Qin Shi: Beginning as the first emperor's younger brother

Chapter 341 Arrived in Northern Xinjiang

Chapter 341 Arrived in Northern Xinjiang
After Fusu's voice fell, Li Si seemed a little surprised.

What surprised him was that Fusu said this matter openly without careful consideration.

I don't know whether the other party trusts me or is deliberately testing.

But no matter what, he won't say much if he shouldn't say it.

Especially this kind of matter involving Ying Yuan and the royal family.

"Actually, you don't need to worry, my lord. One day in the future, those forces that rebelled against the Great Qin will be punished one day. Any force that dares to resist the empire will not end well in the end."

Li Si avoided the important ones.

Fu Su nodded and said nothing more.

In fact, sometimes, even Li Si felt that if the future of the world was in Li Si's hands, the empire would surely be governed.

However, his own power will also be threatened.

After all, he has enough reasons to believe that Fusu, who has implemented a benevolent government, will not reuse himself, a hero who has experienced the battle of world domination.

The most critical point is that sometimes, the two of them will not agree on their political views.

This creates a kind of discrepancy in their nature.

Li Si has always been a cruel and ruthless person, and he will not show mercy to the remnants of the Six Kingdoms.

But Fusu is different. Facing the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, he has always focused on comforting him. When he is really dying, he wields the butcher knife, but only kills some of the main criminals.

As for the accomplices, those who can not be killed will not be killed.

If the current Great Qin Empire were handed over to Fusu, there would be no good results at all.

Northern Xinjiang.

When Ying Qing came here, the big boat of Yin Yang's family had been out to sea for about four or five days.

Fu Su, Li Si and others also rushed to Xianyang City.

Ying Zheng knew about Ying Qing's coming to northern Xinjiang to serve as a centurion, and he acquiesced.

As his uncle, even if the relationship with his parents has become less harmonious, it will not hinder the children who want to make progress from exercising.

The person who greeted Ying Qing was Li Tong.

After the two of them met, they didn't appear very polite, but went straight to the point.

"The situation of the foreign race is more complicated now. The one who led the 30 Beihu cavalry this time is the prince's old rival Chi Dan."

Li Tong briefly talked about the situation.

Ying Qing was taken aback, and blurted out, "30?"

He was a little shocked.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth and said, "Since the integration of the Rong and Hu tribes, isn't this Chi Dan not being reused by the grassland king? Why is it that he led the army to attack the northern border this time?"

He still knew a little about Chi Dan.

Back then, Ying Yuan rode straight in and helped Chi Dan regain his position as the leader of the Rong clan, and he also enshrined Zen in the royal court of the Rong clan, allowing the word Qin to resound in the land of the foreign race.

However, it is said that there was a war between different races, and the Rong people were defeated, and they were forced to follow the example of the two emperors, Yan and Huang, and the two races merged together.

After that, there was no news of Chi Dan from the foreign race.

It is said that Chi Dan established an intelligence organization among other races, which often caused friction with Luo Wang and Jin Yiwei.

Under the unified leadership of Ying Yuan, some of Chi Shan's plans were repeatedly thwarted.

Chi Dan's current status among the alien race was limited to this.

Just the head of an intelligence agency.

He didn't even go into the power center of the foreign race, so he didn't know what happened. He was the one who led the troops to the northern border this time.

Speaking of which, this Chi Dan, up to now, is still holding a noble title conferred by the Qin State—Ronghou.

"It has always been our intelligence agencies that have problems. This Chi Dan should not be underestimated. Back then, Lord Hou once told me that this person is extremely patient. .”

Back then, when Li Tong and Ying Yuan left the alien royal court together, they heard the latter talk a lot about Chi Dan. All in all, he was not an incompetent person.

"Where is General Meng Tian?"

Ying Yuan asked with concern.

Meng Tian's status at this moment is equivalent to the status of Meng Wu, Wang Jian and others in the past.

Even Ying Yuan, who just entered Xianyang City, can't compare with it.

"Meng Tian has been stationed at the border town in the northwest. The opinion of the two of us is that this battle with alien races should be based on defense. After all, none of us has any experience in fighting in the north.

The generals of Yan and Zhao who once invaded the northern hinterland are basically gone. Facing a strange land and ethnic group, it is still not appropriate to underestimate the enemy and rush forward. "

The reason why Li Tong said this was to give Ying Qing a chance to learn.

After all, Ying Yuan had already expressed all his thoughts about sending him to northern Xinjiang.

"I thought that with my uncle and General Meng standing firm on the frontier, it would take at most a few months to defeat the alien race. It seems that things are much more serious than I thought."

Ying Qing said seriously.

Li Tong nodded, "During this time, don't rush into the battlefield, and familiarize yourself with the situation in the army first, otherwise you will be directly appointed as a hundred households, I'm afraid you won't be able to consider some details."

Although he knew that Ying Qing had studied military art with Wang Jian for a period of time, but it was just talk on paper after all.

The real war situation is far more serious than a simple analogy on paper.

What's more, Li Tong also had to be responsible for those one hundred soldiers.

Ying Qing nodded slightly and said, "Everything will be done according to Uncle's wishes."

Since he came here to work on a job, he couldn't let his own temper do some things.

Inside Qi Wangfu.

Tian Zhen has always been worried.

How can she feel at ease as a mother when her son goes to the battlefield?
But Ying Yuan pretended to be calm on the surface.

He dismissed it and said: "When I was ten years old, I started to bathe in bloody battles, and when I was a teenager, I started to serve as a general in the charge. At that time, I was not afraid of Gu. Why are you so afraid? Our Qing'er is not young anymore. It should be like a man, on the battlefield, shed blood and sweat for the country and the country."

Tian Zhen frowned and said, "You were in troubled times at that time, how can you compare it to now? Qing'er has never suffered from you, and she has a lot of money. If something goes wrong, what should I do?"

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became.

Ying Yuan shook his head helplessly, and said: "Zhen'er, I have told the soldiers ahead that they will take good care of Qing'er.

You haven't been to the military camp for a long time, and you don't know that the good sons who are now serving in the army are basically young, and some are even a few years younger than Qing'er. They left their homes and came to the military camp, many of them for Make a living.

If they were unlucky, they would still take up their weapons, put on their battle armor, and fight bloody battles with the enemy, and they might be buried underground.If Qing'er is not allowed to see it for himself, he will never be able to achieve a real growth. "

Tian Zhen sighed.

Even if she knew this, she didn't want to see Ying Qing go to the battlefield.

But, what can be done?

Who made him the eldest son of King Qi?
Ying Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, and murmured: "The world is easy to obtain, but great rule is extremely difficult. Only after being baptized on the battlefield can Qing'er be sure what he will do."

(End of this chapter)

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