Chapter 141 Zhao Guo Sends an Envoy
Handan City.

The palace, court meeting.

Li Mu died, Zhao Cong disappeared, and the Zhao army was defeated. All the living generals of the Zhao army were basically imprisoned by the Qin army, and the number was nearly [-].

There are nearly [-] serious combatants alone.

A total of 10 people have become prisoners of the enemy. At this moment, the entire Zhao Kingdom is almost in chaos.

Jun Chunping and Guo Kai belonged to the same camp at this moment.

Because, they all know each other well, and they all have inexplicable ties with the prostitute.

Since this is the case, it is better to unite and control the entire court. Anyway, now that Li Mu is dead and Lian Po is old, and the latter is still living in a foreign country, who else in the entire Zhao Kingdom can fight against them?

The prince supervises the country, but he is still young.

Everything is still handled by the prostitute.

She sat beside the prince Zhao Qian, looked at the officials with a serious face, and said slowly: "Those are all soldiers of my Zhao army, a total of 10 people, they must be rescued, I don't know, what's the good?" Views?"

Although she is a woman, she also wants to guard Zhao Wangyan's country.

The point is, sooner or later, her husband's country will be handed over to their son 'Zhao Qian'.

One hundred thousand armored soldiers, say more or less, all in all, they cannot be allowed to die in Qin.

In the Battle of Hangu Pass, 20 soldiers were lost, and even Li Mu, the general of Zhen Guo, died. None of Zhao Guo’s young generals can single-handedly challenge the banner like Li Xin, Meng Tian, ​​and Ying Yuan of Qin State. It is said that there are not many young generals in Zhao's later generations.

Compared with the years of Li Mu's generation when stars were born in large numbers, it seems that there is a fault.

No general can only have soldiers.

The 30 in the Battle of Changping kept Zhao Guo from recovering for a long time.

Plus the 20 soldiers who died at Hangu Pass.

How many troops can the entire Zhao Kingdom have?

One hundred thousand? 20?With the addition of veterans, even 30 can't be made up.

There are not even hundreds of thousands of truly elite soldiers and generals who know how to use battlefield skills skillfully.

Therefore, Zhao Guo had to find a way to get back the [-] armored soldiers who were in Qin State at the moment.

However, when the ministers heard the prostitute's question, they all looked at each other, talked and murmured for a long time, but couldn't find any good solution.

"Could it be that Zhao Guo raises all the princes for nothing?"

For the first time in history, the prostitute made people feel domineering.

She is really angry today.

On weekdays, everyone claims to be a peerless national scholar. If it really comes to a critical point, no one will find a solution.

Once in trouble, he would quickly leave the country of Zhao and go to another country to find a good job, and he would be able to live well.

How can eating the emperor's salary and being disloyal to the emperor make her not angry?
In the end, Guo Kai gave a suggestion, "Queen Qi, we can send envoys to Qin to discuss this matter with Qin. They will not kill our soldiers, and they will not let them go. They are still raising them every day. The reason , Could it be that you just want to give Zhao Guo some money, as long as money can solve this problem, everything will be counted as goodness.”

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, those ministers of Zhao State began to talk endlessly.

One of them was doubtful about this matter, "What if the lion of the state of Qin speaks loudly? The little property of our state of Zhao has basically been consumed by fighting with Yan and Qin in the past few years, and the Xiongnu With the Hu people, they often harass the borders where money is used everywhere, so how can there be any extra money to give to Qin?"

Jun Chunping responded with a cold snort, "According to what you mean, those 10 people will not be saved? Although they are soldiers of Zhao State, they should shed their blood for Zhao State, but don't forget, those people, Even the people of my country of Zhao, if they don’t save me, how can the people of the world laugh at my country of Zhao?”

For a moment, the entire palace was filled with two voices.

One is to save, and the other is not to save.

Those who want to save those soldiers are basically local officials or gentry of Zhao State.

Many of the [-] soldiers have not left production, and Zhao's land needs them.

Most of those who did not save were foreigners or people who did not have deep roots in Zhao.

They only thought about gaining both fame and fortune in their lifetime, as for what happened after the death, that is, the future situation of Zhao Guo, it had nothing to do with them.

They just want to make their children and grandchildren live better.

The main reason is Zhao Guo's political arena, which really makes them see no hope.


Seeing the extent of their quarreling and chattering, the prostitute was completely angry. She stood up suddenly, looked at the officials with a serious face, and said meticulously: "This matter, we should act according to Xiangbang's words, and Zhao Cong must find Spread the news, saying that Zhao Guo has no intention of punishing him, not only that, but also give him a high salary and let him continue to train soldiers!"

This is a helpless move. The key is that Zhao Guo really has no generals to use.

At the end of the Warring States period, Zhao Guo had almost no famous generals.

Even if there is a general who has the potential to become a famous general, he was killed by the Qin army before he became famous all over the world.

Therefore, Zhao Guo's later stage was really difficult.

But the situation is definitely better than South Korea.

"Queen Shengming!"

It is the king's permission for the prostitute to supervise the country.

Now that she has made a decision and Guo Kai and Jun Ping support her, they naturally have nothing to say.

"As for the envoy, who is more appropriate to send?" the prostitute asked.

The ministers were silent.

Qin is a land of tigers and wolves, who would dare to risk their lives to go there?

After a long while, Chunping Jun said, "Since Xiangbang proposed this method, then I suggest that Xiangbang should go to Qin."

Hearing the sound, Guo Kai raised his eyebrows, wanting to get angry, and the voice of the prostitute came again, "Master Xiangbang, you are the head of all officials, this task must be completed by you, do you have resentment in your heart?" ?”

Mr. Chunping has his own ideas, and Zhao Wangyan can't do it just by looking at it. He didn't wake up when he was so lingering with the prostitute queen in the palace that day. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to say in the future.

Nowadays, only Guo Kai can get the body of a prostitute.

The prostitute is really beautiful, if she secretly gives birth to a son for herself in the future, with a little work, wouldn't she also become the king of the Zhao Kingdom in the future?
As for Zhao Wangqian, he is still young and has no real power even if he becomes a king. Isn't it just a matter of saying a word?

The premise is that Guo Kai must die.

He can't die by his own hands. If going to Qin country is not going well, he can take the opportunity to attack him. If he dies in Qin country, that would be even better.

Guo Kai has been in the court for so many years, and he has a lot of minds. He immediately understood what his intentions were, and he was quite angry in his heart, but it was really difficult for him to refuse this matter in front of everyone.

After thinking about it again and again, the more I thought about it, the more irritable I became. Looking at Mr. Chunping, he said, "Why don't you go? You are eloquent and eloquent. It is most suitable for you to go for this trip?"

Jun Ping smiled and said: "Xiangbang, don't shirk. Everyone knows that you can open your mouth so well that you can tell black is white. If you don't go, no one can take on this great responsibility!"

"You scold me?"

Guo Kai had the urge to roll up his sleeves.

"Xiangbang misunderstood!"

Just as Mr. Chunping was about to explain something, the queen prostitute said again, "Enough! This is the court meeting! How decent are you like this? Let Xiangbang handle this matter. As for you, you can't just sit idle. , If you have money, you will contribute money, if you have the strength, you will contribute to tide over the difficulties together!"

As soon as these words came out, not only Guo Kai wanted to cry, but also many ministers in the palace.

They really didn't expect that they would have to pay for it themselves?
Seeing their expressions, Lord Chunping said decisively: "My lords, at a time when the country is in crisis, we can no longer be like a mess. When the Wei State united with other countries to attack Qin, didn't Qin Xiaogong let the Qin State government and the public raise funds to defend us?" Enemy? Could it be that what Qin Chen could do at that time, we Zhao Chen couldn't do it?"

Having said that, who dares to have an opinion among the ministers?
Ever since, Zhao Guo sent Guo Kai to Qin.

Ying Yuan was the first to hear the news.

When he heard that the envoy Zhao was Guo Kai, he even thought he heard it wrong.

Zhao Guo wants to send money, but this is not the way to send it, right?
"Inform your majesty about Zhao Guo's sending of envoys. This Marquis is staying in the Marquis's Mansion. I will spend a few more leisurely days, waiting for Guo Kai to come to Qin."

Ying Yuan lay on the rocking chair, ordered Suzaku, and fell into a deep sleep unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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