Chapter 65

As if it was still very early, Liangfan was awakened while still in a dream.

She turned over, fumbled to hug Gu Lingyun's arm into her arms, and continued to sleep.

"Little thing, wake up."

Gu Lingyun smiled slightly, and pinched the flesh on her body with the hand held in her arms.

"Gu Lingyun...let me sleep for a while..." Liangfan pouted, apparently unwilling to get up so early.

Gu Lingyun pinched Liangfan's nose, and seeing her frown, she leaned closer to her face, "Little thing, if you don't get up again, I won't take you to the race car."

After finishing speaking, he let go of Rao Liangfan's nose, got up and walked out.

The eyeballs in Liangfan's tightly closed eyes rolled, and then she sat up suddenly from the bed.

What did Gu Lingyun say just now?He wants to take her to drag racing!

Liangfan roared excitedly, then jumped out of bed, where he was still a little sleepy.

"Gu Lingyun, wait for me!"

In the living room, Gu Lingyun heard Liangfan's voice in the bedroom upstairs, and saw a little man with loose hair and pajamas running down the stairs.

He stood up from the sofa, strode up the stairs, frowned slightly, and then picked up Liangfan, "Who told you to run out without shoes?"

Liangfan looked down at her round toes, stuck out her tongue, then hugged Gu Lingyun's neck with a smile, "I'm just afraid that you won't wait for me, so I'm in a hurry."

Gu Lingyun pinched her little nose helplessly, her brows stretched out, her eyes were full of doting, "Once again, I will never spare you!"

"Little one obeys!" Liang Fan pretended to salute in his arms, and then hugged him with a smile.

Gu Lingyun carried Liangfan back to the bedroom, put it on the sink, washed her face and combed her hair, and then chose clothes for her to change into.

"Gu Lingyun, if this continues, I'm afraid I will be incompetent in life."

Gu Lingyun smiled, and wrapped Liangfan into his arms, "I love it, I am willing."

Liangfan rarely heard Gu Lingyun express his feelings so frankly, and felt warm for a while.

The two entangled in the room for a while before getting up to go out.

It was still dark outside, with a biting wind blowing.

Liangfan looked at the wrapped round self reflected on the car window, Gu Lingyun covered everything except his eyes, and even put a pair of cute gloves on his hands.

Gu Lingyun hugged her and sat on the co-pilot, and then fastened her seat belt before going around to the other side to get in the car.

"What are you smirking at?" As soon as he sat in the driver's seat, Liangfan's eyes were bent into a line.

Liangfan just laughed and didn't speak.

Seeing her smiling happily, Gu Lingyun didn't expose her.

"Gu Lingyun, why did you take me to drag racing? Didn't you not want me to go last time?"

"Didn't I say yesterday that I would give you a surprise?"

Liangfan stared at him blankly, biting his lower lip with his white teeth.

Gu Lingyun looked at the road in front of his eyes. He didn't say that every step of the way, but everything must achieve a certain purpose. This time, I brought small things out, one is to give her a surprise, and the other is to make her happy. She thought that he was apologizing to what happened last time, so as to be silently moved. He wanted to plant the seed "Gu Lingyun" in her heart, and let it take root in Liangfan's heart.

When the car arrived at the destination, Gu Lingyun walked over with Liangfan in his arms. Fang Tianqing, Long Yiting, Jin Boyan and others were already waiting there. The row of top-notch sports cars behind him made Liangfan feel like he was at the Geneva Motor Show.

What surprised her was that An Ziqing actually followed Jin Boyan...

(End of this chapter)

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