Chapter 20 The fifth day (1)
Facing different customers, learn to deal with negotiation issues correctly

Price is an important factor affecting the success of the transaction between the two parties.In the sales process, the salesperson boldly proposes an appropriate price for the price issue, uses flexible skills to persuade the customer, changes the customer's point of view, and then achieves the purpose of resolving price objections.

It is very important for the salesperson to quote and negotiate the price with the customer, and thus can set a good tone for subsequent negotiations.

Dispel the vigilance of customers

When you want to persuade a client, if the client's attitude becomes very cautious, it means that he has become defensive.At this time, you need to find a solution to dispel his mentality, and then achieve the purpose of the transaction.

According to statistics, more than half of the sales are made because of good relationships.Therefore, how to become the person that customers like and establish a good relationship with customers is very important.

Only by establishing a good relationship with customers in sales and dispelling customers' vigilance can we really do a good job in sales. In this regard, Japan's insurance sales god Ippei Hara should be a representative figure.

Yuan Yiping is about 1.5 meters tall, and his appearance is extremely ordinary. This caused many customers to be defensive when they saw him, and brought great difficulties to his sales work.Although Yuan Yiping worked very hard to visit 40 customers every day, he still failed to make a deal after several months.

Once, Yuan Yiping went to a temple to sell insurance, and the abbot of the temple said: "As you look like now, I will not buy your insurance. Your face is full of anxiety and fatigue, and there is no element of happiness. How dare I buy it?" How about buying insurance from you?"

Yuan Yiping was awakened by the old monk's words. After returning home, he immediately practiced smiling hard. For a while, because he practiced laughing on the road, passers-by mistook him for brain problems, and he was too fascinated by the practice. In the middle of the night, I often wake up laughing in my dream.

After a period of hard training, Yuan Yiping can show different emotional reactions with a smile, and can also use his own smile to make customers smile.In this way, the customer will be happy to accept him soon after seeing him.

When you want to convince a client, you will be hindered by the defensiveness of the client. This situation is unavoidable in the first meeting. However, sometimes this happens to very familiar clients. When the client finds out that you have a certain purpose When you meet with him, you will naturally feel vigilant. At this time, you are talking to a person wearing a mask, and you are separated from the customer by a mask. You can’t see his expression clearly, and you don’t know his real thoughts, so you just A good corresponding approach cannot be taken.However, if the idea of ​​further sales is abandoned because the customer is wearing a mask, then it is lost without a fight.

Customers are defensive, although it is not conducive to persuasion, but if you don’t notice the customer’s defensiveness and continue to persuade, it will become self-entertainment. The customer not only wears a mask, but also turns his back to you and locks his heart.Therefore, before persuading the client, one must carefully observe the client's words and deeds to judge whether he is defensive.

[1] Generally speaking, people who are vigilant don’t like to reveal their thoughts, and they dare not be responsible for their words and deeds, so their attitudes in greeting or speaking are cold.But sometimes, their attitude will seem straightforward. In fact, he doesn't despise you, but because he is too vigilant, his words are dull and boring, giving people the impression of being perfunctory.

[2] During the conversation, it has always been smooth and speculative, but suddenly changed his attitude and became very friendly, but said in a serious tone: "I know, I know, I know what you want to say, go back to the company Finally, I will definitely consider it carefully again", but the answer you expected came to nothing. This is the result of the customer putting on the mask during the conversation.Neurotic people also have a strong sense of vigilance. In order to cover up their vigilance, their words will become ambiguous.

[3] The customer hardly expresses an opinion, no matter what you say, his answer is just "Yes, you are very reasonable", this situation means that he is looking for your loopholes, or looking for the traps you set.

If the client does not speculate with himself, then the situation is just the opposite. Not only will the client's vigilance not disappear, but it will be strengthened.

According to the survey statistics in the United States, new employees are given [-] out of [-] to evaluate their superiors, and at the same time, they are also given [-] out of [-], allowing their bosses to evaluate their subordinates to understand the perceptions of both parties.In the end, the two experimental reports showed that the scores were very close, which means that the degree of communication between the two parties is very consistent.

In order to break through the strong psychological barriers and persuasion smoothly, the salesperson must go deep into the deep psychology of the customer, and the most important thing is to let the customer have a good first impression of themselves.

Opening quotations: "First strike" VS "Late strike"

The main content of sales negotiation is the four major items of price, delivery date, payment method and guarantee conditions, and the price factor is the focus of the negotiation.In negotiation, quotation is an indispensable central link.

In the negotiation with the customer, who should quote first?Is it quoted by the salesperson or by the customer?This issue has always been a big controversy in sales practice.

However, countless actual combat experience has shown that there are advantages and disadvantages in the issue of quotation sequence.On the plus side, being the first to quote has a particularly large impact.

For example: the salesperson quotes first, which actually sets the framework for the negotiation, and the final transaction contract will be reached within this range.Therefore, the impact of quotation first is greater than that of quotation later, and the intensity is also greater.The downside is that if the customer already has an idea of ​​the salesperson's starting point, they can revise their offer, that is, enter the counter-offer stage, and gain benefits they might not otherwise have received.

In the process of quoting, who should quote first should analyze specific issues to see whether it is beneficial to the salesperson to quote first and quote later.If the negotiation process is very intense, then the salesperson may wish to quote first to gain the initiative in the negotiation.If it is a sales negotiation in a normal atmosphere, the salesperson may wish to act according to the camera and play by ear.

When the famous American inventor Edison was working as an electrical technician in a certain company, one of his inventions was patented.

At that time, a company in the United States expressed its willingness to buy the patent right to him, and the manager of that company asked him how much he wanted.At that time, Edison thought to himself: As long as it can be sold for 5000 US dollars, it would be very good, but he didn't say it, but urged the manager to say: "You must know the value of my invention patent to your company, so the price Tell me, please!" The manager quotes, "What do you think of $40?" What else?Of course, the negotiation went smoothly without any setbacks.

As a result, Edison received an unexpected huge sum of money, which provided huge funds for future inventions and creations.

In fact, there are pros and cons to quotation first and quotation later.In the process of sales negotiation, whether to decide whether to "take the lead" or choose "to strike later" must be handled flexibly according to different situations.Usually, if you are well-prepared and know yourself and the enemy, you must try to quote first; if you are not an expert, but the customer is, then you have to hold your breath, quote later, and get more information from the customer's quotation. Correct your thinking in time; if your customer is a layman, then, no matter you are an "expert" or "layman", you must quote first, and strive to contain and induce customers.Many mature sales elites are well versed in this.

For example:
When the customer they are facing is a shrewd housewife, they will adopt the technique of quoting first, preparing the customer to lower the price.

When the customer they are facing is a young man who has no hands and feet, most of them will first ask the customer "how much" because the customer may quote a price higher than their own expectations.

When facing an old customer who has been in frequent contact with each other for a long time, the cooperation relationship between the two parties is relatively good, they understand each other, and the relationship is harmonious.In such a case, whoever quotes first is feasible for both parties.Moreover, when negotiating various contract terms, there is no need to negotiate item by item, because the previous and common practice has been confirmed by both parties, so only a few transaction conditions need to be negotiated.Because the two parties trust each other and the atmosphere of cooperation is strong, the quotation and negotiation stage is no longer a tricky process that requires repeated contests, and neither party will entangle too much on side issues, so the entire negotiation process It can be greatly accelerated, and the transaction can be successfully completed in a relatively short period of time.

In addition, as an excellent salesperson, when opening a quotation, you must not only understand the price of similar products, but also understand the price position of your own product among similar products.

When a customer directly asks for a price, try to understand the customer through the form of questions and answers.For example, the salesperson can ask the customer the quantity they need, the quality requirements they need, and whether they have any special needs.At the same time, sales staff also need to know whether the customer is a direct user or an agent.Do you need to issue an invoice, or does it include freight.When the customer is clearly understood, an appropriate quotation can be made.

When the salesperson asks the customer to bid, in fact, he asks the customer to say which price they want to purchase.There are many customers who know very well in their hearts and are only willing to pay a certain price to buy products.They may have consulted many suppliers, just want to buy low-priced products, as long as the quality is acceptable.For this type of customers, the salesperson must quote him the lowest product price after understanding their wishes. However, the salesperson must explain the disadvantages of this product so that the customer understands the price for one piece. goods.

For the above quotation methods, the sales staff should also combine them according to the specific situation of the product to achieve better results.Be aware that quotes are always improvised.

Provocative method, let customers say their psychological price

The quotation issue is a sensitive issue of great concern to both sides.Salespeople must actively grasp and take positive attitudes and effective measures in order to make the deal.

In the process of sales negotiation, sometimes the negotiating parties do not quote first due to their own plans. At this time, it is necessary for the salesperson to adopt the "aggressive method" to let the customer quote first.There are many ways to provoke generals, such as deliberately saying wrong words to extract information from customers.

Look at the following case first:
Xiao Zhang, a salesperson of a massage instrument company, encountered such a situation during a sales process:

When the customer was negotiating, he went around and refused to quote first. At this moment, Xiao Zhang suddenly said: "Oh! I know, you must want to pay 3000 yuan!" After hearing this, the customer hurriedly argued : "Why do you say that? I'm only willing to pay 2000 yuan." The customer actually quoted the price first after such an excuse, so Zhang can bargain with the customer on this basis.

The provocative method is a method to urge customers to buy products by using their competitiveness and self-esteem. When the salesperson is provocative to the customer, he should appear calm and natural, lest the customer see that you are "provoking" him.

A well-known Hong Kong couple went to a big shopping mall to buy jewelry. They were very interested in a $9 jadeite ring, but hesitated only because of the high price.

At this moment, the salesperson who had been watching the words and expressions for a long time came over. She introduced to the two guests that the wife of the president of a Southeast Asian country had seen this ring when she came to the store, and she liked it very much. buy it.Provoked by the salesperson in public, the Hong Kong couple immediately bought the emerald ring because they wanted to show that they were stronger than the president's wife.

In the price negotiation process, the salesperson wants to sell to the customer at the highest price, while the customer wants to buy the desired product at the lowest price.In this way, the two parties often have a deadlock on the price. When the negotiation reaches a certain level, the salesperson can ask for the price first, but the customer does not immediately offer the price, but asks a series of questions to the salesperson. The customer looks for possibilities in the answers of the salesperson. Opportunities arise, prepare for a bargain.

Generally speaking, most of the questions raised by customers are related to bargaining, which can be summarized as follows:

[1] What if I can order more or less?
[2] What if I can buy all your products?
[3] What if I can order from you for many years?
[4] What if I can pay in cash, late or in installments?
[5] What if I can still place an order with you in the off-season?
[6] What if I can provide technical force to you?

[7] What if I can pick up the goods myself and be exempted from your service items?
Faced with the above-mentioned sharp questions raised by customers, if the salesperson is a little careless, any question may reveal the seller's intentions.Therefore, the salesperson should treat every question of the customer carefully, and cannot answer the customer casually, so as not to let the customer catch the flaw and put himself in a passive position, or lead the two parties into a bargaining situation.

Generally speaking, the salesperson should abide by the following principles when answering the customer's rhetorical question after asking the price:

[1] Don't immediately make an estimate of the customer's inquiry.

[2] Analyze the real reasons why customers ask questions, and don't be tempted by the claims of large or small batches.

[3] Quotation is based on the condition that the customer first confirms the order quantity.

[4] Dodge questions, stall for time, and get ready for an offer.

[5] Treat the person in the same way as the person, you can throw the problem in the past, and put forward various additional conditions for the customer to consider.

In addition, good salespeople are able to tactfully avoid talking about price until the customer approves of the product.When a customer insists on knowing the price, you can ask him like this:
"Manager Liu, is price the only thing you consider when making a decision?"

"Do you only care about the price in this regard?"

You can also ask this question to bypass the price issue: "Manager Liu, don't you only consider the price factor, and don't care about product quality, company reputation and service?"

(End of this chapter)

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