Rampage through the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 251 Xuande Enters Shu

Chapter 251 Xuande Enters Shu
Liu Bei seemed a little dissatisfied after hearing Jia Xu's second strategy, and asked, "Then what's the next strategy?"

"The worst strategy is for the lord to ask His Majesty to be crowned king immediately, and then seal it up when you return to the fief! At that time, you can be a rich man with peace of mind, and you will be safe for the rest of your life!"

Liu Bei shook his head: "The best strategy is absolutely not feasible, what is the worst strategy? Hey... I think it is the best strategy! But in the land of Bashu, the roads are difficult! Although Liu Zhang is fatuous, there are many talented people in Shu. Chin Bashu, easier said than done!"

What Liu Bei said was true.Imagine that in the Three Kingdoms, the Shu Kingdom was able to resist the Wei Kingdom for so many years by virtue of its geographical advantages. If Deng Ai hadn't desperately chosen another road to enter Shu, I am afraid that the Three Kingdoms era would not know how many more years it would last.

Jia Xu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, my lord, the land of Bashu is already secure, but my lord, please come and meet me!"

A young man was brought before Liu Bei.

"My lord, this man's name is Fazheng, and his style name is Xiaozhi. He is a Fufeng man from Yongzhou. He once served as a county magistrate under Liu Zhang. This man has the ability to know the world and is familiar with the terrain of Bashu. If he enters Shu with the lord, he will be safe!"


Everyone in the hall didn't notice at this time, behind the screen, there was a pair of eyes staring at this side.The owner of the eyes is a child who looks about ten years old and looks like Liu Bei by [-] to [-]%.

Liu Chan is ten years old this year!
Unlike Liu Chan in history, Liu Chan here is not only born a few years earlier, but also has no problem with his IQ.

In fact, Liu Chan didn't hide behind the screen on purpose today, but it was such a coincidence that Liu Chan overheard the conversation of outsiders.

Ten years old, maybe he doesn't understand anything yet, but Liu Chan can understand some words!

The emperor wants to be against his father!

Everything, a mark left deep in Liu Chan's young heart, changed Liu Chan unconsciously, even Liu Chan himself didn't know how much the conversation he eavesdropped on that day had a great impact on himself in the future. Impact!
In the fifth year of Jian'an, Liu was ordered by Emperor Xian to leave the Jiange and send troops to Zitong!


Zhang De's troops were rushing from Qingzhou to Hejian Mansion.There is the junction of Jizhou and Youzhou. At the same time, there is Yuan Shao's remaining army, commanded by Gao Gan and Tian Yu.

But in the blink of an eye, it was already autumn, and seeing that winter was coming, Zhang De didn't plan to start a war in winter, because the winter in the north was still very cold.Once the weather turns cold, it will be a big test for the soldiers and logistics supplies. Besides, Zhang De has just occupied Jizhou, and Liyang still has Yuan Shang's [-] remnant soldiers. It can be said that Zhang De has not yet established a firm foothold in Jizhou, so he is not in a hurry attack.

"Husband, it's getting cold outside, let's put on this first!" Zhen Mi took a robe and put it on Zhang De.

Zhang De smiled knowingly, this Zhen Mi is really lovely!

Looking at Zhang Deyuan's back, Zhen Mi sighed bewilderedly.

But in all things, most girls worship heroes. In addition, Zhang De, a hero, is very handsome and not very young. 30 years old is the golden age for men.

When Yuan Xi married him back then, apart from blocking everyone's mouths, he also coveted the property of the Zhen family.The ancestor of the Zhen family, Zhen Han, once served as the Taibao, and his descendants have been officials for generations.In the generation of Zhen Mi's grandfather, some members of the family began to study business, and today, the Zhen family is already one of the top businessmen in Jizhou!
Yuan Xi is an idiot who doesn't like women, and Zhen Mi is happy to be at leisure.But since Zhen Mi met Zhang De that day, everything has changed!


Zhen Mi felt that she had finally found her own happiness. At this time, an unfortunate woman was waiting for her husband's rescue.That is Diao Chan!

Diao Chan silently endured Yuan Tan's teasing, pretending to cater to her on the surface, but in her heart she was always hoping that Lu Bu could come down from the sky and save herself!

Serve him first, he must be on the way!
What Diao Chan thought was right, Lu Bu was rushing towards Taiyuan!

Outside Shangdang city.

Lv Bu drew his halberd across the sky and shouted: "Lv Bu is here, please open the door and surrender!"

"Oh my God, look, it's really Lu Bu!"

"Ah! Lu Bu is back!"

Lu Bu, in the hearts of Bingzhou soldiers, that is God!

"Trapped into the camp, follow me!" Gao Shun shouted, and eight hundred warriors from the trapped camp rushed up, with the momentum like a million horses charging.

"Give it to me, whoever can kill Lu Bu will be rewarded with a thousand pieces of gold!" the general defending the city shouted hard, but the soldiers were still retreating!
At this moment, Lu Bu bent his bow and set an arrow, and aimed at the top of the city tower. This one hit the guard's helmet, and when the helmet fell, the general's hair scattered all over his face.

"Ah!" The general who was shot in the helmet yelled, thinking he was dead, and fainted from fright.

Shangdang City is broken!
Lu Bu's reputation once again spread throughout the land of Bingzhou!

Yuan Tan felt scared!

There were [-] elite soldiers stationed in Shangdang City, and after only holding out for one morning, they were attacked by Lu Bu!
Think about the Diao Chan I slept with yesterday, that is Lu Bu's woman!If Lu Bu called, just based on this point, Lu Bu would have to kill himself!

Lu Bu must be killed!
At this time, Yuan Tan thought of Guo Tu.For a person like Lu Bu, finding a general to fight against Lu Bu to kill him is tantamount to a dream. If you want to kill Lu Bu, you still need to rely on resourcefulness!

Guo Tu once had a place under Yuan Shao.He is indeed a very capable person!Although Guo Tu's status in Yuan Shao's army was not as high as Tian Fengjushou's, Guo Tu was no worse than these two in terms of making suggestions!

In comparison, Guo Tu and Xu You are somewhat similar. They are counselors, and they are pure counselors, the kind who can only make suggestions!
Although Tian Feng, Jushou and Fengji are also counselors, Tian Feng is good at military affairs, and he is not weaker than those generals when he leads an army; Machiavellian tactics!But Xu You and Guo Tu came up with a plan, and they didn't know anything!

There is a way to know the way, and there is a specialization in the art industry. Although Guo Tu can only make suggestions, the suggestions Guo Tu made are really top-notch.

The so-called richness of eating the king is to worry about the king, Yuan Tan wanted to get rid of Lu Bu, Guo Tu's mind changed, and he thought about it!

"My lord, I heard that Lu Bu's concubine Diaochan is in the hands of my lord, is there such a thing?"

Old Yuan Tan blushed: "That's right, this is happening!"

"Then the matter is much easier to handle. If the lord wants to get rid of Lu Bu, we still need to start with Diao Chan! My lord, please invite General Qu Yi here, and let me arrange one or two. I guarantee that I can get rid of Lu Bu!"


Greedy Chong said that Liu Chan will become a big boss, but most successful people have unusual childhoods, so Greedy Chong designed a different childhood for Liu Chan, so that he can become a big boss as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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