Qin Shi: Beginning as the first emperor's younger brother

Chapter 384 Arriving outside the Territory

Chapter 384 Arriving outside the Territory
Since Ying Yuan was away on an expedition, it seemed that the matter in Daze Township had nothing to do with him.

But it is undeniable that Wang Li's coming here is definitely due to the factors of Prince Qi's residence. It is hard to tell what role Ying Yuan plays behind the scenes.


Ying Chuan and Meng Tian successfully join forces.

For the big victory just won, all the generals in the army were convinced.

The ever-victorious champion Hou has not left and is still there.

It is exciting to win such a big battle in a short period of time without leading troops for many years.

At the same time, Suzaku has also arrived.

Seeing this, Ying Yuan said helplessly: "This is a military camp, I didn't want you to come, but in the end I couldn't screw you."

Suzaku said with a playful smile: "My lord, you are away on an expedition, and the queen has to take care of the house, so you can't come in person, so you have to send me here. I heard that your lord has just won a big victory. Congratulations to your lord, your sword is not old."

"What is this nonsense?"

Ying Yuan said unhappily: "Could it be that in your heart, Gu is already old?"

"Que'er doesn't know if you are old or not. After all, Que'er has never tried before." Speaking of this, Suzaku changed the subject and said mischievously: "Why don't you let Que'er try tonight, my lord, are you old or not?"

"You girl, what nonsense are you talking about? Ask for a fight!"

Ying Yuan blew his beard and stared.

At this moment, Ying Qing broke into the big tent and said with a smile, "Aunt Que'er has been waiting for you for so long, do you intend to be a heartless person forever?"

Hearing the sound, Suzaku bowed his head, blushing.

Ying Yuan shook his head, not knowing what to say.

Ying Qing said: "Father, I don't intend to disturb you and Aunt Que'er, but I just received a message from Fei Ge that the medical fairy Duan Murong has agreed to go north, and Gai Nie came with him."

"Well, tell me to go on, and when the two of them arrive in Beidi, they will be entertained along the way." Ying Yuan said.

Ying Qing was puzzled, "Can General Huanju's injuries last?"

Ying Yuan smiled and said: "It's okay, this Huanjuan has strong bones and can hold on, you should step back first."

Ying Qing turned and left the big tent.

"How is the progress of the alien woman who asked you to deal with?"

After seeing him leave, Ying Yuan turned around and asked.

Suzaku quickly responded, "It's already dead."

In the whole world, no one can survive under Jin Yiwei's pursuit.

"That's good."

Ying Yuan sat on the chair and closed his eyes to meditate.

Suzaku, who was busy all the way, had not had time to rest, so she came up behind him wisely and massaged the position of his temple.

The goddess of death in the eyes of the world will only show her tender side when she sees Ying Yuan.

Back then, they went to the country of Yan to participate in the farmers' Yibao conference, and later went deep into the rivers and lakes, and experienced all kinds of things, so they shared weal and woe.

And Ying Yuan also understood her affection, seeing her today, he was very pleased, and planned to find a good day to formally marry her.

Xianyang City.

Zhangtai Palace.

Li Si informed Yingzheng of the news of Huanju's serious injury, and then stopped talking.

"There are only you and my monarch and ministers in this palace. If you want to say something, just say it."

Ying Zheng looked up at the other party, and then said a word while he was immersed in daily government affairs.

Li Si said bluntly: "As far as I know, besides General Huanjue, there were also Generals Li Tong and Li Xin among the generals who participated in that great battle, but only General Huanjue was injured."

He dared not speak any more.

Ying Zheng put down the pen in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "You mean, there are often conflicts between General Huanju and the King of Qi. In this battle, Huanju was injured, and the King of Qi is suspected of avenging his personal revenge?"

Li Si hurriedly bowed and said, "I dare not."

"But that's what you mean."

Ying Zheng said coldly: "King Qi is not as narrow-minded as you said. On the battlefield, swords and swords are speechless. Don't use the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman. This battle has brought out my great Qin Tianwei. The ministers who participated in the battle should be rewarded, and the result of this battle should be announced to the world."

The results of this foreign battle were unprecedented. 20 people defeated the main force of the enemy army in one fell swoop, making them flee far away. Although the enemy's vitality was not hurt, this battle was basically half won.


When Li Si was about to leave the hall, Ying Zheng's voice came from beside his ears, "Fusu is in the north, I don't worry, no matter what happens in the north, as long as the King of Qi has not returned to the court in triumph, I don't want to hear it again." Some gossip."

"I understand."

a few days later.

Gai Nie and Duan Murong came abroad and met Ying Yuan.

The former bowed solemnly and said: "My lord, I haven't seen you for a long time. On the way here, I heard that you have won a great victory against the alien race. I am very happy to congratulate you."

During this period, due to the imperial court's efforts to publicize, the fact that Ying Yuan defeated the alien race has become known to everyone.

The people of Qin rejoiced.

After all, the champion Hou Yingyuan is a member of the royal family, a serious old Qin man.

It turns out that most of the people in various countries are also relatively happy, but not as obvious as the Qin people.

To completely change their thinking so that they no longer miss the old country, it will take at least two or three generations of replacement, and it will take decades of effort.

In any case, that battle can definitely leave a strong mark in the history books.

"It's just a fluke. It's the first time Gu sees Miss Duanmu. It's better to be famous than to meet her. If Miss Duanmu comes in person, General Huanju will be saved."

Ying Yuan stood with his hands behind his back.

Duan Murong said lightly: "In front of the lord, a little fame is insignificant. I just came on the next road, exhausted physically and mentally. I need to rest for a few days before I can treat General Huanju."

"Naturally, the resting place has been prepared for the two of you. It's just that General Huanju's health has deteriorated seriously in the past few days. Miss Duanmu, why don't you take a look first?"

Ying Yuan said.

Duanmu Rong said coldly, "I'm tired today."

Ying Yuan was stunned.

Gai Nie apologized and said: "Miss Duanmu is usually not good at words, she made the prince laugh at her."

Hearing the sound, Ying Yuan smiled and said: "It's okay, people in the Jianghu speak quickly, according to Yigu, General Huanju's body can last for a few days, and it's okay to wait for Miss Duanmu to rest well."

At this time, someone stepped forward and led the two of them to the residence.

Before they came, Ying Yuan ordered people to build two log cabins, with a stove for heating and food and clothing, everything should be prepared.

This was not done for Duanmu Rong's sake, but Gai Nie.

After the latter saw this scene, he cupped his hands slightly and said, "Thank you, my lord, for your kindness."

Ying Yuan said: "It's a trivial matter, you have come from a long way, this is what you should do alone."

Gai Nie no longer refused, and readily accepted.

Afterwards, the two rode a fast horse and came outside the camp to chat.

"The scenery of the Northern Territory is rare to see in a lifetime." Gai Nie said.

This is his first time outside the territory.

Ying Yuan smiled and said, "This land will be the land of Qin from now on, you can come here often."

"My lord seems very confident about this battle."

"Whether food, grass or supplies are abundant, there is no reason to lose this battle."

"Then congratulate the prince first."

Hearing Gai Nie say this, Ying Yuan said bluntly: "You have been in close contact with those rebels in Daze Township recently, and there is only one thing that you can't say."

"My lord, please speak frankly," Gai Nie said.

Ying Yuan said: "Why don't you all want to believe that Daqin can create a prosperous world?"

"My lord, when I went to Daze Township, I saw many people begging along the street, I also saw the phenomenon of changing children to eat, and I saw many villages without even a stranger. You said, such a world can be treated Is it called the prosperous age?" Gai Nie said.

Hearing the sound, Ying Yuan shook his head and sighed: "That is the evil left by the unification of all countries, and it is difficult to eliminate it in the short term, but this country must hope that the people living at the bottom will get better and better, even if it is not the Great Qin, it will be another In a country, I am afraid that the lives of those people will become more difficult."

(End of this chapter)

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