Chapter 288 Mi Qi defected

After Meng Wu's old illness improved, he and Wang Jian and others began to discuss the plan to attack Shouchun.

inside the military tent.

All the officers and men waited in full force, meticulously, and were listening to their decisions.

On top of this kind of main attack, Wang Jian and Ying Yuan have always made a joint decision after discussing it. Now, Meng Wu is also added.

As for Li Xin and others, unless they have a more pertinent suggestion in their hearts, they are all wise and shut up.

As the middle and high-level generals of the military, they are actually not qualified to say anything in front of Ying Yuan and others.

"If you want to capture Shouchun, you must capture Cai. The road has been blocked by heavy snow for more than two months. Presumably the current Shoucheng fortifications have reached an extremely strong level. Therefore, we cannot waste too much in attacking Caicheng. time.

Otherwise, the enemy army will stick to Shouchun and block our army's offensive pace, and the days will drag on for a long time, which is not good for us.After all, the supply line is too long. It will take at least half a year from Xianyang to here. "

When Ying Yuan said these words, he took a special look at Mi Qi's expression.

If there is no accident, according to the original history, this person is very likely to turn out of Qin.

"Yuan'er, you can order directly. In short, our army has no other way to capture Cai and Shouchun, but to fight to the death!"

Wang Jian made a quick decision.

Without hesitation, Ying Yuan ordered Li Xin to lead an army of [-] to attack Xiacai City within half a month.

And he also issued a military order directly.

Since the defeat of Chu with Huanju last time, Ying Yuan seldom took him with him when he went out to battle.

He also knew very well in his heart that in order to change the impression in Champion Hou's mind, going to Caicheng was an opportunity.

And Ying Yuan also wanted to give him a chance to avenge his shame.

Before sending out troops, he told the other party: "Xiacai City is safe to defend, even if one of the [-] troops spits out one mouthful, it can flood that city. Fight this battle well, and after the success, this Marquis will A celebration banquet will be held for you!"

Li Xin bowed solemnly and said, "No!"

Then he got on his horse and led the army away without returning.

In fact, in Ying Yuan's eyes, the matter of attacking Xia Cai was a meritless effort.

Mi Qi was standing beside him at this time, looking at the direction of the [-] troops, and asked, "Master Hou, how sure are you that you can destroy Chu?"

Ying Yuan patted him on the shoulder, stood with his hands behind his back, and said earnestly: "Why, the majestic Da Qin Xiangbang has no confidence in our attack on Chu?"

Mi Qi shook his head and said: "That's not the case. I just heard that the Chu State has gathered more than [-] troops from all over the country in Shouchun. There is plenty of food and grass, and there are many soldiers. If Shouchun cannot be attacked for a long time, how can we destroy it?" Chu State?"

Ying Yuan laughed loudly and said, "Who told you that if you attack Shouchun, you will definitely be unable to attack for a long time?"

As the Prime Minister of Great Qin, although he knows the strength of the army very well, strength and temporary combat power are two different things.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one can control it.

And Ying Yuan was confident enough to trample the Great Qin's iron hooves on every street in Shouchun City.

"Since Lord Hou has this confidence, I will just wait for the good news."

Mi Qi made a slight bow, and then left the room, looking like she was going to rest.

Looking at his back, Ying Yuan murmured: "If you don't want to be a good prime minister of Qin, you must be obsessed with the so-called mother country. Qin treats you well, Mi Qi!"

When Ying Zheng appointed him as prime minister, he actually wanted to ease the conflict between Qin and Chu through his relationship.

Let Chu State not stab a knife in the back when Qin State expands outward.

However, it seems that Mi Qi has not played a key role in the friendship between the two countries.

"Do you still think that he will do that?"

When Wang Jian came to him, he happened to hear the words he muttered to himself.

Ying Yuan frowned and said: "I don't want him to do such a thing either. After all, he is the prime minister of our Great Qin. Once he rebels against Great Qin, the impact will be extremely far-reaching, and the king will go there."

Having said that, he didn't continue talking.

Wang Jian also sighed heavily, hoping that such a thing would not happen.

But all in all, all the worries are all the worries, and they're not going to stop this from happening.

If Mi Qi really has that idea, then let him go, after all, everyone has their own ambitions.

What's more, it is also a good thing that there are fewer foreign relatives in Qin's territory.

It's just that in Ying Zheng's heart, the impact it caused is probably incalculable.

They all knew very well that the king's most hated thing in his life was betrayal.

On Li Xin's side, after several days of bloody fighting, Xiacai City was finally captured.

Ying Yuan, Wang Jian and others pulled all the troops to Xiacai City.

The spring of the 24th year of Qin Wangzheng.

Shouchun City is broken.

King Xiong Yuan of Chu committed suicide in the palace.

Prior to this, in order to inform the state of Chu of the Qin army's offensive plan, Mi Qi chose to flee to the Chu camp at night and formally treason.

However, what he didn't know was that all of this was planned by Ying Yuan.

Late that night, he changed his strategic plan.

Shouchun City is located in the Huaishui River, where it meets three major rivers and is the city's natural barrier.

But having said that, sometimes what is beneficial to oneself is often harmful to oneself.

Although Yingyuan flooded the city with water, although it did not cause substantial harm to Shouchun, it exerted an invisible pressure on the soldiers and civilians in the city, which made the soldiers and civilians lose their minds, and was finally defeated by the Qin army in one fell swoop.

Xiang Yan led more than [-] remnants all the way south, determined to take advantage of the natural dangers in the south and continue to resist Qin.

He killed a lot of soldiers of the Qin Army, and he and Ying Yuan also got into a deadly situation, so he definitely couldn't think about surrendering, so the only way he could go was to fight.

On that day, Ying Yuan was ambushed and killed, and the other party killed his own child. No matter how he looked at it, even if he surrendered, the other party would definitely not let him go.

Therefore, he will not do something like throwing himself into a trap.

Even if he ran away, he actually took Mi Qi along with him.

And also became the new king of Chu in Huainan area.

This news made Ying Yuan smile bitterly.

It has to be said that it is really incomprehensible for someone to do such a ridiculous thing even though he knows his defeat is certain.

Inside Chu Palace.

Ying Yuan stared at the unburied corpse of the King of Chu, Xiong Yuan, in a daze.

Wang Jian stood beside him and said, "How should I report to the king about Mi Qi?"

Ying Yuan sighed, "Let's tell the truth, no matter what kind of attitude the king may have, in short, such things cannot be hidden."

"You boy, the ability to predict the enemy in advance really impresses the teacher. When did you realize that Mi Qi has a rebellious heart?"

Wang Jian asked curiously.

After all, this thing is a little too magical.

Before Mi Qi showed his clues, no one could see that he had the intention of rebellion.

After all, Qin will destroy Chu in the next day. Wouldn't it be self-defeating to rebel at this time?
Ying Yuan said bluntly: "Although in the eyes of the teacher, it is not a wise move for Mi Qi to rebel, but what else can he do? Once Chu State is destroyed, the value of him and his relatives will plummet. , How did the foreign relatives target the king at the beginning, don't you need to talk too much about it?

The value of the existence of foreign relatives is to use them to make the relationship between Qin and Chu harmonious, but they have lost this value now. In terms of governing the country, Mi Qi is far inferior to Wei Liao and Li Si. After the foreign relatives are not valued by the king, What will happen to them? "

Wang Jian frowned and said, "As a teacher, I see that the king puts a lot of emphasis on his son Fusu, and Fusu was born to a woman from a foreign relative. Isn't this a sign that the king puts a lot of emphasis on his relatives?"

Ying Yuan shook his head and said, "Your Majesty actually doesn't care about Young Master Fu Su at all, and even his partiality for Young Master Hu Hai has never been reflected in Fu Su.

The reason why the king attaches great importance to his son Fusu now is that he feels that his health is getting worse and worse, and Hu Hai has been self-willed since he was a child, so he is not suitable to be the successor of the lord of a country.

For this reason, the king had no choice but to intensify efforts to train his son Fusu, hoping that he would be able to assume the throne of the Great Qin Dynasty in the future. "

He is Ying Zheng's younger brother, so he naturally understands Ying Zheng's thoughts very well.

"Once you tell the king about Mi Qi, I'm afraid that the heads of many relatives will fall to the ground." Wang Jian stroked his beard.

Ying Yuan said calmly: "As long as the king of Da Qin is still him, no matter how many people die in Qin country, there will be no chaos. Teacher, Mi Qi rebelled, we have to take this opportunity to ask for some benefits from the king.

Otherwise, the two of you and I won't be able to seal our achievements, and we won Shouchun again. If we go one step further, Xiang Yan is already a piece of meat on the board and can't fly. We pretend not to make progress to dispel the king's suspicion. "

(End of this chapter)

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