Rampage through the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 278 Is it war or surrender?

Chapter 278 Is it war or surrender?

"Shiyuan, I don't think you're doing well in Jiangdong, why don't you go to Jiangxia with me, my lord Liu Qi is thirsty for talents!" Zhuge Liang said cheerfully.

"Kong Ming, don't talk big, you should take care of yourself first! You have been in Jiangdong for a long time, and you haven't even seen Sun Quan's face! But this Sun Quan can hold his breath, Cao Cao has already trained water in Chibi Master, he hasn't come to you yet!"

As soon as Pang Tong finished speaking, a person walked in from the outside. He was dressed as a general and looked around. When he saw Zhuge Liang, he immediately walked over and said to Zhuge Liang, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Zhuge Kongming?"

Zhuge Liang shook his fan and nodded.

Seeing that he found the right person, the man immediately took out a post from his pocket, and said on the ground: "The last general Jia Hua, by the order of my lord, please Mr. Zhuge!"

Pang Tong next to him laughed: "Kong Ming, go quickly, Sun Zhongmou can't hold his breath anymore!"


What Zhang De held in his hand was a piece of information that Wu Jian had just handed over.

Cao Cao occupied Jingzhou, and had already begun to train the navy in Chibi. His intention to go south to Jiangdong was very obvious, and Zhuge Liang had already arrived in Jiangdong, but he had not yet been received by Sun Quan.But according to this momentum, it will be a matter of time before Sun Quan meets Zhuge Liang.

Zhang De was very happy, but still worried.Happily, although it was a few years earlier than in history, the Battle of Chibi was finally about to happen, and the cheating device that Zhang De was so proud of was finally useful.

The worry is whether Sun Quan will directly surrender to Cao Cao!

Historically, there are great differences within Jiangdong regarding resistance or surrender.If it weren't for Zhou Yu's main battle, I'm afraid it would be really difficult for Sun Quan to be ruthless to fight against Cao Cao.

But now, Lu Su, who was the most able to jump up among the main combat faction, is under his own hands, and according to the intelligence, Cao Cao did not build any Tongque Terrace, there is no Tongque Terrace, and Cao Zhi has no one who sings praises to present the Tongque Terrace to Cao Cao Fu, naturally there will not be any poems about "grabbing Er Qiao". I don't know if Zhuge Liang can still persuade Zhou Yu.

Judging from the comparison of military strength, Zhang De is not optimistic about Jiangdong, but Zhang De knows that the fire in Chibi has lessened Cao Cao's ambition, and now Cao Cao's choice of navy camp is still in Chibi, Zhang De can't help feeling that God's will tricks people , and precisely because of this, Zhang De did not dare to predict the outcome of this battle.

At the same time, Zhang De also knew that the Battle of Chibi had concentrated all of Sun Quan's troops. If Sun Quan was stabbed in the back at a critical moment in the battle, Sun Quan would definitely feel very uncomfortable.Thinking of this, Zhang Deyou couldn't help calling Gan Ning who was far away in Yizhou.

It's a pity that Zhang De also has Zhang De's difficulties. Using the navy for long-distance raids, all the supplies have to be transported by ship, which consumes a lot in the middle. According to Zhang De's existing food reserves, I am afraid that he can afford up to 2 people from the sea. No matter how much the attack is, it will be a big test for Zhang De's naval supply line.

This is also doomed that the sea assault can only be used as a surprise soldier. If you really want to occupy the 48 states of the six counties in Jiangdong, the only way is to take the Yangtze River.

Fortunately, the distance from Guangling to Wujun is not far, and with Zhang De's accumulated shipbuilding skills over the years, it is not difficult to build a navy that walks on the river.

Jiangdong is no better than Jizhou. After the war at the end of the Han Dynasty, there were not many powerful families in Jizhou. During the Battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao drew a large number of troops from Jizhou, which made Yuan Shao insufficiently prepared in Jizhou, so that Wei Yan could take advantage of it. Captured several cities in Jizhou in one fell swoop.

But Jiangdong is different from Jizhou. There are many families in Jiangdong, and most of the families have many soldiers.A small family has a hundred or eighty soldiers, while a large family has thousands of soldiers.

Moreover, there are many talented people in the aristocratic families, such as the Lu family, Dong family, and Pan family in Jiangdong, there are hundreds of children in the family.

Another characteristic of Jiangdong people is that they are xenophobic.The Sun family itself is an aristocratic family in Wu County, so it can gain a firm foothold in Jiangdong. If Zhang De's army goes deep alone, it will be restrained everywhere. Therefore, Zhang De only hopes that the troops that go deep into the enemy's rear can achieve a surprise victory. And those important tasks of conquering cities and territories still have to wait for the army to cross the river to complete.

But seeing that Cao Cao had already started building a water village in Chibi and training sailors, and there was no news from Wei Yan, Zhang De was extremely anxious.



Just as Zhang De expected, Sun Quan's men who surrendered to the main battle were arguing non-stop, and it was the first time for Sun Quan to face such a thing, and he didn't know how to deal with it. .

Undecided foreign affairs ask Zhou Yu!Sun Quan suddenly remembered what his elder brother Sun Ce said before his death. Now that Cao Cao's soldiers are approaching, he should listen to Zhou Yu's opinion at this time.

Thinking of this, Sun Quan shouted: "Come on, go to Chaisang immediately..."

The news that Sun Quan sent people to Chaisang quickly reached the ears of the people below.

Cheng Pu Mansion.

A group of generals gathered together, gearing up, preparing to go to Zhou Yu's mansion.

Zhang Zhaofu.

A group of civil servants gathered together, thinking about how to persuade Zhou Yu to surrender!

Zhuge Jin Mansion.

"Second brother, my lord has sent someone to Chaisang!"

Zhuge Liangliang nodded, and said thoughtfully: "Brother, in the future, I will need to introduce you to Zhou Lang for me!"

Chai Sang.

By the river, a person stood there quietly, looking at the rolling river.

This man is young, very handsome, with a feather fan and scarf, and always has a faint smile on his face. He is Mei Zhou Lang Zhou Yu!
"Captain, the lord has sent someone!" The little school said as he rushed over.

Zhou Yu nodded, Sun Quan finally sent someone!
"Bo Fu, don't worry, as long as I, Zhou Yu, will protect Jiangdong's foundation for you!" Thinking of this, Zhou Yu turned and walked towards the camp.


A few days later, Zhou Yu returned to Jianye.

In Zhou Yu's mansion, Cheng Pu and Huang Gai were sitting around Zhou Yu.

"Governor, we can't surrender!"

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief, I still have more than [-] land and water troops in Jiangdong, which is enough to fight Cao Bandit!"

Zhou Yu smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, generals! I will definitely persuade the Lord to fight to the end tomorrow!"

After sending off a group of generals, civil servants headed by Zhang Zhao came to Zhou Yu's mansion again.

"Governor, this battle cannot be fought, Cao Cao is powerful and invincible!"

"That's right, Commander-in-Chief, I think it's better to surrender, or else I'm in Jiangdong's life..."

Zhou Yu nodded in the same way: "Your lords are very true, and I will explain it to the lord tomorrow!"

Zhou Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing off these civil servants, he could be considered to have sent these nagging guys away!
"Master, Lord Zhugejin, please see me!"

Zhou Yu frowned, Zhuge Jin was not familiar with him!Thinking of this, Zhou Yu said, "Go and tell Master Zhuge that I have already rested!"

"Master, Liu Qi's emissary, Zhuge Liang, is also accompanying Master Zhuge!"

"What? That Zhuge Kongming is here too!" Zhou Yu put on his trademark smile again, "Please come in, Mr. Zhuge!"

(End of this chapter)

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