Rampage through the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 270 Cao Mengde's Sword Points at Jingzhou

Chapter 270 Cao Mengde's Sword Points at Jingzhou

Zheng Xuan is almost 80 years old this year, and he has been in Beihai for ten years!

Zheng Xuan was imprisoned for most of his life because of the two disasters caused by the party, and it was also because of this life of imprisonment that Zheng Xuan could study Confucian classics with peace of mind.

Later, Zheng Xuan was invited to Beihai by Zhang De. In the past ten years, he has lived a very good life. More importantly, he has already printed several books and spread them widely in the world. Be happy too.

Now, this nearly eighty-year-old master of Confucian classics has finally passed away, and what is left to future generations are countless works and classics!

It's a pity that Zhang De is currently in Youzhou, unable to attend Zheng Xuan's funeral!


"Report..." A small school came in hurriedly: "Report to my lord, there is an urgent report from Lord Yan Rou!"

Zhang De hurriedly snatched the letter from the school, and finally, the tense muscles on his face relaxed.Zhang De breathed a sigh of relief, handed the letter to Lu Su who was next to him, and sighed: "The matter is settled!"

Hearing this, Lu Su also heaved a sigh of relief. As a result, he read the letter hastily and frowned: "Unfortunately, although Fu Luohan surrendered, Budugen let him go!"

"Don't worry, Zijing. It's not so easy for Budugen to go back to the grassland. Even if Budugen can go back, I'm afraid the central Xianbei won't be able to start a war within ten years..."


Budugen supported the ground with a machete, gasping for breath. At this time, there were only a dozen or so guards left by Budugen's side!
After a fierce battle, there were only more than a hundred guards left, but the people who besieged him were not much better. There should be 800 or [-] people who lost their combat effectiveness!
Hao Zhao is not an idiot. Faced with Bu Dugen's desperate counterattack, he might actually run away by accident.Now that Budugen is fighting to the death, of course he can take one against a hundred, but he has his own advantage and victory is in sight, so he should try his best to avoid casualties, instead of fighting desperately with Budugen!
"Everyone stop!" Hao Zhao shouted, "Shoot him with a bow and arrow!"

Most of the soldiers around Hao Zhao were brought from Jicheng, and they were not as proficient in riding and shooting as the Xianbei people, so Hao Zhao ordered the soldiers to stop first, and then bend their bows and shoot arrows.

At this time, Bu Dugen was desperately supporting himself with a single breath, facing the bows and arrows of long-range attacks, this breath broke!

"Khan, be careful!" A guard next to Bu Dugen threw himself on Bu Dugen, and immediately after that, more than a dozen arrows shot at the guard.

Finally, all the guards around Budugen were killed!The tide is gone!
Bu Dugen looked at Hao Zhao in the distance, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.Decades of military career flashed before his eyes page by page, and Bu Dugen knew that he had finally reached the end of his life!
Watching Youzhou soldiers gradually encircle him, Bu Dugen yelled, raised his knife, and touched his neck.A stream of blood spurted out, and Budugen, the hero on the grassland, just fell to the ground...

Hao Zhao looked at Budugen's body with cold eyes, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, there is nothing better than this!

In the battle of Youzhou, Budugen died in battle, Ke Bineng and Fuluohan surrendered, and the central Xianbei also fell under Zhang De's rule.And Zhang De also paid a big price. Yan Rou's Karasuma Cavalry and Tian Yu's Youbeipingwei suffered a lot, and Yuyang County was full of ruins. Almost all the villages in the entire county were burned down. All were destroyed, and many livestock died. I am afraid it will take a few years to recover.

At the same time, due to successive wars and resettlement of the clansmen who had defected to Xianbei and Karasuma, Zhang De's food and grass accumulated over the years had been exhausted.Although Xuzhou and Jizhou were major grain-producing states under Zhang De's rule, Jizhou's vitality was severely damaged after the war just now, and now Zhang De is completely relying on the old background of Xuzhou and Qingzhou.

It can be said that Zhang De has no ability to launch a large-scale campaign in a short period of time.

The war was exhausting, and when Zhang De was almost exhausted, Cao Cao had already recovered.In the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao only got Bingzhou, but Cao Cao captured most of Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses. In addition to Yuan Shang's remnant troops and Yuan Tan's surrendered troops, Cao Cao's strength continued to increase.

After autumn, Huainan and Wancheng had bumper harvests, and Cao Cao's purse became full again.In particular, the bumper harvest in Huainan allowed Cao Cao to sweep away the previous plight of food shortage.

With soldiers and food, Cao Cao finally decided to start expansion, and this time, Cao Cao suspended the expansion site in the south - Jingzhou!
Jingzhou's geographical location is important, and it has always been a battleground for military strategists. At the same time, Jingzhou is also a rich place.At the same time, Jingzhou is also a place where talents gather. Apart from Beihai, there are many celebrities and scholars gathered in Xiangyang.

Liu Biao, shepherd of Jingzhou, is over 20 years old this year. Compared with other princes, such as Cao Cao and Liu Bei, he is much younger than Liu Biao, and Zhang De is just in his early thirties. As for Jiangdong Sun Quan, although He is already in his [-]s, but in Cao Cao's view, he is still a child.

All day, Cao Cao stared at the map of Jingzhou in front of him, recalling what Guo Jia said to him before he died.In my mind, I kept simulating, now occupying Jingzhou.

In Jingzhou today, the main forces are concentrated in Xiangyang, followed by Jiangling and Jiangxia.

Jiangling was originally the capital of Jingzhou. Later, after Liu Biao came to Jingzhou, in order to strengthen the control of the north, the capital of Jingzhou was moved from Jiangling to Xiangyang.However, Jiangling is still an important town in Jingzhou.

The general's guard is named Liu Pan, a follower of Liu Biao. When he was young, he learned all his skills from a famous teacher. He is excellent in martial arts and is also familiar with the art of war.

Xiangyang and Jiangling are both in Nanjun, with one in the south and the other in the north.

And Jiang Xia's guard is Liu Biao's eldest son Liu Qi. Jiang Xia's main purpose is to defend Jiangdong Sun's family, and Liu Biao's generals Huo Jun and Wang Wei also followed Liu Qi to garrison Jiang Xia.And recently Liu Qi appointed a military adviser named Zhuge Liang, a young man in his early twenties. Cao Cao didn't pay attention to this Zhuge Liang at all.I heard that Zhuge Liang was Cai Mao's brother-in-law, so Cao Cao naturally attributed Zhuge Liang to the kind of son of an aristocratic family who relied on connections to earn a living.

Jingzhou's navy is very powerful. Although it is not as good as Jiangdong's navy, it is also well-trained. The captain of Jingzhou's navy is Cai Mao.It is worth mentioning that after Liu Qi arrived in Jiangxia, he begged Liu Biao to transfer some naval forces to his own use, so Liu Biao transferred [-]% of the Jingzhou Navy's ships to Jiangxia, and now they are under the command of Liu Qi.

As for the four counties in the south of Jingzhou, Changsha, Guiyang, Wuling, and Lingling, although the four places together occupy a large area, they are all uninhabited places, and Guiyang and Wuling are even more crowded. Barbarians and Shan Yuet.

There are not many guards in these four counties, like the largest city of Changsha, but only [-] guards.So Cao Cao is not worried about these four counties.As long as Nanjun can be successfully captured, the Jingnan four counties must be within easy reach!


Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Due to the interrupted thinking, I rushed to the phone in the past few days, read some works of great gods, gained some inspiration, and also saved some manuscripts, which are almost at the end!Thank you all for waiting for this book!There is no other reward, only a small promise - this book will be completed!
(End of this chapter)

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