Chapter 29 The Seventh Day (1)
Cleverly broker the final deal
After the customer decides to buy and reaches a transaction agreement, as a salesperson, at this time, you must not have the mentality that the great success has been accomplished, and you must not be too careless. Instead, you should confirm the transaction result. Only when both parties confirm that it means The real success of the transaction.

Without a deal, no matter how good the sales process is, it can only be romantic.In the minds of salespeople, there is no choice but to close the deal.

Capture and identify customer transaction signals
When a customer has a purchase intention, it is an appropriate opportunity for a transaction. Once the salesperson finds that the customer has a purchase intention, he must immediately try to complete the transaction, quickly induce the customer to make a purchase decision, and close the transaction at any time without hesitation.

Rice cannot be eaten until it is rancid, and soup cannot be drunk until it is cold.Gossiping, talking without point, is a big taboo in sales negotiations.If you find that the customer has the tendency to buy, you should ask for the order immediately. Once the customer's enthusiasm cools down, the transaction will become difficult.

To increase the chances of closing, the salesperson needs to do the following three things in the sales process: capture and identify the signal that the customer is ready to close the deal; grasp the right time to close the deal; use some effective closing skills at the same time, and finally make a deal.

Generally speaking, the transaction signal refers to the purchase intention revealed by the customer through words, actions, and facial expressions.Customers often do not directly state their purchase desires, but unconsciously express their attitudes and potential ideas, and can't help but send out certain transaction signals.

An accessory production company has developed a new type of accessory, which has many performance advantages over previous products, and the price is not too high.Salesperson Qian Liangliang is very hardworking and has excellent communication skills.The company asked Qian Liangliang to contact several old customers immediately, and they all became very interested.

Among them, the director of the procurement department of a company was very enthusiastic and repeatedly asked Qian Liangliang about the situation.Qian Liangliang answered in detail and patiently, and the client nodded frequently.The two sides chatted for more than two hours, which was very pleasant, but Qian Liangliang did not ask the customer for an order.He thinks that the customer's understanding of the product is not yet thorough, and he should contact him several times before placing an order.

A few days later, he contacted the customer again and added some advantages that he had missed last time. The customer was very happy and had a careful discussion with him on the price, and expressed that he would definitely buy it.Since then, the customer has contacted Qian Liangliang many times, showing sincerity.

In order to further consolidate the goodwill of the client, Qian Liangliang contacted the client again and again, and gradually established a good relationship with the principal person in charge of the client.He thought: "This list must be sure."

However, half a month later, the enthusiasm of the customers slowly decreased inexplicably.Later, the customer also found several minor problems in their product.After nearly a month of procrastination, the list that was about to arrive was scrapped.

Why did Qian Liangliang fail?Is it a lack of perseverance, poor communication, or a lack of competitiveness in the new product?neither.In fact, the key is that Qian Liangliang did not grasp the timing of the deal!
The reason why many salespeople fail to get orders is not that they don't work hard, but because they don't know how to capture and identify the customer's transaction signal.They lack confidence in their introductions and always hope to leave a more perfect impression on customers, but instead they lose a good opportunity to make a deal.

Of course, there is more than one time for a transaction, and there are many times for a transaction.However, salespeople should try to gain something at the first signal.Just like Qian Liangliang in the above example, what if he asks to place an order the first time a customer shows interest in a product?Although there is no guarantee of a 100% success rate, at least the chances are very high.

So when you think a client is ready to close, go all out!When the customer sends a transaction signal, the salesperson must immediately stop introducing the product and ask for an order.

Under normal circumstances, the following points can often be expressed as a transaction signal for customers:

[1] Ask for a price.

When the customer inquires about the price, he has actually sent out the transaction signal again.Usually, customers don't waste their time asking the price of a product if they don't want to buy it.

[2] Ask about after-sales service.

When a customer asks about the details of after-sales service, he has actually sent a second purchase signal.Only when customers really want to buy a product will they care about the after-sales service of the product.

[3] Ask for product details.

The customer asks for details about the product, and in fact he has sent a buy signal.If a customer doesn't want to buy, they usually don't waste time asking for product-related details.

[4] Ask for relevant details.

When a customer asks some questions about the product and actively discusses it, it means that he probably already has the intention to buy, and the salesperson must pay special attention at this time.

As a salesperson, you must keep in mind this sentence: the more questions customers ask, the greater the hope of closing the deal.After capturing and identifying the customer's purchase signal, the salesperson needs to grasp the timing of the order transaction in a timely manner.

Help customers make purchasing decisions by finishing the door
In the final stage of communicating with customers, we must use urging questions to help customers make up their minds.This is an ironclad rule, otherwise, your process will have to start all over again.

During the sales process, we found that many timid salespeople did a good job in the process of approaching and persuading customers, but in the end they just couldn't close the deal.what is the reason?Because they dare not urge customers, or in other words, they don't know the skills to help customers make up their minds.

The final stage of negotiating with customers is also when you help them make up their minds.But usually at this time, many people dare not urge customers to make a deal.In fact, as long as you judge that you have entered this stage, you must immediately use urging questions to promote his transaction, otherwise there will be more twists and turns.

The principle of sales is the same as that of fishing. Only by grasping the timing can we successfully get orders.The salesperson should grasp the good timing when closing the deal.More sales are lost for not proactively asking customers about their purchase intent than for any other reason.Salespersons should keep in mind: "Don't miss this opportunity, never miss it again."

So, when the customer is only a little bit determined to make a deal, how can the salesperson give him the final determination?Is it straight-forward, directly urging him to pay?Of course not, you still need some tactful methods.

Here are some common ways that salespeople can help close customers:

[1] Selection method.

Use the following questioning methods to give your customer a choice--no matter which one, he agrees to buy your product or service.You can let him make a small choice: "Do you want this or that?" Or: "Which product do you decide to want?" "Will you pay cash or credit card?"

[2] Suspense method.

If this is the case, and it is, then demonstrate the benefits of buying now:

"There's going to be a price increase this week."

"Miss, the price will rise at any time. If you act now, I will guarantee that this batch of orders will still be charged at the current price."

When salespeople use the suspense method, they should pay attention to that it is easy to lose customers if they speak inappropriately.

[3] Consultation Law.

Sometimes, the salesperson is not sure whether it is time to solicit an order from the customer, perhaps not sure whether the customer's buying signal is correctly observed.In these cases, it is best to use the solicitation method by asking:

"Miss, buying this product is very helpful to your company, isn't it?"

"Does this product, in your opinion, benefit your business?"

"Sir, if you buy this product, it must be of great help to your work."

This approach allows you to probe the "water depth" and ask for the client's opinion in a non-stressful environment.Of course, if you can get an affirmative answer, then you can fill out the order.You no longer have to rehash how to close the deal.

[4] Urge law.

You can imply that your product is very popular in the market now, and if customers don't buy it in time, they will miss it.

"Miss He, this product is selling very well. If you don't buy it now, I can't guarantee that it will be available when you need it."

At the same time hand over the order form.If the customer is really interested in your product, some columns will be added, and the sale will be successful.

[5] Start with smaller problems.

Closing a negotiation with a smaller question asks your customer to make a smaller decision rather than a big decision all at once, asking them to answer a question like "Are you ready to order?"Generally speaking, these probes may help to close the deal.Your question should be:
"Which do you think is better?"

"Do you think you took it away, or did we send it to your home?"

"I'll take it to the counter for you, do you like it?"

"If you buy it, we..."

All in all, when the salesperson has successfully persuaded the customer, let the customer reach an agreement with himself, and believes that the products he provides can meet the customer's needs, he must use various methods to make a deal and end the sale without losing the opportunity.

Break down the cost strategy to make customers feel more value for money

In the sales process, breaking down the cost of products in a timely manner can make customers feel that they are worth the money, which can greatly facilitate the transaction.

In the sales process, if the customer finds that the price he pays is greater than the value of the benefits brought by the product to help him solve the problem, it is not worth the candle. If it is worthless, then this sales activity will stop here.

However, if the customer finds that the price he pays is less than the value of the benefits brought by the product to help him solve the problem, this is very cost-effective, or even value for money.When a customer finds that every dollar he invests can bring in a profit of two or three yuan, or even a profit of more than ten yuan, then it is obvious that such a transaction should be done as soon as possible, as soon as possible, and finally reach a sales agreement with the salesperson quickly. It's a matter of course.

Comparing the investment with the income brought, if the customer finds that he only needs a small investment to exchange for a big profit, or only a small investment can solve a big pain, this breaks through the key "" "Critical point" to make customers "attracted" to your product.

Through the above discussion, it is not difficult to find that the key to determining whether a product is "excellent value for money" lies in the comparative relationship between the customer's investment and the benefits obtained.

To give an example that often happens around us:
Nowadays, it is a very popular marketing method for people to sell mobile phones through direct TV advertisements, and in almost all direct selling mobile phone programs, the price of the product will be described in this way at the end, such as "the original price of a mobile phone is 1980 yuan, the current price is only 980 yuan , an additional wireless Bluetooth headset worth 100 yuan, plus a memory card worth 50 yuan, and an original lithium battery worth 200 yuan, which is equivalent to only paying 630 yuan, and you can easily own this high-tech headset. cell phone……"

Although the so-called wireless bluetooth headset, memory card, and lithium battery may all be the standard configuration of this mobile phone, such sales methods are suspected of misleading customers, but by describing them in this way, customers can get very value-for-money. Feel.Therefore, if the products we sell really give customers a lot of additional benefits, then it can really make customers feel that they are worth more than they are worth.

In addition, let customers have the feeling of value for money, also include the following two methods:

[1] "Lower" the customer's sense of engagement.

The "reduction" here refers to the purpose of "reducing" the customer's investment feeling through some very "interesting" sales techniques under the condition that the company's reasonable selling price remains unchanged, rather than making actual profit concessions.

[2] "Enhance" the customer's benefit perception.

"Enhancing" the customer's sense of income refers to starting with "enhancing" the customer's sense of income to make customers feel "excellent value for money".We can turn the obvious problem or trouble of the customer into an urgent problem or trouble. If the customer does not solve it at this time, the consequences will be disastrous.It is equivalent to adding a pinch of salt to the customer's wound, so that the customer will feel extremely painful, and it becomes an inevitable choice to find an antidote as soon as possible.

If the salesperson can subtly "reduce" the customer's sense of investment, or can subtly "enhance" the customer's sense of return, the value equation of "value for money" can be established; Strong, which means that the greater the intensity of "value for money", the higher the chance of customers making a purchase decision.

After the agreement is reached, the customer is further locked in

In the sales process, the sales staff must consolidate the sales results to avoid customers' remorse.This requires the customer to confirm the transaction result.

For experienced customers, he will be interested in a product, but they often don't buy it right away.When the client's mood is down, when he regains his composure, he often regrets it.

Generally speaking, salespeople can use the following methods:
[1] Fill out the form to confirm.

Salespeople should be contract experts and should be able to complete a contract in seconds, even with their eyes closed.

(End of this chapter)

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