Chapter 96
Back to the station.

Ying Yuan has already made plans for the next step.

Ready to leave Korea.

After all, based on Han Fei's decision, the culprit behind the assassination of the envoy of Qin has been found, and that is Yan Lingji.

At the beginning, Suzaku was a little puzzled when she saw that Ying Yuan brought back a beautiful woman.

Could it be that, according to what the mistress said, the son really went to find flowers and ask willows?

After hearing Ying Yuan tell the whole story, she was finally cleared up.

It turned out that this woman was Yan Lingji.

"My lord, if she returns to Qin with us, she will surely die." Suzaku said worriedly.

Now in Xianyang, many people are looking forward to the champion Hou to solve the case and take the culprit who assassinated the envoy of Qin to the state of Qin, where he will be sentenced to death in front of everyone.

Show the world the price of assassinating the envoy of Qin.

If the case is understood now, I'm afraid that it will be very difficult for Yan Lingji to save her life when she returns to Qin.

In the room, Yan Lingji stood in a corner, Ying Yuan sat on a chair, and Suzaku stood behind him, focusing on the former.

Suzaku fell behind, and Ying Yuan said bluntly, "It's okay, just find a substitute for the dead ghost."

Yan Lingji knew that she would be escorted to Qin, but she would not worry about her safety at all.

Because the other party couldn't wait to rescue him from Xue Yihou's hands, most of what he asked for was also for the treasure of Baiyue.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to plant the assassination case of the Qin envoy on himself.

Suzaku nodded, "This matter, my subordinates will arrange it."

Yan Lingji smiled charmingly, "Why do you need to find a scapegoat? Just kill me. Anyway, you can't get any secrets from me."

"Do you know what the Marquis wants?" Ying Yuan was curious.

Yan Lingji twisted her coquettish figure, covered her mouth with a light smile and said, "Isn't what you want the treasure of Baiyue?"

"You know?" Ying Yuan chuckled lightly.

Yan Lingji shook her head, "I don't know, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."

Immediately, Suzaku frowned, "My lord, your new slave seems a bit disobedient."

"It's true that I lack training." Ying Yuan got up suddenly, went outside, turned his back to Suzaku and said, "I'll leave her to you, please be merciful."

"Understood, son."

Suzaku smiled slightly at Yan Lingji.

The latter suddenly felt a little chill.

The woman in front of him seemed difficult to deal with.

However, no matter how difficult it is to deal with, how difficult is Ying Yuan to deal with?

After seeing him leave the room, Yan Lingji relaxed.

She approached Suzaku with bare feet, her steps were light, charming and charming.

Even walking, there is a charming feeling, one can imagine how beautiful Yan Lingji is.

She sat down calmly, broke free from the shackles on her neck, and looked at Suzaku with a provocative look, "I know you, Suzaku among the people who fight, is a very powerful woman."

Everyone thinks that Suzaku is a man. That's because when she goes on a mission, she always disguises herself as a man.

Yan Lingji had heard about this matter, so she focused on the word 'woman'.

Once Ying Yuan left, she regarded this place as her home and acted recklessly without fear.

Seeing her gesture, Suzaku not only didn't get angry, but also calmly said, "What else do you know?"

A ray of flame appeared on Yan Lingji's fingertips, she stared at the ray of flame in front of her, and said with a smile: "I also know that you have a high status among the watchmen, even if you are Qinglong, the leader of the eight commanders, you are not ashamed. It is also a courtesy."

"What else?" Suzaku continued to ask.

Yan Lingji responded: "There are more." Having said that, she slowly got up, swimming around Suzaku like a fish,

"You like Champion Hou. I can't be mistaken for the way you look at him. However, the way he looks at you is very ordinary. He doesn't seem to like you."

She just fell off the words.

Suddenly, Ying Yuan, who hadn't walked far from the station, heard a 'bang' from inside the station.

Frowning slightly, he murmured, "This Suzaku is so hard on you?"

Most of the station room was destroyed.

And Yan Lingji was seriously injured in an instant.

At this moment, she looked at Suzaku with fear in her eyes.

She never expected that the other party would be so strong!

Gathering energy into a blade, that ray of sword energy spread far and wide, and most of the damage was concentrated on her body.

It was all so unexpected.

She had no time to defend herself.

In addition, he had exhausted a lot of stamina in the battle with Ying Yuan in the Palace of the Han Dynasty before, so he was defeated by Suzaku with one move!
At this moment, the clothes on her body were torn apart by the sword energy, and she was leaning against the corner of the wall almost naked.

Scarred on his body.

When a ray of sword energy burst out suddenly, it turned into countless sword lights.

What kind of swordsmanship is this?
It's terrifying.

And, she's not afraid of her own flames either!

Suzaku came to her, condescending, and said seriously: "I didn't want to be so harsh, don't say what you should say, and say everything you shouldn't say.

You are right, I like the young master, everyone knows about this, but no one dares to say it in front of me and the young master.

As for you saying that Qinglong and the others respect me, you are not wrong, it is because my strength is stronger than theirs!Among the watchmen, the jungle of the jungle has always been the law of the jungle, and strength is the most respected! "

Yan Lingji held her chest and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, "Can you tell me why, are you not afraid of my fire technique?"

This time, she was completely convinced.

First he was taught a lesson by the Qin champion Hou, and then he was severely beaten by his subordinates.

Suzaku's tone of voice when speaking to Ying Yuan is very gentle, but when she treats others, especially Yan Lingji, who is charming in her eyes, her tone is extremely cold,

"My name is Suzaku, and Suzaku is one of the four spirits of the sky, and has a great relationship with Emperor Yan, one of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

Emperor Yan is in charge of the fire of the world. There is also a legend about Suzaku being reborn from the ashes. Do you think it is all luck for me to be called Suzaku?Do you think that in the whole world, you are the only one who can control fire? "


Yan Lingji's pupils dilated.

The scene of Suzaku holding a ray of flames in his eyes was reflected in his eyes.

She was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, she was dumbfounded, and wanted to say something, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say anything.

Should have been completely shocked.

It's true that Suzaku can control fire, but that's what he learned from a Taoist when he was a child in Zhao.

Although the ability to use fire is far inferior to that of Yan Lingji, she can still do it without fear of being burned by ordinary flames.

If Yan Lingji wanted to hurt her, she could only attack from a distance, not close combat.

Suzaku's ability to use fire is inferior to Yan Lingji, but there is still a fundamental gap between Taoist skills and witchcraft.

However, Suzaku, who has also learned swordsmanship, can be said to be Yan Lingji's deadly nemesis.

Therefore, she could easily defeat Yan Lingji.

Having said that, if the two fight in their heyday and the venue is ample enough, it is still unknown who will win in the end.

The vision caused by the fight between the two alarmed all the Qin envoys in the station.

Ying Yuan can be considered a big spender, directly contracting the entire station.

Therefore, there are no outsiders here.

Even the accompanying guards were replaced by members of the watchmen.

Its purpose is to ensure the security and privacy of the mission.

The reason why Ying Yuan wanted Suzaku to train Yan Lingji was because women understand women better.

As the champion of Qin State, he does not lack women by his side, what he lacks is women who are obedient and docile enough.

Suzaku understood his thoughts and knew what to do in order to make Yan Lingji become obedient and docile.

"Now, let me teach you some basic etiquette. In the future, when serving the young master, you will not make mistakes."

Suzaku looked at Yan Lingji, still full of coldness.

That kind of look is simply chilling.

Yan Lingji stood up slowly, and said stubbornly: "If you ask me to do it, will I do it?"

Suzaku said: "It's for your own good. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you learn it or not. But, if you want to live well by Young Master's side, you must understand what you should know.

At present, you have become the target of public criticism. If you want to survive, you can only follow the son.

I think you should be very clear about your current situation. Others will only use you, but Young Master can protect you. "

(End of this chapter)

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