Chapter 18 Meeting
Qianlongtang has branches in various countries, and the place where the barter is exchanged this time is in the country of Yan.

Before Ying Yuan arrived in Jicheng, Zeng Feige sent a letter to Yan Dan.

Suzaku felt that this move was a little too ostentatious, but he didn't care.

"We came to Jicheng to participate in the barter in Qianlongtang. No matter what, according to Dan's ability, he will definitely know our whereabouts. Since we will meet sooner or later, we will meet each other at this time. Not much difference."

Ying Yuan got out of the carriage, stood on the official road outside Jicheng, looked in the distance, and happened to see the Crown Prince of Yan Kingdom 'Dan' who was looking forward to, and a beautiful woman beside him.

He guessed that this should be Yan.

"The Yin Yang family is really fast."

He murmured, then went straight forward, Suzaku followed closely,

"Young master, hasn't Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom already broken with the king? Why, not only does he not show hostility towards you, but he still treats you with courtesy? As the crown prince of a country, he is able to greet you in person. "

Ying Yuan chuckled, and said, "Yan Dan has a grudge against the king, what grudge does he have against me?"

Regarding the break between Yandan and Yingzheng, we have to start from before the Five Kingdoms defeated Qin.

First, Qin State attacked Zhao State, occupied 37 cities of Yuci, and set up Taiyuan County.

Zhao Guo did not dare to retaliate against Qin State, so he could only take the relatively weak Yan State at that time.

Therefore, Li Mu seized the opportunity to seize the two important towns of Wusui and Fangcheng in Yan State.

Yan Wangxi, that is, Yan Dan's father, was so angry that he planned to send troops to conquer Zhao.

Send Yandan to discuss the matter of collusion with Yingzheng, and decide that the two countries will jointly attack Zhao.

Later, Lu Buwei refused to cooperate with Yan Guo.

As a result, there was a gap between the two countries, and even the relationship between Yan Dan and Ying Zheng announced a break.

However, among all these things, Ying Yuan had nothing to do with it.

At that time, he had no time to care about the layout of Longxi.

Yan Dan also knew very well that in order to protect himself, Ying Yuan had nothing to say in the court of Qin State.

It can be said that there is more than enough heart but not enough strength.

Therefore, Yan Dan's break with Ying Zheng did not affect his relationship with Ying Yuan.

After Yan Wangxi failed to defeat Zhao, he was disheartened, obsessed with wine and sex all day long, and handed over the power to Yan Dan.

It can be said that in the current state of Yan, it is Prince Dan who has the final say.

When he first met Yan Dan, Ying Yuan often laughed at his name - Ji Dan.

Later, he felt that it was inappropriate to call him an egg, so he called him Dan.

In fact, it is not in line with the etiquette of this world to directly call the word 'Yan Dan'.

Regardless of his identity, he should be called by his first name—Egg.

Approaching Jicheng, Prince Dan also saw Ying Yuan's figure, and took the initiative to go forward, "Brother Yuan, I haven't seen you for a long time. What you did in Qin State really impressed me. A few days ago, you actually led The army defeated the invincible Wei Wuzu, which amazed the world."

The name 'Yuandi' was originally called by Ying Zheng, and later Yan Dan also learned it.

It's just a title, Ying Yuan doesn't care much.

"Dan, after the last farewell, I never thought about it. It has been more than ten years." When Ying Yuan spoke, he glanced at Dong Jun of the Yin Yang family.

It has to be said that this is a woman who makes people feel very amazing at first glance.

"There is one thing, I have time to thank you in the future. When you killed Pang Nuan that day, you deliberately let go of my Yan Guo soldier. In my heart, I have always been very grateful." Yan Dan said seriously.

"It's a trivial matter, what's the point?" Ying Yuan smiled.

From this point, he could see that Yan Dan was a hypocrite.

Who among the Seven Kingdoms didn't know that when he let go of the coalition forces of various countries that day, he hoped that they could join forces and leave Pang Nuan with nowhere to retreat?

Otherwise, once the five-nation coalition forces are twisted into a rope because of their pursuit of victory, at that time, they can only watch them retreat, and Pang Nuan will be safe and sound.

But I never thought that something that was originally quite self-interested would change in Dan's mouth.

"Go! Enter the city!"

"it is good."

As soon as they entered the city, Han Fei also came back.

Prince Pill brought Ying Yuan to a prestigious place - Feixue Pavilion.

It's just that the Snow Maiden hasn't come here yet.

Gao Jianli is missing.

Yanchun Jun is still alive and well.

The two chose a place to sit down.

The rest are temporarily not eligible to be seated.

Yan Ji's dance is well-known all over the world.

It's not just bragging.

Ying Yuan was quickly attracted by the graceful dancing women in the middle of the stage.

However, after an instant, he thought of an extremely important thing, "I heard that you have been very close to the Mo family recently?"

Hearing the sound, the corners of Prince Dan's mouth raised, and he said slowly: "It seems that the intelligence work of arresting people has been done quite meticulously."

Ying Yuan took a sip of wine and smiled, "Confucianism created the study of governing the country based on the patriarchal system, while Mohism, after the first great son Mo Di, started to advocate the anti-patriarchal system of 'universal love, respect for the same, and honor'. Qi, it can be seen that this action of yours has offended all Confucian disciples."

Mohist thought is mainly based on ten theory.

However, Confucianism is different.

It can be said that the establishment of Mohism basically stood in opposition to Confucianism.

Of course, this is an academic disagreement.

However, the irony is that Mozi was taught by Confucius at the earliest time, and he claimed to have "accepted the art of Confucius".

Most of the current legalists come from Confucianism.

For example, Li Kui and Wu Qi, these two can be regarded as the earliest representatives of Legalism.

But these two were Confucianists at first.

Wu Qi is a strategist, but he is also a legalist.

Yan Dan's approach is tantamount to pushing Yan State to the opposite of Confucianism.

From then on, it is conceivable that, basically, no great Confucianism in the world will come to Yan to preach and receive karma.

Especially in the current situation, the differences between Confucianism and Mohism, which are also known as the world's most prominent schools, are even greater than before.

There are two ideas in Mohism called 'Tianzhi' and 'Minggui'. Sometimes Ying Yuan wonders whether the name of 'Tianming' comes from these two ideas.

"Could it be that Champion Hou is also paranoid that the theory of Mohism is not suitable for governing the country?" Yan Dan asked.

Ying Yuan replied: "It's not that it is not suitable for governing the country, but that it is not suitable for governing the current state. You must know that the purpose of Mohism has always been in conflict with the patriarchal clan of kingship."

"No country in the world is centered on kingship. From what you said, it seems that you are saying that there is a high possibility that it will appear in the future, and it does not belong to the kingdom governed by kingship. If this word is spread, wouldn't it be ridiculous?" Yan Dan chuckled lightly.

Ying Yuan said indifferently: "Who knows what will happen in the future?"

Yan Dan stood up suddenly, turned her back to Ying Yuan, stared at the women who were singing and dancing on the stage, and said: "The world is in harmony, the world loves everyone, this is the general trend."

Hearing the sound, Ying Yuan lowered his head and sipped the wine in his glass. After reflecting on it, he smiled and said, "It's good to have goals and ideals, but in the final analysis, these are just ideals."

"Love each other in the world, there will be order, and hate each other, there will be chaos. Mozi said, if you love others, you love yourself, and great harmony is not far away."

What Yan Dan means is that if everyone in the world loves each other, there will be no more wars, and common people and bastards can also turn themselves into emperors, but the premise is that everyone should not hate each other.

Otherwise, it will lead to the collapse of the system, the country will hang upside down, and the country will be overthrown.

"One thing I have to admit is that the ideas of the Mohists are ahead of their time, but they are just unrealistic ideals now."

As soon as Ying Yuan finished speaking, someone beside him applauded.

Everyone looked, but they saw that it was the young master Han Fei.

"The conversation between the two of you is really exciting. I thought that I could only enjoy Yanwu when I came to the famous Feixue Pavilion. I didn't expect to hear the two great talents talking about the way of the Mohist here. It is really worthwhile. Okay." Han Fei bowed his hands to Yan Dan and Ying Yuan.

"I don't know who it is. It turns out to be the ninth son of South Korea, Han Fei."

Yan Dan has seen him before, so seeing him here today, it is not difficult to recognize him.

"I have heard the name of Prince Pill for a long time, but I have never been able to see it. Today is really a coincidence, due to fate." Han Fei smiled.

Yan Dan has been to the state of Qi and met Han Fei who was studying with Xunzi.

However, Han Fei, who was concentrating on his homework at the time, did not pay attention to Yan Dan.

He guessed the identity of the latter just through some details and their conversation.

"Presumably this is the champion who caused the failure of the Five Kingdoms Conquest against Qin?"

Han Fei almost slipped his mouth, but to cover up his embarrassment, he had to laugh when the words fell to the ground.

Ying Yuan nodded and said, "I've read your 'Xianxue' and it's very well written."

In the article on Xianxue, there is his unique view on the way of Mohism.


Han Fei smiled, and then continued: "Actually, the champion said that the Mohist school is not suitable for governing the world, but he has a different opinion. Take the battle of the Five Kingdoms against Qin as an example, there are a few words written well in the Mohist non-attack." To be lenient to all, to believe in my teacher is to be invincible in the world, but in the end, it is nothing but empty talk.”

What he meant was that as a monarch or a general in the army, one must have a lenient mind. Only in this way can one unite the weak and resist the strong regardless of trivial matters.

If this was the case at the beginning of the Five Kingdoms' attack on Qin, Qin would surely be destroyed.

It's just that this is difficult to achieve and does not conform to the reality at all.

After hearing his words, Ying Yuan frowned slightly, and murmured in his heart: "This guy, he didn't come here to find fault, did he?"

He was a little surprised to see Han Fei today.

Even though he knew that Han Fei would also come to participate in Qianlongtang's barter.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved.

After all, not long after returning to South Korea, he fell in love with the owner of Zilanxuan. When he came to Yan Country, how could he not take a look at the Concubine Snow Pavilion?
"Young Master Han Fei's words are so incisive that the world has underestimated the Mohists for a long time."

Yan Dan is very happy.

Han Fei was giggling.

Ying Yuan shook his head secretly, "I was just telling the truth, why do people underestimate Mohism? In this world, who dares to underestimate one of the most prominent schools of thought alongside Confucianism?"

(End of this chapter)

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