Chapter 67
Gu Lingyun's car drove onto a road that was opposite to the direction of the track, and onto a coastal road.

Gu Lingyun's car speed had already slowed down, and Liangfan lowered the car windows a little. Although the wind in the morning was very cool, it was full of freshness, mixed with a hint of the smell of the sea.

Satisfied, Liangfan took a deep breath and let the wind blow his face.

Seeing Liangfan enjoying himself, Gu Lingyun slowed down the speed of the car again.

As a result, a world-limited edition dumb black Lamborghini was driving on the road at a turtle speed.

After a while, Liangfan had enough fun, so he raised the car window and leaned back on the seat.

At this time, the sun gradually rose, and the orange light enveloped the two of them, and the warmth circulated.

"We have a long walk today, there are many things to do, you should sleep for a while." Gu Lingyun said to Liangfan.

"Where are we going?"

Gu Lingyun looked at her with a slight smile, her eyes were full of tenderness, and her voice was full of indescribable doting, "Take you on your honeymoon."

Liangfan suddenly remembered that Gu Lingjun had said before that he was going to take her on honeymoon. He thought he was just talking, but he didn't expect him to give her such a big surprise.

"Great!" Liangfan shouted, his eyes sparkling with excitement, "Where are we going? Self-driving tour?"

"There is nothing fun going abroad now. If you want to go abroad, I can take you there during the summer vacation. Now we just drive along this road at will, wherever we go, we can stop and have a look when we encounter good scenery , Enough to continue on the road.”

Liangfan looked at him with his mouth wide open, but he couldn't hide the surprise and joy in his beautiful eyes, "I had this idea a long time ago, and today it finally came true. I'm so happy!"

Liangfan's beaming look was reflected in Gu Lingyun's eyes, full of warmth and affection, he took a small blanket from the back seat of the car.

"Sleep for a while, I will call you when I get to the place."

Liangfan took the blanket and covered him, but he didn't forget about Gu Lingjun, put the other side of the blanket on his lap, smiled sweetly at him, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The car was parked in a small fishing village by the sea.

Gu Lingyun carried Liangfan off the car, and when Liangfan opened his eyes, he found himself nestled in Gu Lingyun's arms.

"You slept for a long time, you slept for a full three hours."

Gu Lingyun's joking voice came from above.

Liangfan curled up in his embrace and didn't speak.

The fishing village they live in is very simple and simple, and every family makes a living by fishing and selling to those manufacturers, inheriting the ancient tradition of self-sufficiency.

As if they rarely saw outsiders, Gu Lingyun and Liang Fan's walking in this village attracted people's attention.

Gu Lingyun explained to an aunt in her 50s the intention of the two of them to stay here for a night, and leave tomorrow, and will pay them a certain amount of accommodation fees.

The handsome man was holding a delicate and exquisite girl in his arms. The aunt seemed to have never seen such a beautiful person before, her face was a little red, and she warmly welcomed them into her house.

Auntie's house is not big with two rooms and one living room, but it is very tidy.My aunt said that her husband's surname is Wu, so just call her Aunt Wu.

Aunt Wu said that her husband went to sell fish in the city, her son was working in Jincheng, and now she is the only one at home.

She prepared a hearty breakfast for Gu Lingyun and Liangfan, and packed up a house for them to live in.

"The conditions in the countryside are not good, so I'm sorry." Although she has never been to a big city, she knows that they are the children of a rich family just by looking at their clothes and the car parked outside the village. I'm afraid they won't be used to the countryside The house wronged them.

Liangfan felt that this auntie was really kind, and had a good impression of her in his heart, "Aunt Wu, we are already very grateful for taking us into your house, why are you so picky?"

Liangfan had been hugged by Gu Lingyun from the moment he got off the car to the moment he entered the house, without saying a word, now that Aunt Wu saw how cute and polite she was, she liked her very much in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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