Chapter 12 The third day (3)
In actual sales, many salespeople don't like to listen, so they naturally cannot communicate with customers smoothly, which affects the effect of sales.Through careful listening, the thoughts of the salesperson and the customer can penetrate and integrate with each other, and gradually the cohesion will gather, and the customer will pour out their inner problems, ideas, opinions and requirements to you without reservation.

When Joe Gillard was selling cars, once a customer came in to look at the car. When Joe Girard asked the customer in detail what style, price, and payment he wanted, he thought he was sure of the deal The client is gone, so he talks to the client, they talk about work, career, family, children.The client talked about how his child went to high school, and his grades were a little bit bad, and how he educated the child.As a result, the client kept talking about the child. Joe Girard was distracted at the time, thinking about how to sell his car later, and what car equipment and equipment he wanted the client to buy. After talking about the child, the client was very happy, so he said Mr. Joe Gillard, I had a great time talking to you. I decided to buy a car from you.Joe Girard then placed an order, and then prepared to hand over the car. After all the contracts were completed, Joe Girard seemed very relaxed, so he chatted with the customer again: "Mr. , how old is your child?" The client was taken aback when he heard this, and thought: I have just talked with him for so long about my child, and now you ask me how old is my child, it seems that you did not listen carefully to my speech , you just pretended to listen to me.The customer said: "Mr. Joe Girard, let me think about it again, and I may come to buy your car when I think about it." Did you regret it once before you bought it?

A few years later, a client told Joe Girard that when I told you how long my baby was, you asked me how old my baby was at the end.You showed me disrespect by not intending to listen to me, and of course I wouldn't buy your car.Joe Girard learned a profound lesson from that time, and learned a lesson completely.

By listening, salespeople can get effective information, and can innovate accordingly to promote the final transaction.The best salesperson is not necessarily the best speaker.God gave us two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more and speak less.Being good at listening is the most basic quality of an excellent salesperson.

In the sales process, most salespeople prefer to "speak" rather than "listen", especially inexperienced salespeople who think that only "speaking" can persuade customers to buy, but the needs and expectations of customers are Obtained by "listening".How can a salesperson meet the expectations of getting an order if he doesn't know the expectations of the customers!

Generally speaking, salespeople should pay attention to the following points when using listening skills:
[1] Pay attention to the hidden words of customers.The salesperson should pay special attention to the obscure and ambiguous language of the customer, and record it, question the customer seriously, and observe the accompanying actions. Maybe he deliberately uses difficult language to divert your sight and thinking.

[2] The concentration of listening.Eliminate distractions as much as possible, concentrate, and listen to the client's statement with an open attitude and serious thinking.

[3] It is necessary to carefully analyze the intention and viewpoint implied in the customer's discourse, and sort out the key points.

In short, being good at listening is the first step in understanding customer needs.Sales is not about "chattering" or "talking", but about listening with more energy.It is very important to be good at listening and collecting relevant information that is conducive to the transaction.As a salesperson, you need to know that sometimes listening is more important than talking.

Accept customers' complaints humbly and solve the problems one by one

Only by understanding customers' "complaints", accepting customers' "complaints" with an open mind, and actively solving customer "complaints" can we better establish our own image in future sales, control the market, and achieve a win-win situation.

In the sales process, customers' complaints about sales staff and products often arise from the contradiction between demand and satisfaction.The customer's purpose has not been achieved, and the customer's wish has not been realized, so the salesperson or the company will be blamed through the dissatisfaction in emotion, language and action.

According to survey data, an unsatisfied customer will tell 10 people about his dissatisfaction, and 20% of them will tell 20 people.According to this algorithm, 10 dissatisfied customers will create 120 dissatisfied new prospective customers, and its destructive power cannot be underestimated.70% of customers will continue to buy if their complaints are handled well, and 95% of customers will continue to buy if they can be resolved on the spot.

Experts who study consumer psychology and behavior point out that complaining customers will "care more about the company's attitude in handling complaints, rather than the results of the handling."When the company's attitude in handling complaints makes customers feel sincere, "customers are sometimes really generous".

A client bought a suit from the store, but he was very dissatisfied with the suit: the color would fade and stain his shirt collar.He took the dress to the store, found the salesperson who sold it, and tried to explain what happened.But the salesperson interrupted him.

"We sold thousands of sets of these clothes," the salesperson stated, "and you are the first person to come to your door and complain about the poor quality of the clothes." His tone seemed to say, "You are lying, you are trying to frame Let's see if I don't give you some color."

While the two were arguing, a second salesperson walked in and said, "All dark dresses fade when you first wear them. There's nothing you can do about it. Especially at this price because they're all dyed."

The customer was very angry because he felt that the first salesperson doubted his honesty, and the second salesperson said that he bought a low price.At this time, he was in a panic, and when he was about to have a big fight with the two salesmen, the manager of the store came out.His approach changed the mood of the client, turning an irritated client into a satisfied one.

In fact, the manager didn't say a word, but listened patiently to the client.When the customer finished speaking and the two salespeople started to make their point again, the manager contradicted the two salespeople.Not only did he point out that the customer's collar was indeed stained by a faded garment, but he also emphasized that the store should not sell products that displease customers.Later, he admitted that he didn't know what was wrong with the suit, and said directly to me: "What do you want to do? I'll do what you say."

The customer who was angry a few minutes ago now responds, "I want to hear your opinion. I want to know, will this suit stain the collar again in the future? Can you think of something else?" The manager advises him Wear it for another week, if the color still fades and you are not satisfied, I will help him change another set of clothes.

And just like that, the customer left the store satisfied. After 7 days, the clothes were no longer fading, and since then, he has completely trusted the store.

But when complaints really happen, facing the emotional performance of customers, it is actually very difficult for the salesperson to maintain a peaceful mind to understand the customer's mood and deal with the customer's excessive behavior. This requires the salesperson to establish correct With a strong outlook on life, strong willpower, a certain amount of patience and the spirit of self-sacrifice, listen to customers' explanations, avoid verbal conflicts, and calm down customer complaints.Sales staff have a good attitude, which is the prerequisite for handling customer complaints well.

Moreover, in the face of customer complaints, salespeople must learn to listen patiently, do not easily interrupt the customer's narrative, let alone criticize the customer's shortcomings, but encourage customers to pour out and let them vent their dissatisfaction. After the customer confides and complains, when the customer is satisfied with venting, he can naturally listen to the salesperson's explanation and apology.Therefore, in order to better solve the problems encountered by customers, salespersons must listen patiently to customers' complaints.

Ms. Zhang bought a fully automatic washing machine.At the time of delivery, the washing machine passed the test run in the store.However, after the washing machine was moved home, it failed to refill water after the first wash. Ms. Zhang hurried to the mall to find a salesperson. A washing machine worth more than 2000 yuan is not easy, and it breaks as soon as it enters the house. Is your product quality up to par?” At this time, the first thing the salesperson did was to listen patiently to Ms. Zhang’s complaints, and let Ms. Zhang express her dissatisfaction. Let it out.

After figuring out the reason, the salesperson said to Ms. Zhang, "I can come to your house and find out what went wrong for you." As a result, the salesperson found that it was caused by two operational errors.After the salesperson helped the customer with after-sales service, Ms. Zhang was not only very grateful, but also a little guilty.

Only when the salesperson listens carefully to the customer's complaint can he discover the substantive reason.Most of the general customer complaints are venting, and the emotions are unstable. Once a dispute occurs, it will only add fuel to the fire and be counterproductive.The principle of really dealing with customer complaints is: at the beginning, you must listen to the customer's complaints patiently, avoid arguing with them, and listen patiently to the reason why he said the matter first.

At the same time, when customers complain, no matter what the customer's attitude is, no matter whether the customer has misunderstood or not, the salesperson should not dispute with the customer, let alone argue, but should show that he attaches importance to the problem, expresses understanding from the customer's point of view and shows positive attitude. problem-solving attitude.

Grasp the scale of polite words
The quicker a salesperson can "bond" with a customer, the better the chances of selling the product.The best way is to chat with customers and say some polite words.

For salespeople, the sales process is a process of actively communicating with people.Just because it is proactive, it is inevitable that some customers will be deliberately left out by customers who do not want to buy things.

Once, Luo Juan, a salesperson, was waiting for a client outside his office. Since she didn't make an appointment in advance, the client's secretary knew that she was a salesperson, so she didn't tell her the boss's work schedule.At the same time, in order to prevent Luo Juan from asking her to do this, she deliberately did not say anything to Luo Juan, and deliberately left Luo Juan cold, hoping that Luo Juan would leave voluntarily when she felt that she was not interested.

At this moment, Luo Juan suddenly noticed a thick best-selling book on the secretary's desk.So, she asked the secretary, "Have you read this best-selling book?" The secretary replied, "Yes!" She asked again, "Do you think this book is interesting?"

She said bluntly: "It's not interesting at all! But it's almost over."

"I also read this book, not because of interest at all, but just to learn knowledge. This kind of thinking is really helpless, just like my current job. In addition, let me recommend a few interesting and worth learning books to you .” Luo Juan opened up the chatterbox again.

The secretary replied: "Why do you think the same as I do? It seems that we still have very similar views in some places. Oh, by the way, I just checked the boss's schedule, and he will be there at half past three o'clock this afternoon. hours."

Many times, the reason why customers do this is just to convey a message of "I'm not interested in your product" or "I don't want to buy your stuff at all" by snubbing the salesperson.This snubbing method seems to be difficult to crack, because even if the customer directly rejects, he will still communicate with us. As long as there is communication, the salesperson has many opportunities to complete the sales process from "refusal to acceptance".However, what should you do with a customer who completely refuses to communicate?At this time, polite words play its positive role.

Resolving the situation of being left out and saying some polite words that customers are interested in are the basic skills that a salesman should master. You must know that if a salesman retreats just because he is left out, he will definitely not become a successful salesman. By.

Sometimes, the purpose of the conversation is to communicate the emotions with the customer and increase the interest of both parties.In most cases, salespeople communicate with strangers. In order to reach a consensus with strangers, polite words are absolutely necessary. However, too many polite words just stand in the way between the two parties. If the wall is not removed, people can only do very simple perfunctory work through the wall.

After a month of training, Mr. Mike of a certain company has learned some sales knowledge. On the first day of Mike's marketing position, he will visit his first customer in his life.During the training, Mike knew that he must be polite when meeting customers, and in order to increase the intimacy with customers, he must say some polite words on the scene.After careful preparation, he knocked on the client's door.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" A middle-aged man opened the door.

Mike replied politely: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Anderson? I'm Mike, nice to meet you." Then, Mike stretched out his hand.The host shook hands politely, and asked again: "It's a pleasure to meet you, but what can you do with me?"

"I'm really sorry for interrupting you, and I'm very sorry for taking up your rest time. Can you forgive me?"

"Oh, never mind. What can you do?"

Mike glanced at the furnishings in the house through the open door, and deliberately praised: "Looking at the furnishings in your house, you can tell that you are a person who can live, am I right?"

"Thank you for your compliment, but what's the matter with you?" The host became very impatient, and the kettle in the house beeped, telling him that the water was boiling.

"Well, thank you again for taking the time to talk to me so much, I really appreciate it. Actually, I want to take a little more time for you to talk about it"

"Enough!" said the host very anxiously, "You have delayed me enough!" Then, the door was closed with a "bang".Mike was dumbfounded and didn't understand what was going on. Could it be because he was not polite enough to customers?
(End of this chapter)

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