Chapter 292

Jia Hua's father followed Sun Jian in his early years. Later, when Jia Hua's father died in battle, Jia Hua replaced his father and became a guard under Sun Quan. Now Jia Hua has become a big leader among the guards of the Sun family.

Seeing Jia Hua, Zhou Yu suddenly jumped in his heart, thinking to himself, could it be that Jianye City has changed?
At this moment, Cheng Pu asked next to him, "Jia Hua, what are you doing here if you're not in Jianye to protect the lord?"

"Governor, General Cheng, something is wrong. Wei Yan's army has entered Danyang, and Rujun is less than two hundred miles away from Jianye City! My lord sent me Xingye to ask for help from the Great Governor!"

"What?" All the people stood up suddenly, looking incredible.

"Wei Yan has attacked Danyang! How is it possible, where is Lu Meng? One after another? What are they doing?" Zhou Yu exclaimed.

"Great Dudu, I have never seen Dudu Lu's troops!"


With a long howl, another messenger rushed in: "Report to the governor, and the governor Lu sent an urgent report, Kuaiji is a big victory!"

"Great victory in Kuaiji?"

"Back to the governor, Shanyue's [-] army was led by Shamoke, and the troops were dispatched to Kuaiji. Governor Lu Xun set up an ambush plan on all sides. Now the Shanyue people have been defeated. Our army beheaded [-], captured [-], and seriously injured the enemy general. Samoko!" The principal finished in one breath, and then cheerfully waited for Zhou Yu's award.

"Damn! Lu Meng and Lu Xun! Damn! How can you not tell the difference! What's the use of killing the [-] Shanyue people! Wei Yan has hit Danyang now! They are still in Kuaiji!" Zhou Yu yelled at the small school.

Since the time of Sun Ce, he has been fighting with the Shanyue people and killed many Shanyue people every year. Therefore, defeating [-] Shanyue people is no big deal in Zhou Yu's view. It has nothing to do with Jianye's safety.

"Commander, what should we do now?"

Zhou Yu sighed: "Send the order, the three armies are ready to attack Zhang De Water Village tomorrow!"

"Governor, do you mean that we will attack Zhang Deshui's Dazhai tomorrow?"

"Yes, now we must defeat Zhang De's navy as soon as possible, and then return to aid Jianye. According to the current situation, the disease should be rampant among Zhang De's navy. Our elite navy will surely defeat Zhang De's navy!"

"But the governor..."

"No need, I've made up my mind. After this battle, at least Jiangdong will be free from war for ten years!" Zhou Yu said.

"The general obeys orders!" Zhou Yu has a high prestige in the hearts of Jiangdong's generals. Now that Zhou Yu has made a decision, no one else will object.

Zhongmou, you must hold on, when I defeat Zhang De, I will immediately return to Jiangdong!Bofu, don't worry, I, Zhou Yu, will definitely help you protect your foundation!Zhou Yu cried out inwardly.


"Lord Taiwei, if Zhou Yu's water division attacks now, what are the chances of winning?" Pang Tong asked.

"If the warships are fighting, I'm afraid it's very difficult for me to win, but if we defend the stronghold, there should be no problem." Zhang De said.

"Master Taiwei, if you think so, then Lord Taiwei is not far from defeat!"


"Lord Taiwei, don't underestimate the Jiangdong Navy. From my point of view, if Zhou Yu attacks Lord Taiwei's water stronghold regardless of losses, I'm afraid the entire army of Taiwei's navy will be wiped out!" Pang Tong said unhurriedly.

"How is it possible?" Zhang De said.If he defended himself according to the stronghold, how could he not be able to resist Zhou Yu's attack!
"Master Taiwei, do you know that Sun Bofu intended to send troops to Jingzhou at the beginning, and at that time, Zhou Yu led the water army to probe and attack, and attacked the Jingzhou water army's stronghold!" When Pang Tong said this, everyone's expressions changed greatly. Change.

Even the Jingzhou navy couldn't stop Zhou Yu's attack, so whether Zhang De can defend it is really a question.

"Shi Yuanxiu wants to exaggerate. If Zhou Yu is so powerful, why didn't he directly attack Cao Jun's Red Cliff navy camp during the Battle of Chibi?" asked Xu Shu beside him.

"Yuanzhi, you don't know. The reason Zhou Gongjin didn't directly attack Cao Cao's navy was because of me! Back then, I offered Cao Cao a series of warships, so that Cao's army could walk on the river like a flat ground! With a chain of warships, Zhou Yu's attack won't take any advantage at all!"

"Now, Lord Taiwei does not have serial warships, and the Northern Army is not good at water warfare. If Zhou Gong wants to attack the corner of Lord Taiwei's water stronghold, then the navy army that Lord Taiwei is not very skilled will not become Lord Taiwei. Help, but it will become a burden!" Pang Tong talked slowly.

There was silence in the big tent. What Pang Tong said was true. Water warfare is no better than road warfare. There are more uncertainties!

At this time, a scene appeared in Zhang De's mind. The Jiangdong navy stormed a corner of Zhang De's water stronghold. Due to lack of training, Zhang De's water army panicked, and then the entire camp was infected, and everything was in chaos. The navy was eaten by Zhou Yu.

"Mr. Pang, Zhou Yu probably won't attack now. As long as you give me another month, even if my navy is not as good as Jiangdong's navy, it won't be much worse!" Gan Ning spoke.

"That's right. Originally Zhou Yu was indeed not in a hurry to attack, but it's different now! Everyone, don't forget that General Wei Yan's [-] troops are now in Jiangdong! According to my opinion, although Lu Xun is outstanding, he is still weaker than Mr. Tian Feng." A little bit!" Pang Tong continued.

Pang Tong had been in Zhang De's army for some time. As for Wei Yan's military advisers, Tian Feng and Zhang De had formed an alliance with Shanyue, and Zhang De did not deliberately conceal Pang Tong.

I only heard Pang Tong go on to say: "With Mr. Tianfeng here, Jiangdong must be unable to hold on now, so in order to return to Jiangdong, Zhou Yu must make a quick decision. According to my opinion, Zhou Gongjin will definitely come to attack within three days. !"

"Oh? Can Wei Yan's 2 troops really push Jiang Dong to this point?" Zhang De couldn't believe it.

Pang Tong smiled slightly: "If I were General Wei Yan, I would definitely enter Poyang from Kuaiji, and then go directly north to Danyang to threaten Jianye!"

"Mr. Pang Tong, Jianye is the largest city in Jiangdong. The city wall is tall and there are many defenders in the city. Wei Yan's [-] troops may not be able to defeat Jianye City!"

"You don't need to attack Jianye, you just need to send a small number of people to monitor the movement of Jianye City, and then other people will ambush the people who come to reinforce. This is a strategy for reinforcements!"


Just as Pang Tong expected, Wei Yan did not attack Jianye at this time, but sent people to find out where reinforcements would come, and prepared to surround them to fight for reinforcements!

(End of this chapter)

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