Chapter 72

The night is coming soon, and the sea breeze hits, bringing coolness, but it can't blow away the gathered fireworks.

By the sea, a fire was burning, surrounded by a circle of villagers in grand costumes.

Liang Fan and Gu Lingyun were among them.

As the guests of the village, we welcome them with the most honorable ceremony handed down in the village.

Liangfan also changed into local style clothes.

Next to her ears were the voices of local villagers singing, they sang in dialect, Liangfan didn't understand very well, she just nestled in Gu Lingyun's arms and smiled.

After the singing and dancing carnival, everyone sat around the fire, eating grilled fish and chatting.

It may be that very few people came to the village, but everyone was very enthusiastic about Liangfan and Gu Lingyun, and took out almost all the good things in their own homes.

"Little girl, how old are you?" A fat elder sister asked.

"20 years old." Liang Fan replied with a smile.

"The little girl got married so early, don't people in big cities get married late?"

Liang Fan looked at Gu Lingyun, his cheeks flushed slightly, and he didn't know how to answer the eldest sister's question.

The eldest sister saw her looking at Gu Lingyun, so she said again: "Is this guy in your family looking a little anxious, why does he look like he is 30 years old?"

Looks a little anxious...

Liang Fan looked at Gu Lingyun, and couldn't help but burst out laughing. Even the elder sister who asked the question was confused. Is there anything wrong with what she said?
Sure enough, someone's face darkened.

Gu Lingyun slapped Liangfan's ass in a place where no one could see. This girl was so spoiled by him that she dared to make fun of her age!

Unexpectedly, Liangfan yelled out, and looked at Gu Lingyun pitifully, "I didn't say anything, why did you hit me?"

Others couldn't tell, but he, Gu Lingyun, was not stupid, this girl obviously did it on purpose.Why didn't he realize before that the little thing has a talent for mischief?

Liangfan stuck out his tongue proudly at her, got up and walked to an old lady to sit down.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw the interaction between the two.

Gu Lingyun just sat there calmly, looking at Liangfan with a hint of ambiguity, but the corners of his mouth turned up.

Liangfan noticed his gaze and looked back, the initial complacency dissipated in an instant.

She knew what his eyes meant, and she played too big this time.

She shrank subconsciously towards the old woman.

The old lady had a good impression of Liangfan, and took her hand with a slightly rough hand.

Feeling the warmth from his hands, Liangfan smiled at the old woman.

The swaying firelight reflected on everyone's faces with a strong sense of warmth, Liangfan thought that she would never forget this village and the villagers here in her life.

The slender and boneless hands were spread out, and the lines in the palms were clearly intertwined.

The old lady stroked every fine line with her fingers, and looked at Liangfan again.

"You child is born to be a royal concubine."

Liangfan was taken aback, and withdrew his hand.

A deep sense of powerlessness welled up in my heart.

In the end, she sat beside Ling Yun, quietly sitting in his arms, without saying a word.The excitement was still going on, but she was not in the mood to participate.

This sudden loss, even she herself couldn't figure out why, but the heavy sense of powerlessness made her breathless.

This fairly grand welcome banquet lasted until around eleven o'clock in the evening.

Back at Aunt Wu's house, Liang Fan just said goodnight to Aunt Wu and climbed into bed.

"Little thing, why are you unhappy?"

Gu Lingyun hugged her and asked.

Liangfan rubbed his arms into his arms, "Gu Lingyun, let's go to the Buddha Temple tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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