Qin Shi: Beginning as the first emperor's younger brother

Chapter 313 Li Tong and the end of the season

Chapter 313 Li Tong and the end of the season
At present, the Yin Yang family and Quicksand have infiltrated into the Mohist mechanism city quite tacitly.

If there is no accident, they have fully grasped the secret of entering the organ city.

At this time, Meng Tian was still marching at a leisurely pace.

Ying Qing said helplessly: "Uncle, are you really not afraid of being robbed of the first credit by those people in the world?"

In recent days, he and Meng Tian have gotten quite close, so he no longer calls him General Meng, but Uncle.

Hope to get closer to each other.

Meng Tian said with a smile: "Even if the entire Mohist family is encircled and exterminated, what kind of credit is it? Back then, they even participated in the war of destroying the country. This little credit, don't forget it, let them. Let them, the forces of the world, fight and fight!"

These words revealed a lot of information unintentionally.

Ying Qing was shocked.

It seems that Ying Zheng's idea is to let the forces in the rivers and lakes kill each other.

This world, without Jiang Hu, will only become better.

If it weren't for the fact that he had just unified the world and his foundation was unstable, he would even have wanted to promulgate the ban on arms.

If you want to practice martial arts, you can, join the empire and become a pawn of the empire.

Of course, such a thing will take a long time to complete the transition.

As soon as Meng Tian finished speaking, he saw a famous scout rushing over.

He received a letter, opened it, and learned about Yan Dan.

"This Yin-Yang family really should not be underestimated. They managed to plot against the giant of the Mo family so quickly."

Meng Tian couldn't help sighing.

You know, that Yan Dan back then was the ancestor who played tricks.

Unexpectedly, this time, he was tripped by someone from the Yin Yang family.

It is said that Yan Dan's woman, the missing concubine Yan, is also a member of the Yin Yang family?

This is really interesting.

"Which Yin Yang master did it?" Ying Qing asked curiously.

Meng Tian responded: "Master Commander. Young Master, if there is no master guard from the palace, it is better to avoid conflicts with the Yin Yang family. After all, if you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of it.

Han Fei, Korea's proud generation, died at the hands of the Yin Yang family. "

"Isn't that Han Fei killed by Li Si?" Ying Qing was puzzled.

He had heard from his father that the main responsibility for Han Fei's matter lay with Li Si.

But there have been many versions of this story in the world.

People who have experienced that incident themselves are unwilling to say more.

Therefore, for Yingqing or Fusu's generation, they can only learn the clues about that incident from the official unified caliber.

As for the truth, it has already become blurred.

"My lord, the matter about Han Fei has already passed away. You'd better not ask about it."

Even Meng Tian still has some taboos about this matter.

Because Ying Zheng didn't want the world to talk about it.

In this world, besides Ying Yuan, the person who didn't want Han Fei to die the most was Ying Zheng.

But the latter has no way.

Ying Qing nodded. It seems that if you want to know about this matter, you still have to ask your father.

Outside the Mojia office city.

In a dense jungle.

Wei Zhuang, Bai Feng and others gathered together.

"It is said that the son of Ying Yuan came with Meng Tian."

The former opened his mouth lightly.

The latter replied: "A few days ago, I met Nongyu's daughter. She has her demeanor, but this girl has a bit of a weird temper."

Bai Feng has matured a lot compared to when he was young.

It is probably caused by the tempering of the years.

"Nongyu. I haven't seen her for a long time, and I haven't seen Ying Yuan for a long time, and"

Speaking of this, Wei Zhuang looked in the direction of the organ city, frowned and said: "My senior brother—Gai Nie."

Between vertical and horizontal, there must be a war, which seems to be an unavoidable thing.

"When will we attack the organ city?"

Bai Feng believed in Wei Zhuang's strength, as long as the other party was willing to break into the Trick City, it was only a matter of time.

"Don't worry, the big troops haven't arrived yet, why should we be impatient."

The large army that Wei Zhuang refers to is the public loser and the yin and yang family.

Only by combining the strengths of these two families can he be sure to break through the Mo family.

As for Meng Tian and the others, they were completely out of his consideration.

Because ever since he lost to Ying Yuan that year, he didn't want to negotiate too deeply with the army.

What's more, Meng Tian was the main general who caused his defeat back then.

That battle was also the battle of Meng Tian's fame.

Northern Xinjiang.


At the end of the season, they came to look for Li Tong, and the two sat on the ground. For a while, there seemed to be laughter inside and outside the Great Wall.

After drinking for three rounds, the former mentioned one thing: "Young master came to Yanmen some time ago, and the prince was unexpected. He didn't say anything excessive to you, did he?"

In his eyes, Ying Qing has always been like a child.

Since it is a child, it is inevitable that sometimes the child will be a little willful.

What's more, it was on the premise that Li Tong no longer relied on Ying Yuan.

"Are you here specifically for this?"

Li Tong was curious.

Now, Ying Yuan no longer controls Jinyiwei, and the person in charge of Jinyiwei, on the surface, is Qinglong, but in fact it is the end of the season.

Therefore, despite the fact that there is no official position at the end of the current season, his political status cannot be underestimated.

Over the years, it's not that Ying Zheng didn't think of placing other people in Jinyiwei, but it's a pity that they were all secretly run away by Qinglong and others.

From that moment on, Ying Zheng also gradually understood one thing, if he wanted to perfectly manage Jinyiwei, it would take several generations of hard work.

"This is just one of the elements. You should be very clear in your heart that the prince is secretly planning the world, and your northern border is the most important thing. So the prince does not want to see any accidents happen here."

The main purpose of this trip at the end of the season is to remind Li Tong of some things.

"Hmph! Let's speak from our hearts, how many things have we risked our lives for the prince? But what about Meng Tian? Not only is he out of the prince's control, but now he is in control of the most powerful army in the empire, the Golden Fire Cavalry. 30 soldiers!

Why can't I?You know, I have accomplished a lot in these years!People like Huan Juan and Li Xin can't compare to me!I even followed Lord Hou earlier than Meng Tian, ​​guarding the gate of Longxi for Lord Hou, what did Meng Tian do?
Even though I have the final say on the whole northern Xinjiang now, but in the final analysis, I am still just a gatekeeper!Why?Why?Do you know what those people in Huanju say about me behind their backs? "

Li Tong looked a little excited.

He was drinking continuously and seemed to be drunk.

However, what he said today was just to tell Ying Yuan at the end of the season.

Let Ying Yuan understand that it has been really difficult for him these years.

"you're drunk!"

At the end of the season, he took a deep breath and said slightly angrily: "The prince has never forgotten the achievements you have made, but for the sake of the prince's layout, you must endure humiliation! Li Tong! Remember, don't do anything that betrays the prince, that will hurt you Say, no good!"

Among those who have made contributions to the unification of the world, the personal relationship between Ji Mo and Li Tong is the best, and it can be said that they are old friends who talk about everything.

So in front of him, Li Tong had nothing to shy away from saying: "Tell me the truth, is the prince sure to win the world?"


At the end of the season, he stood up suddenly and said angrily: "Do you know what you are talking about? That sentence, if you dare to ask others, I will kill you!"

Li Tong said indifferently: "Don't be so anxious to get angry, there are only you and me for miles around, what are you afraid of?"

Hearing the sound, Ji Mo calmed down a little, and said bluntly: "The prince will never do anything to betray His Majesty the Emperor, not in the past, not now, and never in the future!"

"I know, but the little prince can't say for sure."

Li Tong pretended to lie on the ground and fell asleep.

Seeing him like this at the end of the season, he shook his head helplessly, "Actually, I'm looking for you today mainly because I want to see you. I'm going to Longxi and Beidi in a few days, so you can do it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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