Chapter 208
Zhang Miao ordered Yu Jin to set up an array to deal with Zhang De, but he saw Yu Jin's face full of embarrassment.

Zhang Miao felt displeased when he saw that Yu Jian wanted to talk but stopped talking, and asked, "Wen Ze, is there any difficulty in setting up the formation tomorrow?"

Yu Jin immediately reported: "My lord, although this formation has just been formed, it is still very powerful. It is just that there should be a brave person in charge of this formation. Originally, the person who presided over it was none other than General Dian Wei, but now General Dian Wei is injured. I'm afraid there are some omissions in this formation!"

The meaning behind the ban is that the current formation lacks the chief Dianwei, and its power is greatly reduced. If it is broken by Zhang De, there is no way to do it. Don't blame me when the time comes.

Zhang Miao was not familiar with the formation, but only knew that Yu Jin's formation was very powerful, and he was eager to break through the city, so he didn't take what Jin said to heart.

On the second day, Zhang Miao marched with drumming, and Yu Jin was the vanguard, setting up a formation under the city of Jinan.And shouted under the city, let Zhang De send someone to break the formation.

In terms of formation, Zhang De did not lose to anyone.But Zhang De's subordinates didn't know any formations. After Yu Jin set up the formation, Pei Yuanshao felt itchy when he saw Zhao Yun's meritorious service.

Pei Yuanshao looked back, and it was Zhou Cang who was holding him back.

Both Zhou Cang and Pei Yuanshao were from the Yellow Turban Army, and they have similar personalities, the difference is that Pei Yuanshao is not as messy as Zhou Cang.However, the two are like-minded, so the relationship between the two is very good.

Seeing Zhou Cang pull himself, Pei Yuanshao was puzzled.I only heard Zhou Cang say: "Baldy (Pei Yuanshao and Tang Seng have the same hairstyle), don't go, the array is powerful!"

Pei Yuanshao was surprised, this Zhou Cang was always fearless, but he was afraid of this bullshit formation, so he asked, "Big Beard, have you ever suffered from this?"

Zhou Cang didn't speak, but nodded.At this time, Zhou Cang had already thought of the old man Zuo Ci in his mind.Back then when he assassinated Zhang De, he was confused by Zuo Cibu's formation. Later, he saw how powerful the Guigu formation was in Guigu, so he had lingering fears about the formation.

At this time, Zhao Yun saw that no one came out, so he asked Zhang De to fight.Seeing Zhao Yun asking for a fight, Zhang De asked, "Zilong, do you know this formation?"

Zhao Yun shook his head, Zhang De chuckled, and continued: "This is the eight-door golden lock array. The eight doors are: Hugh, Sheng, Hurt, Du, Jing, Death, Surprise, and Open. For example, from Shengmen, Jingmen, If you enter through the open gate, you will be auspicious; if you enter through the wounded gate, startled gate, or shut down gate, you will be injured; if you enter through the du gate and dead gate, you will die. Although the eight gates are neatly arranged, they are only in the middle. If you hit people at the gate and go out to the Jingmen Gate in the west, the formation will be chaotic!"

It stands to reason that Yu Jin has mastered the essence of the eight-door golden lock formation, so he naturally knows the weakness of the formation.Therefore, according to Yu Jin's original plan, Dian Wei was required to preside over the formation, so that the formation would be seamless.

But even without Dian Wei living in charge, the eight-door Golden Lock Formation would not be broken so easily.So at this time, Yu Jin is still full of confidence.

At this moment, the gate of Jinan City opened, and a young general with a white horse and silver spear sprang out from it. It was Zhao Yun who shot Dianwei with an arrow yesterday.I saw Zhao Yun rushing into the formation from the southeast with five hundred warriors.

Yu Jin frowned, could it be that someone in Zhang De's army knew this formation!Not daring to be negligent at the moment, he waved the command flag and led Zhao Yun to the north.

Zhao Yun didn't chase after him, but led his men to kill towards the west, and then returned to the southeast corner from the west.Here Yu Jin saw Zhao Yun rushing back and forth, so he knew that someone in Zhang De's army really knew the formation, and saw that his eight-door golden lock formation had been broken by Zhao Yun, so he waved the command flag, Order to withdraw troops.


Zhang Miao's camp.

At this time Zhang Miao was sitting in the tent, sullen.The day before yesterday, Yu Jin had already stated that the eight-door golden lock formation lacked a master, so now that the formation was broken by Zhang De, Zhang Miao was no wonder why he was banned.

I didn't expect to lose two games in two days, which would be a great blow to morale.And now the last thing Zhang Miao wants is to procrastinate.

Now that Huang Zhong's army is all in Xiapi, if Zhang De takes down Xiapi and Huang Zhong's army returns to help, I am afraid that it will be a fool's dream to take Qingzhou by then.

At this time, Cheng Yu came in from the outside.Seeing Cheng Yu, Zhang Miao was overjoyed, and immediately said, "Zhong De came just in time, but do you have a plan to teach me?"

Cheng Yu nodded: "My lord must be most worried about Huang Zhong's reinforcements in Xiapi! Yu has a plan to prevent Huang Zhong's reinforcements from returning!"

Zhang Miao said happily: "The plan will be safe?"

"My lord, don't forget that Yuan Shu and Zhang De have always been at odds. As long as we send people to provoke Yuan Shu to march into Xuzhou, Zhang Dejun will be in trouble!"

Zhang Miao nodded, and asked again: "Then who should we send?"

"Man Bo, who is full of love, would rather take on this important task!"


Xiapi City.

Chen Deng led civil and military officials to stand at the gate of the city to welcome Huang Zhong into the city.But the faces of other wealthy families around him were not so good-looking.

Originally prepared, he secretly opened the city gate at night and let Zhang Dejun in. Who knew that in the afternoon, Chen Deng led his troops to surround Tao Qian's mansion and the mansions of other family officials.Then he grabbed the Xiapi household registration book, escorted everyone to the gate of the city, and welcomed Huang Zhong's army into the city.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Deng was named the prefect of Guangling because of his contribution to the city. At the same time, Chen Gong ordered [-] troops from Xuzhou to conquer Guangling County.

Chen Gong was not afraid of Chen Deng's rebellion. Such aristocratic families often put the family first. Now that the entire Chen family is in the shackles, if Chen Deng dares to rebel again, the entire Chen family will probably be buried with him because of Chen Deng.

Then, Chen Gong began to appease other big families in Xuzhou.As for Tao Qian, Chen Gong didn't make things difficult for him, and asked him to bring the remaining Danyang people back to his hometown to retire.

In the next few days, Chen Gong began to think of ways to stabilize people in Picheng.There are many powerful families in Xuzhou, and Chen Gong took a lot of effort to calm down the grievances of the powerful families.

At this moment, the news of Zhang Miao's attack on Qingzhou came.

The Xuzhou Governor's Mansion in Xiapi City is now the office of Chen Gong.On this day, Chen Gong summoned Huang Zhong, Zang Ba and others to discuss Zhang Miao's attack on Qingzhou.

"Military Master, now that Zhang Miao is attacking, we'd better return to Qingzhou as soon as possible!" Huang Zhong said.

"But the situation in Xiapi is not stable now, and Chen Deng is still leading an army to attack Guangling. If we leave rashly at this time..." Zang Ba thought much more than Huang Zhong.

Chen Gong nodded, now he thinks the same as Zang Ba, the situation in Xiapi is not stable, many people have no choice but to surrender to Zhang De, Chen Gong can't guarantee whether everyone has any dissent, now the army can deter those small people Seniors, if the army leaves, I am afraid that those who are not good for Zhang De will stand up.

"Then why don't we rescue the lord?" Huang Zhong shouted.

"No, of course we need rescue! But we need to divide our troops to save them!"


I have the cheek to ask for a few recommendations...

(End of this chapter)

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