Chapter 170
Tian Zhen is looking forward to it.

She knew that her husband would never speak freely about things he was not sure about.

That is to say, Ying Yuan must be sure to create the two things he mentioned.

She looks forward to it.

For Ying Yuan, the first thing to solve now is the brush.

Only when this is produced can the production of paper be more meaningful.

Suzaku ordered all the watchmen in Qi to take the wolf hair without much effort.

The so-called wolf hair is the tail hair of the weasel.

Its hair is relatively delicate, and the brush made of this hair is characterized by smoothness and elasticity, suitable for writing and painting.

Since he wanted to make brushes, Ying Yuan planned to start with the best ones.

After all, it is the first pen in the world, and it has a very special meaning.

For the part of the pen holder, his selection of materials is also extremely demanding.

Finally, the bamboo pole was selected. After several procedures of processing, the trunk has become simple and elegant. Even if it is not used for writing, just placing it there is pleasing to the eye.

Ying Yuan spent several days and nights, almost shutting himself in a small room, and wasting countless raw materials, before finally creating a brush.

"It's done!"

He carefully held a slightly quaint writing brush in his hand, and his eyes shone with brilliance.

For the past few days, Tian Zhen has been by his side, never leaving him.

She was also a little surprised when she saw that he had completed a perfect work of art.

"Husband, you have spent so long, do you want to cast this thing?"

Now Tian Zhen doesn't understand at all what is the purpose of the writing brush that he holds in his palm like a treasure in front of him.

Ying Yuan replied earnestly and solemnly: "If this thing in front of me is preserved for future generations, it is enough to be a priceless treasure."

The world's first writing brush, although it still looks a bit rough, but it is already very good.

With a brush but without ink, it still doesn't work.

According to his memory, there are specific steps for making ink in Tiangong Kaiwu.

As it happens, he remembered that part.

All ink is made by burning smoke and congealing.

The so-called burning smoke refers to burning wood or oil.

Gel is glue, even the latex in the book is fine, but it is basically animal glue, because this kind of glue is more successful.

Finally, carbon black, glue, and water are mixed in a certain proportion, and it takes trial and error to form 'ink'.

Of course, this is only the most superficial and simplest way.

The method of making inkstone is even simpler.

The Taishan stone in Qi State is very suitable for making inkstone.

According to the original history, the earliest inkstone in the world is Taishan Shihan inkstone.

The inkstone is condensed and formed, and the inkstone has been polished.

Tian Zhen, Suzaku, Yan Lingji, and Xiaoyan Lu were standing in front of Ying Yuan calmly.

They all have a feeling in their hearts, it seems that this time, they are going to witness history.

Ying Yuan ground the ink himself.

After a while, ink really appeared. Although it was rather muddy, it was a good start.

He used a brush to stick some ink, and wrote the first brush character in the world, 'Qin', on a pair of bamboo slips without characters.

Everyone was taken aback immediately.

They all gathered around to look.

Really, there is a word 'Qin' appearing there.

Perhaps, Yan Lingji and Suzaku are not very clear about the meaning of this.

However, Tian Zhen knew it all.

This brush, and the birth of ink, are enough to change the way people write in the world.

They will no longer use a knife and pen to carefully carve every word on the bamboo slips.

Moreover, once it is used as a book to be handed down to later generations, if there is a mistake in engraving during the period, it must be engraved again.

Even, if the engraver is not careful, if he is not careful, he will be injured by the knife and pen.

Very inconvenient.

But the invention of this pen can greatly improve this phenomenon.

It is even possible to copy and transcribe many books to better pass on to future generations.

As for future scholars, they will no longer use a knife and pen to engrave.

There is no doubt that this is a great achievement!
A feat that is enough to be recorded in the annals of history!

No wonder Lord Hou would say that even without those military exploits, he could still be famous in history.

"Husband, you have done great merit for future generations."

Tian Zhen suppressed the excitement in her heart, and bowed deeply to Ying Yuan.

She thanked him not only for herself, but also for future generations of scholars.

In the past, she thought that her husband would become an eternal hero like Sun Wu.

But she was wrong.

My husband, no matter whether it is Wencheng martial arts, is much better than Sun Wu.

After all, when Sun Wu was at Ying Yuan's age, he was far from reaching this level.

She admires him very much now.

Just imagine, my husband can not only conquer the world, but also worry about the country and the people, and even think about problems from the perspective of the world, and plan for future generations. How many people with such a broad mind are there in the world?
She is very excited now, not only because of the world's first pen.

It is also for the sake of Ying Yuan's love for the world.

"Your husband, I didn't think about making any meritorious deeds. I just don't want the collection of so many classics in Jixia Academy to be passed down to future generations. Otherwise, it will be no less than a disaster."

Ying Yuan considers himself not a saint.

However, if you can do something for future generations, why not do it?

As a person who traveled here from later generations, he should and should leave the treasures of this era for later generations.

"My husband is too modest."

Tian Zhen smiled and said: "If there is no accident, in future generations, my husband will definitely be canonized as a saint by the world."

She got one thing right.

That is, just relying on the birth of the pen, Ying Yuan can be considered to have completed an achievement - Wencheng martial arts.

Sometimes, Tian Zhen even doubted that if the 'King' of Qin was replaced by Ying Yuan, then, very likely, he would do better than Ying Zheng.

Of course, this is just what she thinks, and she can only bury this thought in her heart, and cannot tell anyone, including Ying Yuan.

"Benhou has decided to disclose the method of making the pen to the public. But before that, Benhou has one more thing to do."

There was light in Ying Yuan's eyes.

Tian Zhen was puzzled, "What else?"

She was shocked in her heart, she never expected that her husband would be so selfless, and it was not easy to make public the method of making a brush that could replace a knife and brush.

How can this not be admirable?
Actually, Ying Yuan has his own plan.

He said slowly: "I have the pen, but I still need something that can replace the bamboo slips."

"Instead of bamboo slips?"

Tian Zhen couldn't believe it, her pupils dilated.

Bamboo slips originated in the Zhou Dynasty and have been used by the world for hundreds of years.

It can be said that bamboo slips have become the most convenient thing to record words. What could be better than bamboo slips?

She couldn't believe it because it was so challenging.

Ying Yuan also felt that this was a bit difficult.

After all, even if you understand the principles of papermaking, it may be difficult to manufacture it.

However, since I decided to leave something for future generations, I can naturally try my best to overcome this mere difficulty.

"I already have a general concept of that kind of thing in my mind. I temporarily named it 'paper'. Its appearance will completely replace the bamboo slips. Believe me, it depends on man-made. I will definitely have a positive impact on this world changed."

For the first time, Ying Yuan felt that the phrase 'knowledge changes destiny' was not empty talk.

Because he has great feelings now.

He wants to use the knowledge of future generations to benefit the people of this era.

Not only to make the Qin State the number one country in the world, but also to allow the Chinese nation to truly dominate the world.

Even in the next 2000 years, let the Huaxia race stand above all races forever.

The Huaxia people are not only people from the Seven Kingdoms, but also those ethnic minorities.

Although now they may have some friction with the Seven Kingdoms.

However, with the development of the times, everyone will gradually unite into one body, unite as one, and gather into "Huaxia".

(End of this chapter)

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