Chapter 89

She is pregnant.

Liangfan would have been overjoyed if this news had been in the past, but now, it seems that he came at the wrong time.

Seeing Liangfan's trance, An Ziqing couldn't bear her suffering, so she finally sent Gu Lingyun a text message quietly.

Liangfan, don't blame me, you have to tie the bell to untie it.

When Gu Lingyun arrived, Liangfan was lying on An Ziqing's lap, her eyes closed tightly, her slender and thick eyelashes drooping quietly like cattail fans, casting a shadow on the eye socket, which was a little wet, and the corners of her eyes were like tears. Luo Feiluo, the raising scene seemed familiar, Gu Lingyun's heart tightened, he strode up, and embraced Liangfan in his arms.

The heart that has been empty for a long time is finally full.

The night she left the company, he couldn't help but want to go back to see her. When he found her in the living room, she had a high fever and was scorching hot. He didn't know she was pregnant with her child until he sent her to the hospital.

He remembered that day when the little thing rode on him and said to him with a blushing face, "Brother Yun, I want to give birth to a monkey for you". Although he didn't agree at the time, when the doctor said that she was pregnant with his child At that time, he felt as if he owned the whole world, so he put down all the business in his hand and stayed with her in the hospital. He didn't know what caused it, but he actually warned everyone not to tell this matter. Even he finds the childish behavior a bit ridiculous.

until she wakes up.

The sky didn't know when it got dark.

On the soft big bed are two warm figures.

Gu Lingyun hugged Liangfan and leaned against the head of the bed, and the white quilt covered their bodies.

As for Gu Lingyun's actions, since An Ziqing took over Liangfan, she has never changed.

Liangfan fell asleep at that time and never woke up again. The doctor just said that Liangfan's body was too weak and he was stimulated a little, so he should take more rest and drink some medicine.

A big palm was placed on Liangfan's stomach, and the other hand stroked the broken hair on her forehead. Her thin body, which was not very strong, was currently pregnant with their child.

There was warmth in his heart, and Gu Lingyun's eyes were full of tenderness. He leaned over and kissed Liangfan's hair.

His eyes fell on the tear at the corner of Liangfan's eye, and he wiped it away lovingly for her, but when his fingers touched the drop of liquid, a tingling pain pierced through his heart, and he didn't know whether the tear was cold or hot.

"Little thing, wake up quickly."

"We have a baby of our own."

"Little thing, you are a great mother."

As Gu Lingyun said, she couldn't help stroking Liangfan's finger with the wedding ring.

Liangfan, my little thing, wake up quickly.

The person in his arms snorted softly, and then the little hand in Gu Lingyun's palm moved.

Liangfan opened his eyes, and saw Gu Lingyun who was full of expectation.

"Little thing, you're finally awake." Seeing her expressionless eyes looking at him, Gu Lingyun's heart tightened, and he hugged Liangfan tightly into his arms.

"Gu Lingyun, I hurt..."

"What's wrong with you?" Gu Lingyun looked her up and down nervously, and finally his eyes fell on her stomach.

Liangfan felt a dull pain in her heart, and she said weakly, "Gu Lingyun, you hurt me."

Gu Lingyun's arm froze, and he relaxed a little, but he didn't let her go.

Liangfan frowned, "Let me lie down by myself."

Gu Lingyun's complexion darkened, and her voice was tense, "Liangfan, do you know that you are pregnant?"

But Liangfan said with a smile: "If you know how, can you be sure that the child is yours?"

(End of this chapter)

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