Chapter 76 Pregnant
Her face is contained in his dark eyes, there is a gentle harbor open only for her, and the starlight in his deep eyes almost makes her indulge in it.

Liangfan's lips trembled slightly and pressed against Gu Lingyun's. Tears flowed down the contours of their cheeks into their mouths. Gu Lingyun tightly held her into his arms and kissed away the tears on her face.

"Why are you crying again?" He asked, but there was a hint of teasing in his tone.

Liangfan blushed, nestled in his arms, and beat his chest, "Isn't it okay to be so touched by you?"

After recuperating in the hospital for a few more days, Gu Lingyun allowed Liangfan to leave the hospital.

It's just that on the day he was discharged from the hospital, Liang Fan saw Ning Zhirou unexpectedly.

Jelly looked around and there was no Long Yiting.

"What are you looking at?" Seeing her constantly looking around, Gu Lingyun asked.

"I just saw Miss Ning."

"Miss Ning?" Gu Lingyun frowned.

"It's the girl who was with Long Yiting in the City of Evernight."

"Well, what happened to her?"

"I saw her go to the obstetrics and gynecology department, and I was wondering whether to go and have a look."

Gu Lingyun smiled lowly, and pulled his curious baby into his arms, "You should take good care of yourself first."

Liangfan was worried, and wanted to go over there to have a look.

Gu Lingyun sighed softly, as if she couldn't resist her, "Hey, I'll take you there."

When Liang Fan heard this, his eyebrows stretched, and he immediately hugged his arm, "It's best for my Uncle Gu."

Gu Lingyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, when did he become an uncle again, it seems that it's time to let her know how powerful he is as an "uncle".

Ning Zhirou tightly clutched the test sheet in her hand, sobbing in a low voice, the result inside showed that she was pregnant.

She is still a student, how can she be pregnant, if she lets her mother know, she will be very sad, will she not want her, will she be kicked out of the house.How should the students think of her then, how can she still have the face to survive in this world.

Thinking of Long Yiting, she wished to kill him. If it wasn't for him, how could she have fallen to such a state, and thinking of those countless shameful nights, she wished to stab a knife into his heart.How could he be like this, he obviously didn't love her, why did he force her to love him, why did he let her conceive this child that shouldn't have appeared.

Ning Zhirou huddled into a ball and trembled slightly.

Suddenly there was a burst of warmth from her body, and she was surrounded by someone, and there was a vague fragrance coming from her.

She raised her eyes, but saw that it was Liang Fan.

"Miss Ning, are you okay?" Liang Fan couldn't bear to see her eyes were red.

When her eyes fell on the paper in her hand, Liang Fan couldn't help being surprised, Ning Zhirou was pregnant!

But she is still a student.

"The child belongs to Long Yiting?" Liang Fan asked in a low voice.

Ning Zhirou was startled, and finally gritted her teeth and nodded.

"Don't be afraid." Liang Fan comforted softly, "Then does he know?"

Ning Zhirou suddenly looked at Liangfan as if begging, "Please, don't tell him."

Liang Fan knew it, but Long Yiting didn't.

Looking at Ning Zhirou's expression, she should be very afraid of Long Yiting, but thinking of Long Yiting's behavior, although he was a bit domineering, he cared about Ning Zhirou everywhere.It's no wonder that Ning Zhirou is afraid of him, few people can bear that cold temper.

Liangfan was thinking about how to comfort Ning Zhirou, when he saw Long Yiting striding over, exuding air-conditioning all over his body, even the temperature around him dropped a few degrees, Liangfan couldn't help but get goose bumps all over his body.

Ning Zhirou hid behind Liangfan, but was pulled into Long Yiting's arms, carried her on her body and walked out of the hospital. Such a big movement attracted many people's attention.

He paused for a moment as he passed by Gu Lingyun, as if to say something, and strode away again.

Gu Lingyun took Liangfan's hand, "Little thing, let's go back too."

(End of this chapter)

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