The rise of the NBA superstar

Chapter 579, Champion of Skills Challenge! !

Chapter 579, Champion of Skills Challenge! !
The All-Star Weekend, where fans and stars are crazy, has come quietly.

Li Senlin was quite tired this week.

The degree of fatigue far exceeds Li Senlin's training and playing games.

Even Bread felt a little distressed seeing Lao Li fighting so hard. Lao Li was exhausted, so what about the competition?
"Li, you go back and have a good rest, relax, and adjust your state."

"Well, thank you coach."

Coming out of the media encirclement, Li Senlin encountered Bread by chance.

Bread is easily bragging to a female employee.
Li Senlin expressed his envy.

hemp eggs.

For this All-Star Game, Li Senlin signed up to participate in all the games. This is because he has full confidence in himself, and he has no fear at all.

This week, Li Senlin was so tired that he fell on the bed when he got home.

After a while, the snoring sounded one after another.

Lin Xiaolu felt distressed seeing Li Senlin like this.


All-Star Weekend is coming soon.

In order to avoid the media, Li Senlin came to the Staples Center early. He thought he came early enough, but found that some fans came earlier than him.

Li Senlin entered the gate after struggling to take a photo with several fans
Li Senlin walked through the player tunnel and went to the locker room of the arena.

Unexpectedly, he met an unexpected person on the road.


Li Senlin was taken aback.

Westbrook was also taken aback.

The two of them didn't expect to meet so soon, and they were a little embarrassed.

"Russell, why are you here so early?"

Westbrook looked at Li Senlin with a dull expression.

"I'm here to practice!"

"Are you crazy, all-star you practice more."

"All-Star game to grab the MVP!"


"Will you come to my wedding?"

"I'll go with Nina!"

Time has diluted a lot of things, and the grudge between the two seems to be a little lighter.



The All-Star Weekend has begun.

Among the 12 all-stars in the classic Western Conference, Li Senlin made his finale appearance! ! ! !
On the first day, Li Senlin took a group of all-stars to the community and went to school.

Continuing to be surrounded by a bunch of reporters, Li Senlin did most of these for show.

On the second day, the All-Star Games started one after another.

Sister Lin Xiaolu didn't come out, and Lin Xiaolu's belly was getting bigger and bigger. Li Senlin was afraid that there would be too many people here, so he didn't let her come out.

Long, long, long after the show, the first project started.

Staples fans were ignited by the host's voice.

"Let us welcome the players who participated in this skill challenge competition with warm applause."

"The first person to enter is Stephen Curry. He is now playing for the Warriors and is a good contender for the championship in this game."

"Second entry is Russell Westbrook..."


"The last one is the superstar of the Los Angeles Lakers - Lee!!!!!! Forest, let's welcome him with a big round of applause."

The appearance of Li Senlin ignited the climax of the atmosphere.

The time of the game was quickly entered, and the first out was Chris Paul.

Paul took the ball and changed direction quickly around the pile, but he made a wrong turn after a turn, and it took 42.7 seconds in the end.

Next came John Wall and Dekerry Rose, both of whom made no mistakes and ended the game smoothly, taking 39.3 seconds and 35.7 seconds respectively.

As soon as the tortoise came up, the starting speed was much faster, dribbling the ball under the crotch, turning back and forth, all combined gave a beautiful feeling, and the stopwatch stopped at 30 seconds.

The fans at the scene made a "wow" sound, and the entire stadium echoed in the sound of shock.

Seeing this result, Westbrook looked at Li Senlin with provocative eyes.

Li Senlin has increased in height and weight, and his speed must be slower than Westbrook.

However, Li Senlin has a cheat! !

Although Li Senlin did not perform well in the preliminaries, he also steadily entered the finals.

The names of the finalists are displayed on the big screen in the stadium.

They are Curry, Turtle and Li Senlin.

The audience was even more excited when they saw the names on the big screen, and roared in disbelief.

"Curry is so cute, Li Senlin is also great, and Westbrook is even more awesome." The fans in the audience created an atmosphere full of excitement.

Director Zhang explained the live broadcast of cctv5.

"Three of them are in the final and it's going to be a very interesting match."

The barrage is full of Wei Shao's awesomeness, Wei Shao, I love you and so on.

Li Senlin's popularity will decline when he meets Westbrook. This is a very strange phenomenon
Westbrook's beautiful set of moves in the preliminary round was made into a moving picture by netizens, and it was swiped on Sina Weibo.

The atmosphere of the finals was quite intense. Curry, Westbrook and Li Senlin are all considered to be very powerful. Each of them has unique characteristics and is very popular.

"Of these three people, no one can predict who will win the championship trophy in the end."

On the sidelines, the Chinese female audience shouted loudly: "Li Senlin, I love you! You are my idol."

"I'm going to give you a baby"

The voices of the female audience were loud.

The whole audience saw the crazy female audience on the big screen, and they were also booing.

After a while, the host's voice sounded.

"This is an exciting moment, this is a moment to witness a miracle, let us watch their performance together, the skill challenge championship is now starting."

The fans on the left side of the field kept shouting.

"Curry, Curry, Curry..."

"Let us welcome the first contestant, Stephen Curry, with a big round of applause! Let's enjoy his performance together."

As soon as Curry played, a small number of fans were excited!
Curry finished the whole game steadily with the ball, and the whole game was done in one go without extra movements, and it took 40 seconds in the end.

"Let's move on to the next contestant: Russell Westbrook."

Westbrook completed the game in one go like Curry, without any extra moves in the middle, but the speed was still slightly slower than Curry, taking 41 seconds.

Sometimes it's not all about speed, skill is also very important.

"This is an exciting moment, let us invite Li Senlin."

Li Senlin held the ball. Before the official start, Li Senlin did a simple warm-up, turned around with the ball to the left and continued to catch several crotch dribbles.

This simple action ignited the passion of the audience.

This is his home field! ! ! ! !

"Use the Bolt-Speed ​​Extraction Card!"

Lao Li cheated very consciously!Use the shop to buy this used card for 5 points.

On Sina's webcast, bullet screens read, "Li Senlin is so handsome" and "Li Senlin is so handsome".

The race started, Li Senlin dribbled the first two obstacles steadily, and his speed was faster than the previous two.

Li Senlin also borrowed a few more obstacles with ease.

When the entire competition is finished, the stopwatch on the big screen stays at 33 seconds.

Seeing the time on the big screen, Li Senlin kept slamming his fists, why don't you let me break the record?

Seeing this statistic, the fans in the audience were overjoyed and kept shouting.

"Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee."

The Sina Sports live barrage was constantly swiping, Li Senlin was amazing, his speed could be compared with Bolt, etc.

Director Zhang said: "It's really not easy for this speed to appear on a Chinese. He is Bolt on the scene."

The awards ceremony will be held shortly.

"Now is the awards ceremony of the Skills Challenge. Now let us invite Li Senlin, the champion of this year's Skills Challenge."

The audience stood up unconsciously, and kept calling Li Senlin's name.

Li Senlin ran to the center of the field, hugged Curry, exchanged a few words of greeting, and then he wanted to give Westbrook a high-five meaningfully, but Westbrook, who seemed to have lost the game, turned his head and pretended not to see it.

This scene was recorded by the camera "Ka Ka Ka".

There will definitely be a wave of hype in the waiting meeting.

Yo, you are a dead turtle, you are still not convinced after losing, right?

Li Senlin successfully got the trophy, first kissed the trophy, and then held the trophy high with both hands.

This is the first time Li Senlin has participated in this kind of All-Star event.

He won the Skills Challenge the first time he participated.

"Li, what's your acceptance speech?"

Li Senlin took the microphone and said, "Thank you to everyone on the Lakers team, and also thank my parents for giving me such a good talent, and thank my fiancée for supporting and encouraging me."

When Li Senlin picked up the first trophy, the audience was cheering and shouting non-stop.

Countless Hollywood movie stars on the sidelines are cheering for Li Senlin!
(End of this chapter)

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