Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 74 Liangfan, if you dare to sleep, you will never see me again

Chapter 74 Liangfan, if you dare to sleep, you will never see me again
Maybe it was because the atmosphere of the temple was too solemn, Liangfan and Gu Lingyun automatically fell silent.

In the huge square incense burner in front of the main hall, the incense ash fell very high, and three sticks of incense more than one meter long were inserted on it.

At this time, not many people came to the temple, but I also saw a few couples, who probably came here to seek long-term love from Venerable Ananda.

After Liangfan offered incense in the main hall, he came to the Ananda Hall.

Standing outside the hall, Liangfan looked at the gold-plated Buddha statue inside with fascination. I don't know which celebrity made it. This Buddha statue was carved so lifelike. His expression was peaceful, his eyes were like lotus flowers, like the radiance of the full moon No time, but it can make people see clearly the vague feelings, as if there are thousands of words to say.He looked down at the idiotic men and women who were petitioning here, but he himself had already ended this worldly world.

Ananda, the love that you and Garu have been waiting for for thousands of years is wrong after all.

Liangfan stepped into the hall, knelt in front, she lit a stick of incense, the smoke slowly rose, circling in mid-air, and when the little monk put the incense into the incense burner, she clasped her hands and prostrated three times.

She doesn't want to live forever, she just hopes that she can live with Gu Lingyun without regrets.

After leaving the hall, the two walked around holding hands.

Liangfan studies archaeology, and is more familiar with the underground things, but a little unfamiliar with the above-ground ones. Judging from the appearance of the temple, it is difficult for her to tell the age of the temple.

Around the corner, the totem on the wall caught her attention.

She let go of Gu Lingyun and walked up, but was surprised to find that the totem carved on the wall was actually from the late period of the reign of Prince Zhan of the Great Jin Dynasty!

Could it be that this temple has something to do with Zhan, the most outstanding prince of the Jin Dynasty?

Is this God's will, or a coincidence?
Suddenly, she looked a little dazed, and Gu Lingyun hurriedly took her into his arms.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

Liangfan just smiled and shook his head, put his arms around Gu Lingyun's neck, and said softly, "Gu Lingyun, I'm tired, hug me."

Gu Lingyun also saw her bloodless little face, and hurriedly hugged her up.

He was worried about her health, and after going down the mountain, he drove back to the village, bid farewell to Aunt Wu and left. Aunt Wu didn't dare to stay longer when she saw Liangfan's complexion was not good, but asked with some distress when she went out in the morning. It's like this.

Liang Fan nestled in Gu Lingyun's arms and smiled weakly, only saying that it was an old problem.

Before leaving, Gu Lingyun left some money for Aunt Wu's family, thanking her for her warm and thoughtful care these days.

Not as leisurely as when he came here, Gu Lingyun drove the car quickly, Liangfan held his hand and motioned him not to worry.

Before meeting him, Liangfan fell ill and was in a coma for more than a month in the hospital. At that time, she didn't feel anything, just worried that no one would take care of her, but this time it was different. She didn't want to close her eyes. He looked at Gu Lingyun every second.

"Gu Lingyun, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Hearing her weak voice, Gu Lingyun sped up the car again. At this time, he only hated himself for forgetting to apply for a flight in China, otherwise the little thing wouldn't have to suffer so much.

Thinking about him, Gu Lingyun had never been frightened for any reason in his life, but at this moment, his heart seemed to be tightly held by someone, as if it would be broken anytime, anywhere.

Before getting on the bus, he had already arranged for the best expert team in the country to wait at the hospital, and what he needed now was to buy time.

The small hand in the big palm was sweating thinly, and the almost inaudible voice came from next to the ear, "Gu Lingyun, I can't hold it anymore, let's sleep for a while." As he said, the beautiful eyes full of brilliance in the past Close gradually.

Gu Lingyun's heart trembled, surrounded by unprecedented fear, he almost screamed, "Liangfan, if you dare to sleep, you will never see me again!"

(End of this chapter)

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