Night's Watch 2: Dark Potential

Chapter 3 Introduction

Chapter 3 Introduction
Life is like clothes, so easily taken away.

——(China Taiwan) Lin Yihan
"Yun'er, Fang Yun! Wake up!" The young mother shook her sleeping daughter vigorously.

"Mom." Three-year-old Fang Yun rolled over and sat up, muttering sleepily.

It was pitch black all around, and the figure of my mother was a little hazy.

"Hush." ​​Mom panicked Fang Yun to keep silent.

Fang Yun, who was gradually waking up, heard the sound of fighting downstairs, and it sounded like a man moaning.No, that was obviously Dad's voice.

What's wrong with dad?The ignorant Fang Yun couldn't imagine what was going on in her extremely ordinary family.

Mom took Fang Yun's little hand and dragged her off the bed.In Fang Yun's memory, her mother had never treated her so hard. She didn't know what she did wrong, her eyes were red and she wanted to cry.

Mother didn't pay attention to Fang Yun's emotional changes, opened the door of the big wardrobe, and stuffed her in forcefully.

"Big closet?" Fang Yun couldn't understand why he let himself sleep in the big closet alone. Could it be that he didn't eat in the kindergarten today and the teacher complained to his mother?
"Is mom going to punish me?"

Fang Yun wanted to cry again.

But before she had time to cry, the door of the big wardrobe was opened again.Mom, dear mother, actually stuffed my sleeping brother inside.The big wardrobe is not big, it can only accommodate two children, and the corner of the woolen coat scratches Fang Yun's nose, making her want to sneeze.

Brother doesn't eat too?Fang Yun touched his younger brother's tender little hand and thought.But my brother is still drinking milk.

"Yun'er, take good care of your little brother." Mother held Fang Yun's little face and kissed her hard.

Then, she left that look in Fang Yun's life that Fang Yun will never forget.It was a look full of reluctance, nostalgia, love and panic, and it was the last look of her mother in Fang Yun's memory.

After that look, my mother closed the cabinet door.

It was even darker.

Before mother's footsteps had gone far, a thin bright line suddenly lit up in the center of the closet door.The curious Fang Yun took a closer look at his small face.It turned out that this was a gap between the two doors of the wardrobe, through which a corner of the room could be seen.At this time, the light in the room had been turned on, and at the door was the back of my mother.

Mom clutches a thermos in the bedroom, as if trying to use it as a weapon.But her hands were shaking so badly that she seemed to be unable to bear the weight of the hot water bottle. She slowly backed away, as if she had seen something terrifying.Suddenly, with an exclamation, the hot water bottle in mother's hand fell to the ground before it could be smashed out.At the same time, my mother fell to the ground, with two figures in blue clothes on her body.

The hairs all over Fang Yun's body stood up, and she raised her hands to cover her eyes.

I don't know how long it took, but Fang Yun didn't hear any more voices.She took the courage to look out from the crack again.The place where my mother fell to the ground was empty.

Fang Yun didn't know what happened at all, and he didn't have the guts to push open the cabinet door to find out.In the darkness, she could only hold her brother's little hand tightly, shivering.

After an unknown amount of time, she heard her aunt's voice from downstairs.

Although Fang Yun didn't like her aunt, she seemed to have met a savior at this time. She rushed out of the closet, cried loudly, and knelt down in front of her aunt and uncle.

After listening to Xiao Fang Yun's unclear description, aunt and uncle suddenly laughed grinningly.

The terrifying laughter made Xiao Fang Yun look up in surprise.

Why are they laughing?
The aunt and uncle in front of them were indeed grinning ferociously, but their faces seemed to be turning green, and the familiar faces began to change slowly.First, green fluff grew all over his face, and then two bright fangs appeared at the corners of his mouth.Slowly, the two relatives turned into monsters with terrifying faces.

The monster approached Fang Yun step by step, waved its minions, and opened its mouth wide.

Fang Yun desperately wanted to get up from the ground and escape, but her legs didn't listen to her own orders at all, and she couldn't stand up anyway.She limp on the ground helplessly, seeing that bloody mouth was about to swallow her.

Cao Yun turned over from the bed and sat up.The narrow bed made her almost fall to the hotel floor.She looked around in cold sweat, the neon lights outside the window reflected into the room through the curtains, dyeing the room an ambiguous purple, she could even clearly see the worn-out walls on the ceiling that were about to fall off, not to mention Said, the fat man lying next to her snoring like thunder.

This is a dilapidated hotel room, with wet walls, dirty quilt covers and pillow covers, a musty and foul smell, and coats and underwear thrown all over the floor.All of this was exactly the same as what she saw before she fell asleep.

Cao Yun, who was awakened by the nightmare, had no sleepiness for a long time.

She got up from the bed, picked up her dress and put it on, sat on the small sofa by the window and lit a cigarette.The moment the lighter was turned on, it illuminated the fat on the man's stomach on the bed.She didn't know him at all, and he was so disgusting, with that suffocating body odor, and that big mouth that was stinking and desperate to kiss.However, she resisted the urge to vomit and let the smelly man finish what he wanted to do.There is no way, she has to live, because she still has unfinished things that should be done.

The nightmare just now cannot be called a nightmare at all.Because, the first half is true.

When he was three years old, Cao Yun experienced an inexplicable disaster.As a result of the disaster, she became an orphan together with her six-month-old brother.

She watched the two figures throw her mother down, and spent a terrible night in fear.At that moment, her younger brother's little hand was the only strength that kept her from collapsing.However, she could never hold those warm hands again.

The aunt and uncle had originally come to Cao Yun's parents to discuss the division of Grandpa Cao Yun's estate, but when they opened the door and found the two shivering children hiding in the closet, Cao Yun's parents were nowhere to be seen.

Two big living people disappeared inexplicably, and it would be impossible not to call the police.However, before calling the police, the aunt asked Cao Yun to conceal what she had seen from the police.She told Cao Yun that if the police knew about this, they would arrest the siblings for interrogation.Three-year-old Cao Yun of course obeyed his only life-saving straw.Cao Yun, who grew up later, gradually understood that her aunt asked him to do this so that the police would not file a case for investigation, because it is a good thing for someone to disappear, and the inheritance of the father's generation is not so difficult to divide.

In Cao Yun's vague memory, regarding the disappearance of his parents, the police speculated that his father was involved in some case, and then absconded in fear of crime.Although it is really incomprehensible to leave two of your own flesh and blood behind before absconding in fear of crime, the police, who have no clues or evidence at all, cannot investigate this case.After a long time, this unsolved case of disappearance will be resolved.

After the parents disappeared, the "kind" and infertile aunt stepped forward and expressed her willingness to adopt the poor pair of siblings so that they would not be taken in by the orphanage.Of course, Fang Yun changed her name to Cao Yun following her uncle as a matter of course, while her younger brother's household name is Cao Gang.

Young Cao Yun's memory of this accident is vague, but his memory of his mother is profound.Mother's voice, mother's face, mother's figure, and the mother's eyes that make Cao Yun feel extremely sad when he thinks about it.

However, time can smooth everything out.Apart from missing her mother often, Cao Yun's life will continue.

Cao Yun, who was adopted, has taken on all the housework since he was ten years old.My uncle works in a foreign company and has a good income, but my aunt who is addicted to gambling often does not see anyone for a few days, so the "little things" such as grocery shopping, cooking, laundry and mopping the floor naturally fall on the shoulders of ten-year-old Xiao Cao Yun .After all, the aunt said, the seven-year-old brother needs to study more.

The peaceful life began to become turbulent when Xiao Cao Yun was 13 years old.

That night, Cao Yun vaguely felt a heavy sense of oppression in her dream. When she opened her eyes, she found that the nightmare was still continuing. The well-dressed uncle during the day was lying on her bed right now. body, struggling to do something.Cao Yun woke up suddenly, and she, who had already been enlightened about sex, knew what it meant, so she struggled to ask her aunt in the next room for help.

However, Cao Yun's mouth was tightly covered.The desperate resistance of a weak girl is so pale and powerless in front of a strong man.Cao Yun's resistance made my uncle even more excited. He intensified his efforts and mercilessly took away her first, painful first time.

What was even more tragic was that after his uncle left the room, Cao Yun saw his younger brother sleeping on another bed in the same room.The ten-year-old younger brother woke up at some point. He sat against the wall in a daze, looking at his ghostly sister with disheveled hair.Cao Yun still had her uncle's red fingerprints on her face. She looked at her younger brother in the dark room, and wanted to hold his hand like she did when she was a child, but in the end she did nothing.

Cao Yun didn't know what to do.Call the police?She dare not.silence?She was unwilling again.Looking for media exposure?What about the younger brother?The best way is to tell my aunt about it.

But my aunt said this: "Little girl, do you know? If it weren't for your uncle, you would have suffocated to death in the closet that night, do you know? We gave the lives of both of you! You for ten years! Do you know how much it costs to raise the two of you for ten years? Now you have paid such a little, and you are not happy? It is also your filial piety to relieve your uncle! If you can help you in the future My uncle gave birth to a boy and a half girl, leaving some authentic blood to the Cao family, which can be regarded as a kindness from the fountain, okay?"

Listening to her aunt's words, Cao Yun's expression became colder and colder.She subconsciously picked at her finger, but before she knew it, it was already stained with blood.

From then on, Cao Yun's bed became his uncle's bed.Cao Yun's body became his uncle's toy.

The nightmare lasted for two years and finally stopped.

On that day, there was an "accident" at home, and a collective food poisoning incident occurred.My aunt and uncle died of poisoning due to excessive consumption of fermented bean curd containing excessive amounts of nitrite[1].

The police, who did not find any suspicious points at the scene, finally issued a "Notice of Not Opening the Case".

Brothers Cao Yun and Cao Gang, who lost their loved ones again, were accepted by the orphanage and have officially lived in the orphanage ever since.The orphanage can guarantee food and clothing for the siblings and allow them to receive the most basic compulsory education, but this is far from what Cao Yun wants.The two years of bearing the burden of humiliation had eroded all her expectations of herself, and she put all her remaining hopes on her brother.

Her only relative is her younger brother.

Therefore, at the age of 17, Cao Yun decisively dropped out of school and began to enter the society, working to earn money.

"Anyway, I'm already dirty, very dirty, and I'm not afraid to get even dirtier."

In the eyes of outsiders, Cao Yun is at a very young age, but Cao Yun knows that she has already bid farewell to the world of youth and innocence. Her heart is a cold cemetery, except for her younger brother, no living thing can stay here.The way she chooses to work is self-evident.

Part of the money Cao Yun earned from "work" was used for the living expenses of the siblings, and part was used for Cao Gang's tuition and extracurricular tutoring fees such as learning painting.Cao Yun deposited the remaining money in an account under Cao Gang's name, hoping to provide start-up capital for his younger brother's future career.

All in all, Cao Yun used the illegally earned money to maintain his younger brother Cao Gang’s studies, and enrolled his younger brother in many extracurricular interest tutoring classes as if he wanted his brother to become a dragon.A few years ago, my younger brother Cao Gang lived up to his sister's expectations, and even his own ideals. He was successfully admitted to the University of Architecture and Engineering, and successfully studied for more than three years.

Cao Yun knew that in his 24 years of life, the only time he could talk about happiness was those three years.Even when she's "working," she can't help but smile.

However, fate played a trick on her again, a deadly joke.

Cao Gang has been silent about what happened to his sister.The boy who had witnessed too much in the dark, always kept a silent attitude in the face of his sister's doting.But only he himself knows that something is just around the corner.

It happened after the internship returned to school in the second semester of senior year.That night, Cao Gang lurks in the school's public women's toilet, and waits for a sophomore girl who has just finished her self-study.After knocking out the girl, Cao Gang sexually assaulted the girl in the wasteland behind the toilet.During the sexual assault, the girl woke up and screamed. Cao Gang, in a panic, repeatedly hit the girl's head with a brick, which caused the girl's whole skull to burst[2] and died on the spot.

The police found key evidence such as footprints, fingerprints, and semen spots at the scene, and through the investigation of Cao Gang's two bedmates, it was clear that Cao Gang had a perverted behavior of stealing women's underwear before.After DNA testing, Cao Gang is the key suspect in this case.

On the night of the incident, Cao Gang did not return all night.He panicked and knocked on his sister Cao Yun's door.After listening to his younger brother's confession, Cao Yun felt dizzy.But Cao Gang then held her hand tightly. This was the first time that his younger brother took the initiative to make physical contact in so many years.Just like when she was a child, the tears in her younger brother's eyes made her feel sore.

Cao Yun made a decision.

Under the arrangement of his sister, Cao Gang embarked on the road to escape from Nan'an, but was quickly arrested by the police.Cao Yun was suspected of covering up and was also hunted down by the police.This put Cao Yun into a crisis. After all, her usual savings were stored in her younger brother's name, and now they are all frozen.Moreover, she, who was being chased by the police, could not openly recruit prostitutes.However, after all, Cao Yun has been hanging out in the market for so many years, with the help of her friends, she can live in peace for the time being.In addition to using her body to repay her cronies, she also frantically recruited prostitutes and transported drugs through friends' private channels during this period, all in order to quickly save a large sum of money.

She wasn't afraid of going to jail, but wanted to fight to the death.She didn't know if her younger brother would kill him, she hoped that she could think of a way to save her brother's life, no matter how much money she spent, she would not hesitate.

Not long after, good news came that my brother escaped from prison!
The good news did not last for two days, and the bad news came again. His younger brother Cao Gang was burned to death after his genitals were circumcised in an experimental area of ​​the Construction Engineering Research Institute.And the bastard who killed his brother was actually regarded as a hero by netizens, and even gave him the nickname "Ghost Rider".

The only light in Cao Yun's world was completely extinguished at this moment.

In this world, Cao Yun has no reason to continue living.

But she didn't want to simply end her life like that.She was too young to do anything when her parents disappeared.Now, she can at least "do something" for her dead brother.

She silently made a list in her heart.

On the list are the two informants in Cao Gang's dormitory.Every time she went to school to deliver something to Cao Gang, she enthusiastically brought them delicious food and helped them clean the entire dormitory, hoping that they would take good care of her brother for her.They agreed every time with a smile, and then looked at themselves from head to toe with a smile.After her younger brother killed someone, she once cried and told herself that life in college was not as glamorous as she imagined.She hated her brother for telling herself so late, and she hated those two classmates who were always smiling even more.They should have died, not her brother.

"Then let them die." Cao Yun thought.After all, this is not the first time she has killed for her brother.

Seeing the blood gushing out from the carotid arteries of the two boys, Cao Yun felt the pleasure for the first time in her life. The exhilarating feeling made her linger so much that she even left her blood fingerprints on the scene.

After killing her brother's two college roommates, she went into hiding again with the help of cronies and continued to support herself with money from whoring.

Because she still has one thing to do - kill the last person on the list, the "Ghost Rider".

This matter is difficult, and she doesn't know how to start.What's more, now that the public security department has issued a Class A arrest warrant for her, she can't show up in public at all.So, how can we fulfill the unfulfilled long-cherished wish?

As long as this long-cherished wish is fulfilled, she can choose to go to the underworld to reunite with her brother at any time.

Until yesterday, she finally waited for an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an opportunity that came to her.

In just one cigarette, Cao Yun went through his 24 years of life as if playing a movie in his mind.She smiled wryly and snuffed out the cigarette butt between her fingers. Amidst the fat man's loud snoring, she took out a small note from the pocket of her dress.

The above is the contact information of that person, Cao Yun believes that that person will not be a liar.

(End of this chapter)

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