Chapter 3 Letters
He that has no friend, and no enemy is one of the vulgars; and without talents, powers or energy.
A Letter of Apology
Dear Xiaoming,

Are you still angry with me? Please accept my sincere apology and forgive me.
Yesterday when I saw the pen which looked the same as mine on your desk, I thought it was mine. So I became very angry, because I thought you took it out of my bag without my permission. Though you said it was yours, I didn't believe you. I said something rude to you and hurt your feelings. After school when I got home and found my pen lying on my desk. I was overcome with regret.
Now I am using this pen that caused quarrel to write to you and say “Sorry” to you.
Please forgive me!

All the best to you!

Yours ever,

Li Lei
The structure of this letter is reasonable, the sentence structure is rich, and many more complex syntax and grammar are used.The following points are worthy of reference for readers.

1. Carefully analyzing the first sentence in the second paragraph, it can be found that the sentence contains a time adverbial clause guided by when, an attributive clause guided by which to modify the pen, and the phrase looked the same as mine is also used very much precise.

2. Due to yesterday, when, so, though, after in the second paragraph, the proper use of the now conjunction in the third paragraph makes the full text cohesive and smooth.

A Letter of Thanks
Dear Sam,

On my sixth birthday, I felt so happy to receive a present, an English dictionary from you! Thank you, my dearest American friend.
I feel happy that recently I have made some progress in English. The dictionary comes at a good time, for I will learn more English words besides grammar. This is an EnglishEnglish dictionary, and all the words are explained in simple and easy English. am sure that with the help of the dictionary, I can learn English better.
Thank you very much for the birthday card you sent me. Winter is here now, I sincerely hope that you will come to China next summer. I will show you around our city. It is now one of the most beautiful cities in China.
Well, I must stop now. Please write me and tell me more about your life there.
I hope our friendship will be evergreen!


Although the English expression is simple, the expression of emotion is real and moving.The letter is divided into 4 paragraphs, the first paragraph expresses thanks, the second paragraph expresses love for this dictionary and its role, the third paragraph expresses thanks again and invites the other party to visit, and the fourth paragraph is a courtesy speech.Very complete and decent.The time to write this letter is Dec. 1. The author wrote in the letter: Winter is here now, it seems very appropriate, and then I sincerely hope that you will come to China next summer. It seems more comfortable and smooth, and Please write me is also a typical American English sentence.

A Letter to Grandmother
Dear Grandma,

How are you? I miss you very much.
Although we ve been separated only for a month, I feel it has been a year. When I am lying in bed, your face appears in front of me with a smile and I hear your voice saying, “Lili, you must study hard and often write and tell me something about yourself.” At that moment, I wished I could fly to you and call you “Grandma!”

Now, we ve been busy with our lessons. The most important subjects are Chinese, maths and English. You must think we ve tired. No, you re wrong. Our teachers always have some very extraordinary ways of making their lessons interesting. For example , our Chinese teacher has a new way. Each time before the class is over, we are given a few minutes to talk about some news. In this way, it not only makes the lesson lively but also makes the students aware of some news which they didn't know. So don't worry about my studies, I will do my best.
About two weeks ago, I became an announcer for our school. I m trying my best to practices my Putonghua every day in order to broadcast well.
When I m at home, I help mother do the housework. She often says with a smile, “I have a good daughter. I m very happy.” Grandma, are you happy for me?

OK, got to stop here. I must go to bed now. I hope you can come back very soon. Wish everything goes well.
Long life for you.
Your dear granddaughter
The author reported his study and life to his grandmother in the form of a letter from home.The writing is fluent and has a clear logical level, reflecting the author's solid basic English skills.

Forgive Me, Mum
Dear Mum,

Excuse me for writing to you and not speaking to you in person, because I still don t have enough courage to tell you face to face a secret which has been in my mind for many days. Do you remember that afternoon three days ago? That day, you let me wash the clothes as you felt very tired. But I refused. You were angry and criticized me. I hated you at the time. So when you were out, I cut your prized pleated skirt. That evening, when you took out the pleated skirt, I was very much afraid what I had done would be found out. So I pretended to be very sad and told you that the pleated skirt got torn through washing. When you heard the news you did not reproach me , but I saw your eyes were wet.
Three days passed. Whenever I thought that the pleated skirt was the only pretty one you had, I felt a prick of conscience. In the past three days, you ve shown loving care for me and never minded my bad temper. with a lingering disease, and you have changed a lot. Every time I see the pleated skirt which is still lying in the drawer and gaze at your aged face, I feel very sorry—Mum, forgive me, please.
Your sweetheart
Letters can help us express thoughts that we cannot express in person. Afang felt ashamed of his mother and didn't have the courage to admit it face to face, so letters became the best means of communication.Since it is between mother and daughter, the writing style is more casual, the address is more intimate, the feelings are real, and the words are appropriate.The use of certain languages ​​is in place, and the comments are as follows:

(1) The present perfect tense should be used for secrets that have been hidden for many days.The author pays good attention to the tense.

(2) The infinitive omits to as the object complement after let. This obvious usage should be accumulated more in normal times.

(3) If the clothes are torn, use a tear. Break generally refers to the breaking of a whole into several components. through expresses the reason here.

A Letter to a Pen Friend
Dear John,

My teacher Mr Alan Roberts has given me your name and address and has suggested that I write a letter to you. He said that you d like to have a penfriend in China.
My name is Xiao Feng. I shall be 18 in December. I am studying at a key middle school in Lianyungang Harbor. At the same time I m learning English form the radio. But my English is still rather poor and I hope I can improve it by writing to you.
I live on the campus but on Saturdays I go home to spend the weekends with my family. My father is a teacher and my mother works in a large department store. I have a brother who is just finishing primary school.
I am interested in sports. I play table tennis, basketball and football. I also do a lot of cycling.
What are your hobbies? Mr Roberts said that in Australia people play cricket a lot. Do you play? Please tell me what it is like.
I m looking forward to hearing from you. Please write soon.
Yours sincerely,

Xiao Feng
This is a letter to a stranger, hoping to make a pen pal.Since the two parties have never met, the writing style must be more formal, organize the content of the letter from the purpose of writing the letter, and introduce yourself as comprehensively as possible in concise words.In this way, on the one hand, it saves the other party's time, and on the other hand, it allows the other party to know more about themselves, so as to decide whether to establish a pen pal relationship.In short, the primary task of a letter is to accomplish the purpose of communication, around the purpose, choose appropriate words and determine the degree of intimacy of the text.

A Letter to a Friend
June 1st, 1995
Dear Peter,

We re so glad you re coming to join us on Sunday. Here is how you can find us. We ll have our picnic in the People s park. You know where that is , don t you? After you enter the park by the main gate, walk straight on until you come to a stream. Cross the stream and turn right. After walking for a while you will come to a hill. Walk round to the other side of the hill. There you ll see a lake. We ll have our picnic there in the small woods by the lake. I m sure you ll have no trouble finding us. Do come!

This is a letter between friends, which saves a lot of polite words and tells the friends directly where they are looking, so a lot of imperative sentences are used.Directly explain the purpose of writing the letter at the beginning of the letter, and make sure that you have made it very clear at the end, so that the other party should be able to find the destination without any effort, so that the article is coherent and echoed from beginning to end.The words are concise, the language is concise, and the sentence length and structure vary.

A Letter to a Friend
Dear Zhang,

Hi! My name is Ruth. I am 18, and in the High school. I got your name through the Student Letter Exchange, and I would like to be your penpal. What is China like? I am very interested to know. I hope to travel there someday. Where in China is your city? My city, Morton, is in the state of Illinois. It is very near to the larger city of Peoria.
What are your talents and hobbies? I like to play soccer and basketball. I also play the piano and the oboe. I like music very much.
What music do you like? I like all kinds, except for American country music and rap. What is your school like? My school is for seventh and eighth grade students, and it runs 5 days a week. My favorite subjects are history, algebra, and science. What are your favorite subjects in school?

Please write to me soon, and tell me about yourself.
Your friend,

The main points of this article are complete, well-organized, and a lot of grammatical structures and vocabulary are used.When writing a letter to a pen pal for the first time, you should use general interrogative sentences and special interrogative sentences to ask the other party about the situation, and also introduce the relevant personal situation in detail.

A Letter to a Friend
Dear Mr Deng Yi,

I m glad to have received your money and books. Now I can go to school again. I m very happy and grateful to you for your help and let me say “Thank you very much”. I have been studying hard since I went back to school. I have made much progress in my studies. My teacher often praises me for it and my parents always encourage me to study hard. I have made up my mind to study harder and make even greater progress in the future.
I m looking forward to seeing you, but I have no chance to go to Beijing. Would you please enclose a photo of yours in the next letter?

Best wishes!

Your friend,

This exercise is in the form of a letter. The tense and voice used in the article are correct, the words are accurate, and the feelings are sincere, expressing the sincere feelings of a boy who is out of school.The end of the letter is well written, in line with the idiomatic expressions in English, which reflects the author's profound basic language skills and has really learned a relatively authentic English.

A Letter to a Friend
Dear Jim,

The bearer of this note, Mr. Bao Ming, plans to be in New York for about a month. Besides being a personal friend of mine , he is radio director of a number of to pranking show; and knowing how interested you are in radio advertising, I m sure you ll enjoy meeting him.
I have long wanted you and Bao Ming to know each other, and I m glad of this opportunity to bring you together. I ll appreciate anything you can do to make Bao Ming s stay in New York more enjoyable—and I know he will, too.
With kindest regards to you and Ellen.
cordially yours,

The language of this paper is fluent.Use more grammar knowledge and have solid basic skills.At the end, a series of kind words are used to express gratitude to the recipient.

A Letter to a Newspaper
Dear editor,

We all know that frogs are beneficial animals. They can eat plenty of insects each year. When I was very young, I still remember that there were many frogs in the fields and the crops grew quite well. a problem, "Do we really treat them kindly?"

A few days ago, I saw many peanuts catching frogs in the fields. I wondered what they did this for. Then I came to a restaurant in front of which there was a sign read “Buy frogs at a high price”. I understood this now! Those people caught frogs to make money. I think if this continues, our fields would become worse and worse until the crops couldn't grow in the fields. I even dare not imagine what our world would be like.
I wish all the human beings could save our good friends—frogs.

Li Ming
The structure of the paper is clear.In the last sentence of the first paragraph, have always been thinking about a problem, the present perfect continuous tense is used appropriately.

A Letter to a Good Friend
June 8, 2003
Dear Xu Haiqiong,

How are you? Recently I have noticed that you are unhappy because you can t afford famous brands of shoes and clothes as your classmates do. Here I will present my point of view on this matter.
It is understandable that you don t want to be looked down upon, but famous brands of clothes and shoes are too expensive to buy. Actually, it s not your family s or your classmates fault but due to your own belief. In my opinion, the value of life is not and can not be reflected by what somebody wears. Brands are not important for us students. After all, the main task of us is to study well. We can win respect when we study hard and are ready to help others. Don t pay so much attention to clothes and then I m sure you will get less upset and be happy soon.
best wishes.
Yours sincerely,

This article is a letter of comfort, the author writes in a reasonable and appropriate language.The subject clause is properly used and the structure is clear, which is a highlight of the score. Words such as "due to" are used appropriately. "The value of life is not and can not", the language is flexible and natural, which is a highlight of this article.

Monitor Election
Dear Harry,

How are things going on?

Last Monday our class held a monitor election. This was our first election, so everyone was excited. Two of my classmates, Liu Dong and Wang Hong, took part in the election. They each gave a speech telling us what they would do when they were elected. Then we voted for the monitor. The result was 28 to 15 in Wang Hong s favor. Wang Hong became our new monitor. The whole class cheered for her, and she promised to do the best she could for us all.
Best wishes!

Li Hua
The full text uses simple sentence patterns, but can accurately express all the main points of the content.

1. The correct use of the non-predicate verb telling us is a bright spot.

2. The use of fixed phrase structures such as take part in, vote for, in one s favor, cheer for, promise to do, etc. makes the expression more appropriate.

3. The use of fixed sentence patterns do the best sb.could for sb.else adds a lot of color to the article.

Foreign Teachers Wanted
Dear Harry,

Not long before you asked me to find a job for you in Beijing. Now I've got some good news for you.
Since the Education Department of the Ladder Company is running an English course for children and adults, they need a foreign teacher badly. Applicants who have won a university degree in education or related field will be preferred. You are a native English speaker, which is your advantage over others. If you are interested, you can call them by 861063719568 or write an email to get more detailed information. And before interiewed you must show your foreign export certification.

Can properly use complex structures such as attributive clauses, adverbial clauses and non-predicate verbs.The expression is accurate and the writing is fluent.

English letters are roughly divided into two categories: personal letters and business letters.The former usually refers to letters between individuals; the latter refers to letters between units or units or individuals for contacting work, mainly including business letters, cover letters, recommendation letters, invitations, etc.

An English letter usually includes 6 parts: letterhead, address inside the letter, title, body, conclusion and signature. Their positions in the letterhead are indicated as follows:


address in the letter;



ending greetings;

(1) letterhead (heading)
The letterhead refers to the address of the writer and the date of writing.Letterhead should be written in the upper right corner of the letterhead.Write the address first, then the date.The second order is: house number and street name, county, province (state, county), country name.

Write the date of writing the letter below the address.Dates can be written with either ordinal or cardinal numbers, before or after the month, and a comma before the year.Such as: 9(th) July, 2003 or July 9(th), 2003.

(2) Inside address (inside address)
The address in the letter refers to the name and address of the recipient.It is located in the upper left corner of the letterhead, starting from the top box on the left slightly below the first and second lines of the date of writing.Write your name and title first, then your address.The format is the same as that of the writer's address.

(3) Appellation (salutation)
The title refers to the title of the recipient, which should be written on the line below the letterhead, usually beginning with Dear or My dear.Such as: Dear Mum/Dear Wang Bin.To an unknown person usually use Dear Sir or Dear Madam.A comma "," is usually used after the title.

(4) Text (body)
The body of the letter is the most important part of the letter.Indent the first line of each paragraph 4 or 5 letters to the right.

(5) Conclusion (complimentary close)
The conclusion is on a separate line and written at the bottom right of the text.Formal transactional letters often use Yours sincerely/Yours truly and so on.Personal letters are more casual, according to the relationship between yourself and the recipient, use Yours/Lovely yours, etc.Note that a comma "," is often used after the conclusion.

(6) Signature
Signature refers to the writer's own signature, which is generally located on the line below the concluding remarks.If you use a typewriter, in addition to typing your name, you must also sign it with your own hand, which is especially important for business letters or official documents.

(End of this chapter)

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