Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 98 His little wife is a knife mouth tofu heart

Chapter 98 His little wife is a knife mouth tofu heart

Early in the morning, when Gu Lingyun just woke up, he saw Liangfan walking out of the bedroom.

"Senior He came back from abroad today, and Zi Qing asked me to pick him up at the airport."

"Well, it's cold outside, put on more clothes, call me if you need anything, and be careful."

Liangfan nodded, and the two of them had nothing to say for a while, so Gu Lingyun took the cup and went to the kitchen.

"Did you stay up late last night?" After saying the words, Liang Fan suddenly regretted it.

Gu Lingyun didn't point it out, and coughed twice on purpose, her voice became a little hoarse, "Well, last night I held a shareholder meeting with France overnight."

Liangfan frowned and looked at his cup, there were still black traces in it, did he start drinking coffee again?
Thinking about it too, I haven't made tea for him for several days, he is so busy and has no time.

Thinking of this, Liangfan snatched the cup from his hand, "Go back to the study first, and I'll make tea for you."

Gu Lingyun didn't hesitate, turned around and went back to the study. It turned out that his little wife was a sharp-mouthed bean curd, and it seemed that he would pretend to be weak in front of her in the future.

Liangfan waited for the tea to be boiled and put it in the tray before recalling what he had done, Liangfan, you are stupid, you are not angry with him, why do you care about him!
Carrying the tea upstairs, she lifted the door of the study with her foot angrily, and walked in without waiting for Gu Lingyun to speak.

"It's ready, drink it yourself, I'm leaving."

Gu Lingyun raised his eyebrows, pulled her into his arms the moment she left, and let her sit on his lap.

"Gu Lingyun, what do you want to do?"

Gu Lingyun looked at her with the corner of his mouth bent, then bent down and took her breath domineeringly, until he was satisfied, when Liangfan was out of breath, he smiled and let her go.

"Little thing, I told Assistant Song to take you to the airport, and he'll be waiting for you downstairs."

Liangfan gave him a hard look, and walked out of the study angrily.

I was even more annoyed, Liangfan, you are out of your mind, don't care about him anymore!
Besides the house, Song Tezhu was waiting for her at the door, and she thought of Gu Lingyun again, that smelly man is not very proud now.

But Gu Lingyun was standing in front of the study window at this moment, watching Liangfan get into the car obediently, his deep eyes filled with doting.

There are people coming and going in the airport lobby. In Liangfan's view, the airport is the place that best embodies human feelings. The joy of reunion and the sadness of separation are staged here.

Today, she and An Ziqing came here to pick up He Junyan.

Not long after they arrived, they saw He Junyan walking towards them in the distance, still handsome and sunny.

Seeing the two of them, He Junyan waved excitedly, and then quickly ran over with a suitcase.

"Why are you here? Didn't you say you have something to do?" He said this to An Ziqing, his beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

An Ziqing raised her eyebrows proudly, "Of course I'm giving you a surprise."

He Junyan flicked her head pamperingly, "You ghost."

"Liangfan, you're pregnant with your baby, so why don't you follow An Ziqing around."

An Ziqing blinked at Liangfan, and only then did she know that it must be An Ziqing's big mouth that said it.

She glared at An Ziqing, pretending to be resentful, "Ms. An's Senior He is back, let's celebrate together."

He Junyan smiled and hugged An Ziqing with one arm, as if it was a very natural thing, and An Ziqing was also grinning and giggling.

Liang Fan wondered if she should remind An Ziqing that she is with Jin Boyan now, and it is better to distance herself from Senior He. She knows that An Ziqing is only a friend to He Junyan, but she can see why The light in Jun Yan's eyes when he looked at An Ziqing.

Liangfan frowned and thought about it, but the figure passing by in front of her caught her attention...

(End of this chapter)

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