Chapter 16 The Fourth Day (3)
[1] Salespeople should not directly ask questions that customers cannot answer.Put an end to the use of sarcastic, cross-examination, and interrogation-style questions.

[2] The salesperson should not intentionally embarrass the customer, and cannot ask hostile or threatening questions, let alone accusatory questions.

[3] Ask questions at your usual speaking speed.If the salesperson asks questions too quickly, it is easy for customers to think that you are impatient or holding an interrogation attitude; if the salesperson asks questions too slowly, it is easy for customers to feel bored and have no sense of time.

[4] When asking questions, the salesperson should be humble, have a kind tone, and cooperate with facial expressions, gestures, and body postures.

[5] Sales staff start with broad questions and then move to specific questions will help shorten the communication time.

[6] The salesperson should neither let go of the problems that the customer wants to avoid, nor stalk them, let alone offend the taboo of the customer, but can carefully understand some hints from the customer.

[7] When raising sensitive questions, the salesperson should explain the reason for asking the question to show respect for the customer and avoid trouble and embarrassment at the same time.

[8] All the salesperson's questions must revolve around a central topic, and try to design questions based on the answer to the previous question.

[9] The salesperson's questioning method must be suitable for the questioning object.If the customer is frank and honest, the question should be concise; if the customer is picky and kind, the question should be thoughtful; if the customer is impatient, the question should be tactful; if the customer is serious, the question should be serious;

Ask the most critical questions when customers are least defensive

When the customer's defensive psychology is the weakest, sell to them straight to the point, catch them by surprise, and then "take advantage of the vacancy" to persuade them in detail.

Consider this scene:

The doorbell rang, and a well-dressed man stood on the steps of the gate. When the owner opened the door, the man asked, "Sir, do you have a high-end vacuum cleaner in your home?" The man was stunned.The sudden question left the host at a loss as to how to answer it.He turned to discuss with his wife, who was a little embarrassed but very curious and replied: "We have a vacuum cleaner at home, but it's not particularly high-end." The salesman immediately replied: "I have a very high-end vacuum cleaner here." As he spoke, he took out a high-end vacuum cleaner from his bag.

Then, it goes without saying, that the salesperson's sales are successful.

If the salesperson changes his way of speaking and starts to say: "Hello, I am the salesperson of ×× company. I am here to ask if you are willing to buy a new type of food mixer." What will be the sales effect of speaking?
Generally speaking, when the customer's defense is weakest, the salesperson can be caught off guard in the following ways, and then "take advantage of the situation" to persuade him in detail:

[1] Induce curiosity.

At the beginning of the meeting with the customer, the salesperson directly explains the situation or asks the customer, deliberately speaks something that can arouse their curiosity, and leads their thoughts to the benefits you may provide him.

For example, hand a note to a customer who has refused to see him many times, and it says: "Can you give me 10 minutes, please? I want to ask your opinion on a business problem." The customer's curiosity - what questions does he want to ask me?At the same time, it also satisfied his vanity - he asked me for advice!In this way, the result is obvious, and salespeople are invited into the office.

However, when the questioning method of inducing curiosity becomes close to gimmick, there is often little benefit from using this method, and once the client finds out that he has been deceived, all your plans will fall through.

Therefore, salespeople should use moderation when using methods that arouse customers' curiosity.

[2] Continuous affirmation method.

The salesperson needs to find a way to let the customer answer "yes" to a series of questions raised by him in a row, and then, when the order is required to be signed, a favorable situation has been created so that the customer can give another positive answer.

For example, if a salesperson wants to find a source of customers and calls a customer without saying hello in advance, it can be said like this:

"It would be nice to have a chat with you, it must be important to you to improve your company and your sales, isn't it?"

[Few would say "it doesn't matter"];

"Okay, I want to introduce you to our × product, which will help you reach your goals and make your life easier. You really want to reach your goals, don't you?"


This allows customers to "yes" to the end.

Using the continuous affirmation method requires salespeople to have accurate judgment and quick thinking.Every question should be carefully thought out, especially pay attention to the structure of the dialogue between the two sides, so that the customer can give an affirmative answer along the intention of the salesperson.

[3] "Learn the words according to the words" method.

Using this method, we must first affirm the customer's opinion, and then, on the basis of the customer's opinion, say what we want to say by asking questions.

For example, after some persuasion, the customer can't help but say: "Well, we really need this product at the moment." At this time, the salesperson should take the opportunity to say: "Yes, if you feel that using our product will save you a lot of money." The company's time and money, so how long will it take to close the deal?" In this way, it will be a matter of course.Without pretentiousness, customers will buy it naturally.

[4] Use the hedgehog effect.

The characteristic of the "hedgehog" response is that you use a question to answer the question raised by the customer.You use your questions to control your conversation with the client, directing the conversation to the next step in the sales process.

Let's take a look at the "hedgehog" reactive questioning method:

Customer: "Is there any cash value in this policy?"

Salesperson: "Does the question of whether an insurance policy has cash value matter to you?"

Customer: "Absolutely not. I just don't want to pay any extra amount for cash value."

For this client, if you just sell him cash value, you will push yourself into the river and sink to the bottom.The person doesn't want to pay for the cash value because he doesn't want the cash value to be an interest.At this time, you should explain to him the meaning of the term cash value and raise his awareness in this regard.

Grasp the customer's rebellious psychology and start with negative questions

As soon as a customer reacts to something a salesperson says or does, many salespeople are trained to immediately go into objection-handling mode, believing that if the objection can be resolved, the client's rebellion will go away.

Around us, almost everyone will have rebellious psychology, but the degree is different.Reverse psychology is a fairly common instinctive mechanical reaction.Rebellion does not mean bad behavior. Some people have good intentions, but at the same time they are the most active rebels.

When contacting customers for the first time, customers are often wary. If you just blindly emphasize how good and practical your own products are at this time, customers will be more vigilant and refuse to accept because they are afraid of being deceived.

Mr. Kou's private car has been used for many years, and it often breaks down. He decided to buy a new car. This news was learned by a car sales company, so many salesmen came to sell cars to him.

Every salesman who came to Mr. Kou introduced in detail how good the performance of his company's car was and how suitable it was for a big boss like him. , you can’t use it anymore, or you will lose your identity.” Such words undoubtedly made Mr. Kou feel particularly disgusted and unhappy.

The constant visits by the salesmen made Mr. Kou feel very irritable, and at the same time increased his defensiveness. He thought: These people are just trying to sell their cars, and they also say some nasty things. Will be deceived!
A few days later, another car salesman came to visit. Mr. Kou thought, no matter what he said, I would not buy his car.But the salesman just said to Mr. Kou: "I think your old car is not bad, at least it can be used for another year or a half. It would be a pity to change it now. I think it's better to talk about it after a while." !” After speaking, he left a business card for Mr. Kou and left voluntarily.

The salesperson's words and deeds were completely different from Mr. Kou's imagination, and his previous psychological defense suddenly lost its meaning, so his rebellious psychology gradually disappeared.He still felt that he should buy a new car for himself.So, a week later, Mr. Kou took the initiative to call the salesperson and ordered a new car from him.

Rebellious psychology sometimes causes customers to refuse to buy products, and on the contrary, it sometimes prompts them to actively buy products.Just as the salesperson in the case started from the opposite way of thinking, he eliminated Mr. Kou's rebellious psychology towards the salesperson, so that he could actively buy his own products.

The main cause of customers’ rebellious psychology is antagonism, because customers usually have a vigilant mentality towards the visiting salesperson and instinctively distrust them. In this case, the better the salesperson speaks about their products, the more customers feel Unbelievable; the more enthusiastic the salesperson is, the more customers feel that he is hypocritical, just to cheat his own money.

Generally speaking, the reverse psychology of customers often manifests in the following forms:
[1] The attitude is arrogant and rude.No matter what the salesperson says, the customer will respond with a line, "I know", which means, I know everything, and you don't need to introduce it at all.

[2] flatly refused.In the process of the salesperson introducing the product to the customer, the customer will firmly say: "This product is not suitable for me, I don't need it."

[3] Rebuttal.Sometimes, customers will deliberately object to the salesperson's rhetoric, so that the salesperson will quit.

[4] Respond in silence, without expressing any opinions.During the process of introducing and persuading the customer with painstaking efforts by the sales staff, the customer remained silent and had a very cold attitude.

In the actual sales process, many salespersons do not understand the rebellious psychology of customers. They always introduce products one-sidedly and eloquently, regardless of customers' feelings. As a result, they can only be rejected by customers again and again.So, what should the salesperson do to reduce the customer's rebellious psychology as much as possible?
[1] Switch positions at the right time.

One way to reduce the rebellious psychology of a rebellious client is to shift your position so that you get exactly the answer you want.For example, you can ask questions like: "Is it a coincidence that I came here?" "Is it bothering you?"The answer to each of the above questions seems to be negative, so the customer's rebellious psychology often makes his answer right in our arms. This technique is called position conversion.

[2] Improve your own credibility.

During sales negotiations, customers always instinctively be wary of salespeople.But generally speaking, the higher the credibility of the salesperson in the mind of the customer, the more positive the customer's attitude will be.Credibility building for salespeople should be the primary goal of the sales process, not only to deliver value, but also to reduce the risk of a failed sale.Credibility makes the relationship between customers and us more harmonious, which also reduces the probability of customers' rebellious psychology and opens the door to effective talks.People are always willing to share everything with someone they trust, and the same goes for clients, who no longer turn us away, but invite you for a deeper conversation.

[3] Minimize statements and ask more questions.

Reducing the occurrence of adverse effects starts with prevention.If salespeople can clarify and prevent things that cause others to have rebellious psychology in advance, they can often avoid their negative effects.

In the negotiation process, statements are very likely to cause adverse effects.This is because most statements usually have a clear point of view that can easily be caught and raised against.For example, the statement "The weather is good this weekend" is easily opposed by people who hold other views. The weather may be "too hot", "very windy", "it's going to rain" and so on. Our statement is opposite.

If a salesperson says to a customer, "Your boss needs to be present at next week's sales presentation," the customer may simply reply, "It's not necessary."

[4] Stimulate the curiosity of customers.

Stirring the customer's curiosity can overcome rebellion.In general, curious customers are willing to learn more about your products and services, and people are less likely to be both curious and rebellious.

We often see that when people start to be curious about something, the atmosphere of the conversation will become active. Curiosity makes people more engaged, more focused, and even their bodies will move closer to you.They ask questions to satisfy their curiosity, which is to ask for our help.Obviously, a client can't ask for your help and then push you away.

Day 3 experience

From now on, often ask yourself in the mirror: "Learn to listen!" When you feel confident in saying this sentence, use this sentence in your work and life practice.

After a month, go back and look at your results.Describe your experience clearly.

Fourth day

Design the content of questions in different stages of sales
Generally speaking, when dealing with customers, it is better to ask questions than to tell.However, it is not easy to ask weighty questions, and asking questions also requires mastering some key points.

(End of this chapter)

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