Chapter 74

It is also Ying Zheng's intention to go to integrate the specific number of weapons hidden in the arsenal.

This move of his made the whole Qin country filled with a smell of gunpowder.

This is not only an inevitable procedure when Da Sima just took office, but also declares some of Qin's goals.

Some people speculate that it is conceivable that for a long time in the future, the country will inevitably strive to develop armaments.

After inspecting the arsenal in Liyang County, Ying Yuan was amazed. When he watched the gate of the arsenal slowly close, he couldn't help but murmured: "These countless weapons and armors are waiting for you. It's getting moldy here."

Li Tong was frightened by Ying Yuan just now, and he didn't dare to talk to him with a playful smile. He stood behind Ying Yuan humbly and said, "General, these weapons will come in handy sooner or later." of."

Hearing the sound, Champion Hou shook his head and smiled wryly: "How long is it? Two years? Five years? Lu Buwei will not die for a day, and Daqin will not go out for a day."

"Why is this?"

Li Tong doesn't understand politics.

He didn't understand at all that the coming of the Great Qin Dynasty had anything to do with Lu Buwei.

Shouldn't this be something that some bigwigs in the military are worried about?

In his heart, he simply believed that Lu Buwei was incompetent in military affairs and could not command Qin's army, so he had no right to directly intervene in the management of what happened in the East of Great Qin.

However, after hearing Ying Yuan's answer, he fell into deep thought,
"He believes that Qin's current strength is not yet capable of unifying the world, and he wants to wait a little longer in order to better grasp the power in his hands.

The "Lushi Chunqiu" compiled by him contains his program for governing the country. When you have nothing to do, you can take a look at it, it will be of great benefit.

If it was the time of King Qin Zhaoxiang, perhaps the essentials of governing the country he wrote would be reused.

But the king was born strong, determined to become the existence of the mountain, he did not allow the theory of people like Lu Buwei to influence his thinking, the king... is to be the first generation of kings who are self-righteous in all ages.

It is destined that Lu Buwei's theory will not be better utilized.How can this make him wish?

Over the years, he has been postponing the king's personal administration and my ambition to be born in the east of the Qin Dynasty, just to let his thoughts on governing the country be carried forward and passed on to future generations in his lifetime. "

Hearing this, Li Tong understood.

The biggest contradiction between Lu Buwei and the king is actually the disunity of political opinions.

"So, Xiangbang is also wholeheartedly for the betterment of Qin?" He asked again.

Ying Yuan nodded, "If he hadn't contributed to Da Qin, he would have been killed many times by the old Qin people even if he was in charge of such a big killer as the net."

This is not a false statement.

The body is invincible.

Lu Buwei's actions throughout his life were worthy of the people of his family and country, and even the old Qin people lived more and more prosperously under his rule.

If he had done something wrong, or was a treacherous minister, he would never have lived to this day.

And what makes him really difficult to deal with is that he acts so righteously that he has almost no weaknesses, making it impossible to attack.

Although he keeps gathering power, it seems to be for himself.

In fact, it's all just to make their own ideas of governing the country implementable.

He knew very well in his heart that the great king of the Qin Kingdom had the ambition to devour thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and he also had a domineering spirit. He would definitely be a hero in the future, but he still lacked training.

If it is polished, in the future, it may not be possible to become an existence like King Wu of Zhou, and it is even more important to surpass the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

On the ancient road outside Liyang City, there is a gazebo.

It was built for officials.

Its purpose is to give pedestrians a rest.

After all, the weather is unpredictable, sometimes it blows and rains, and if pedestrians are on the road, they will be hit by the rain, and the construction of this gazebo is just for pedestrians to take shelter from the rain.

In Qin State, there are many such pavilions.

They were all built by officials from various places ordered by Lu Buwei.

He doesn't have any other purpose, he just wants to make people's lives better and make them feel more warm.

At this moment, Lu Buwei and Zheng Huo are in the pavilion.

The former bowed to the latter and said, "Xiangbang, are you waiting for him here?"

Hearing the sound, Lu Buwei nodded and said: "Once you enter the city, the officials in the city will inevitably come to disturb you. The old man is old and likes to be quiet. Counting the time, the champion should be leaving the city soon. This official road is It is the only way to return to Xianyang, be patient and wait, he will appear."

He came here suddenly to wait for Ying Yuan!
Have to say, this is a surprising thing.

When he came all the way, Zheng Huo felt puzzled in his heart. After thinking twice, he asked, "Dare to ask Xiangbang, why didn't you wait for him in Xianyang? You want to see him, but you have to come here in person. The journey is exhausting, and your body is exhausted. "

Having said that, he hesitated to speak but stopped.

Lu Buwei took out a piece of bread from his bosom, gnawed it with relish, and said while eating, "In Xianyang City, I am the Prime Minister of the Great Qin Dynasty. But here, I am just a villager in the mountains and wild cranes."

Zheng Huo couldn't hold his tongue, frowned secretly, thinking: "Could it be that Xiangbang intends to die?"

He has been in the Prime Minister's Mansion for many years and has offended many powerful people. If Lu Buwei really has the idea of ​​stepping down as Prime Minister of any country, then he must make a way out early.

Standing next to him anxiously, not speaking, just standing there cautiously and quietly.

Outside the gazebo is an open field, where there are more than ten guards protecting Lu Buwei.

He concentrated on eating the slightly hard pancake, without any dislike in his heart. From a distance, he really looked like a farmer who, in order to save time, randomly made two bites to fill his hunger when he was resting during the busy farming season. appearance.

It's hard to imagine that Daqin Xiangbang, who is in a high position and has never been short of money, has such a scene of being close to the people.

What's even more rare is that Zheng Huo, who has been with Lu Buwei for many years, didn't find it strange at all when he saw the scene in front of him, on the contrary, he was used to it.

It can be seen that this is not the first time he has eaten this kind of whole grain.

After swallowing the big cake completely, he looked at Zheng Huo and said with a smile: "You know, the old man has been busy for most of his life, what do you want?"

Zheng Huo frowned, thought for a while, and tentatively replied: "Is it for the sake of being immortal?"

Lu Buwei laughed loudly, as if thinking of something, he hesitated again and again, and finally decided to say: "You are far worse than your brother Zheng Yi. Over the years, you two have worked hard to follow this old man, but you Elder brother usually keeps a low profile, but you insist that you are in the prime minister's mansion, and you can be said to be extremely arrogant and domineering, which has offended many dignitaries.

I didn't want to talk to you about these things, but today is different from the past. The old man has a hunch that something big will happen in the near future, so you should stop following the old man. Otherwise, the old man is worried that after losing power in the future, he will not be able to take care of you. You, at that time, you will have disasters. "

Zheng Huo's face was ashen, and he opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and his breathing became short of breath, obviously frightened by his words.

Looking at his expression, Lu Buwei sighed and shook his head, "You have some cleverness, but it is useless. The reason why I kept you by my side all these years is because when I first came to Xianyang, you protected the former king.

The old man will give you a sum of money, go to Qi State, hide your name, and never go back to Xianyang again.Do as the old man said, maybe you can still enjoy your old age, otherwise"

Having said that, he slowly closed his eyes.

Zheng Huo's face turned pale immediately, he knelt down on his knees, came to Lu Buwei, kowtowed and said, "Xiangbang, I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

Even though he was afraid just now, he still felt a little calm in his heart.

But now the trembling emotions have completely wiped out his last trace of composure.

"This old man is making a living for you!"

Lu Buwei opened his eyes, his eyes widened with anger, hating that iron cannot be made into steel, "I will give you some gold, silver and jewels, bring them to Qi State, marry an aunt, live well, leave an heir for yourself, save some money, It’s enough for three generations of you.”

"My brother he"

Zheng Huo raised his heart to his throat, his whole body was tense like a bowstring being stretched full.

On the contrary, Lu Buwei calmed down, "Afterwards, I will tell Zheng Yi that it was you who accidentally fell off the cliff, leaving no bones left. He will understand the good intentions of the truth, let's go, not far ahead, there will be a carriage and a cart You can't use this face anymore, find a place where no one is around, and disfigure it. If you have money in the future, it will not be difficult to start a family."

His approach seems to be dealing with some things.

It is also protecting some people.

He knows he is old.

I also know that the authority in my hand will fall aside sooner or later.

It's time to make some arrangements.

At this time, Lu Buwei in the gazebo and Zheng Huo who was kneeling on the ground looked so helpless and desolate.

 Ask for tickets, ask for investment

(End of this chapter)

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