Chapter 63
The girl under the light smiled like a flower, and the hypocritical words came out of her mouth without any artificiality, but with tenderness.

Whether he loves me or not, I love him for real.

At this moment, An Ziqing was also distracted by Liangfan's sincere feelings.

The atmosphere is obviously very warm, but there are always uninvited guests breaking it.

"Sister-in-law, who do you love?"

A joking voice came from outside the door, and upon seeing someone coming, Liangfan subconsciously threw the pillow in his hand out.

Fang Tianqing, you eavesdropper!

Fang Tianqing quickly grabbed the pillow, threw it on the sofa beside him, and continued to ask: "Sister-in-law, tell me, who do you love, is it my Lingyun?"

Seeing his face that deserves a beating, Liangfan really wanted to go up and kick him a few times!How could he just listen to girls whispering casually!
She walked up to him, put her arms around her chest, resisted the thought of hitting him, and said domineeringly: "Why, it's Gu Lingyun, do you have an opinion?"

"No opinion, no opinion, I'm happy for my buddy."

Liangfan glared at him, stretched out his hand and pushed him towards the door, "Let's go, let's go, play with yourself, don't bother me!"

Fang Tianqing turned around and leaned against the door frame, no matter how much Liangfan pushed, he couldn't move, he lowered his eyes to look at Liangfan, "Sister-in-law, don't you want to know about Ling Yun?"

Liangfan's movements froze.

After a while, she turned around and turned her back to Fang Tianqing, but her voice was a little nervous, "Speak."

Fang Tianqing grinned, showing his white teeth, "Then I'll come in."

Seeing him coming in, Liangfan went to close the door.

"Wait, don't turn it off!"

Liangfan looked at him puzzled.

Fang Tianqing's gaze fell on An Ziqing, smiling mysteriously, and shouted towards the door: "Hey, I've been eavesdropping at the door for a long time, it's time to come in!"

Sure enough, a tall figure came in from behind the door.

Jin Boyan!
Startled, Liangfan looked at An Ziqing.

And An Ziqing was already frozen there.

"Liangfan, I have something to do at school, so I'll leave first." Saying that, An Ziqing picked up her bag and walked out.

"Where do you want to go?" Jin Boyan stood in front of her, seeing An Ziqing's pale face, he added, "I'll see you off."

"Thank you, please don't bother me."

"Zi Qing... Mr. Jin..." Liang Fan looked at the state of the two of them drawing their swords in anger, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Jin Boyan looked at An Ziqing's unwavering eyes, as if this person would never feel any emotion because of him again.

My heart hurts.

Fang Tianqing winked at Liangfan, and the two left the private room, leaving this space for the two of them.

Liangfan was leaning against the window in the corridor, blowing the wind, feeling dizzy and drunk.

She thought of those beautifully colored fruity drinks that she drank to the last drop. Could it be that it was not fruit juice, but wine?

Liangfan is very clear about her poor drinking capacity, she usually downs half a glass, but today she drank a glass with such strong stamina.

"Young Master Qing, I'm going home first." She had better go home early, otherwise it would be ugly to get drunk and crazy. Jin Boyan is by An Ziqing's side, so he should be fine.

"Sister-in-law, don't you want to know about Ling Yun?"

Liangfan waved his hand, "Let's talk about it tomorrow, he has so many people in France taking care of him, so there should be nothing wrong."

Maybe it was because of the alcohol, her mind was full of the scene of Gu Lingjun leaving angrily that night, so she said angrily, "Maybe he is so happy there, what an open and enthusiastic girl, wine with a strong taste, How can he still think of me when he is drunk and lying in the gentle country every day."

"Young master Qing, don't you think so?"

Liangfan complained to himself, but Fang Tianqing didn't answer for a long time.

"Master Qing?"

Liangfan turned around unsteadily, but was sober for a moment!
Isn't the person in front of her the drunk and gentle person in her mouth?

He is back?He is back?
He is back! ! !

It was as if a cluster of fireworks had bloomed in Liangfan's eyes, and the brilliant colors faded away, leaving only the tall and straight figure of this man.

She opened her arms and ran towards him.

A sentence suddenly appeared in my mind:

——Ge'er, if there is an afterlife, I only wish to accompany you to break through this prosperous age.

(End of this chapter)

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