money will be paid, and you obediently protect what I want, and wait for me to get it!" Gu Lingyun vigorously threw Liangfan on the sofa, slammed the door and left out.

"Gu Lingyun!" Liang Fan hurriedly chased him out, but saw Gu Lingyun's car galloping into the night.

Liangfan stood outside the door for a long time, until his legs and feet became stiff before he walked in in a daze.

She suddenly felt that the house was so big, it was a bigness she had never felt before, every breath had a shallow echo, knocking on her heart.

He really left, left angrily, leaving her here alone.

Is that all there is between them?
It turned out that Gu Lingyun was not a heartless person, but he was so kind to her that she forgot.

Liangfan hugged himself and squatted on the floor, only feeling the overwhelming chill.

In the end, she couldn't help but burst out crying, her sad voice wafted in the empty house, and there were no more gentle hands to comfort her.

A sudden snowfall brought the city into winter.

When Liangfan jumped out of the taxi, he realized that there was still light rain in the air.

Although it is early winter, the chill is fierce.

She clenched the thermos bucket in her hand, gathered the cotton coat on her body, and walked over.

Gu's headquarters building.

Liangfan looked at the majestic building in front of him. This was Gu Lingyun's kingdom, and it was also his battlefield, where he was full of ambition and ambition.

Liangfan walked into the hall, but was stopped by the receptionist.

"Hi, miss, who are you looking for?" The receptionist asked politely with a gentle smile.

Liang Fan looked at the thermos bucket in her hand, and inside it was the lunch she had cooked for Gu Lingyun after a busy morning, which was also her apology.

"Hi, I want to find Mr. Gu Lingyun."

"Do you have an appointment?"


"Sorry, I can't let you in."

Just as Liangfan was standing there anxiously, he saw Fang Tianqing walking over.

Fang Tianqing also saw her, reached out and waved away from the front desk, and let Liangfan in.

"Sister-in-law, why are you here?"

"I'm here to deliver lunch to Gu Lingyun."

"Oh? So it's a love lunch." Fang Tianqing looked at her ambiguously, with a hint of joke in his tone.

Seeing Liangfan blushing, he stopped teasing Liangfan, so he said seriously: "Little sister-in-law, Ling Yun has returned to France."

"France?" Liangfan looked at him in surprise.

"Yeah, I left last Wednesday, didn't you know?"

How could she know that last Wednesday was the day they quarreled, he slammed the door and left, how could she tell her where he was going.

"Then when will he come back?"

"Ling Yun didn't say that he stayed in France for several months, sometimes not coming back for a year."

How many months?a year?
Did he really not want her?

Fang Tianqing saw Liangfan's little face full of regret and grief, and asked, "Did you quarrel?"

Liangfan lowered his eyes and did not answer.

"You made Ling Yun angry?"

Liangfan froze.

It seems that it is really what he thinks.

Fang Tianqing narrowed his eyes and said: "Sister-in-law, Ling Yun's love for you is obvious to all of us brothers, he is not a person who loses his temper easily, if he gets angry, it is because you really provoked him gone."

Seeing Liangfan's look on the verge of crying, Fang Tianqing smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, I haven't seen him get so angry with Ling Yun for so many years, and he always has a calm and paralyzed face. Let's open our eyes."

"Sister-in-law, why did you provoke Ling Yun?"

(End of this chapter)

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