Jade Guanyin

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

From a legal point of view, Mao Jie's case is still open.If it's just that it's not settled, it's nothing. The crux of the problem is that the case has been going on and on until now, and it looks like it won't be settled!

The fault is all in the courts.

During the preliminary interrogation by the Public Security Bureau, Mao Jie categorically denied the accusation of drug trafficking against him, insisting that he was just delivering things for his family to a relative who opened a small shop.He claimed that what he sent was only tea. When he got on the boat, he ran into his ex-girlfriend. The girlfriend asked him to help carry a heavy canvas box to the shore. He was caught as soon as he landed. Only then did I realize that it was drugs.According to Mao Jie's statement, not only was he not guilty, he was not only innocent, but he was framed by the police.

The problem is that the courts now implement judicial openness and judge cases independently. The courts only judge according to the principles of the courts, and no one can say anything.What are the principles of the court? - Facts are the basis, and the law is the yardstick.What are the facts? — The so-called facts in law are just that: evidence.

The testimony of Mao Jie's mother during the trial decisively saved his son's life.She admitted that she and her husband who were shot dead engaged in drug trafficking without any parry under the overwhelming evidence, but she said that her son Mao Jie had no knowledge.She said that she and her husband were both sick that day, so Mao Jie was sent to Wuquan to pick up the goods.She just told Mao Jie to find someone with the canvas case, then hand him the travel bag and bring the canvas case back, that's all.Her statement is reasonable. In her own words, we do it ourselves, why let the children take this risk!During the trial of Mao Jie's mother, Mao Jie appeared in court as a witness.Under cross-examination by the court, Mao Jie finally admitted his mother's statement.His mother took the matter to heart, obviously trying to protect him to the death!In court, facing his mother who was still limping due to her leg injury, Mao Jie cried when the mother repeatedly emphasized loudly that her son was completely ignorant.Then he agreed with the confession.

Facing Mao Jie's crying, the judge was silent for a moment, and asked, "Didn't you say that it was a woman who asked you to help carry that canvas case to the shore? Was it the woman who asked you to help carry it to the shore?" Or did the defendant Liang Fengzhi (Mao Jie’s mother) ask you to bring that canvas box back?” Mao Jie broke down in tears, he knew what his mother wanted, and he also knew that if he admitted that the canvas box was what his mother wanted, his mother That's it.He looked up at his mother in the dock, and his mother looked up at him.Mother's face looked rigid and expressionless.The presiding judge asked again sharply, and Mao Jie's voice was completely hoarse, but he finally gave the following testimony. His testimony not only exonerated himself, but also affirmed his mother's death penalty.

"Yes, my mother told me to bring that canvas box back..." "Do you know what's in that canvas box?" asked the presiding judge.

"I know." Mao Jie was still choked up.

"When did you know?" "After I was caught when I went ashore." "How did you know?" "The police told you." "How did the police tell you." "The police said the box It was filled with white powder."...The trial of Mao Jie's mother went relatively smoothly, and after a full trial investigation and brief debate, the court sentenced the defendant to death and executed it immediately.Mao Jie was not in court when Mao Jie's mother was sentenced to death, but he should have thought of this result when he testified in court the day before.

The subsequent trial of Mao Jie was more troublesome. Although Mao Jie was caught on the spot with a box of drugs in his hand, the evidence for convicting him of a crime was not conclusive.Mao Jie's refusal to plead guilty and his mother's confession about Mao Jie's ignorance cannot be overturned by the prosecution in terms of evidence.During the adjournment, the court notified the procuratorate and the Public Security Bureau of the situation, and asked the Public Security Bureau to see if they could find new evidence to support the prosecution of Mao Jie. Take the initiative to withdraw the lawsuit.To the procuratorate, it is better for the procuratorate to voluntarily withdraw the prosecution than to be acquitted by the court.

The procuratorate said: That's fine, then we will take the initiative to withdraw the case and send it back to the public security organ for supplementary investigation on the grounds of insufficient evidence.

The public security quickly called a stop, hoping that the court would not be in a hurry to acquit, and that the procuratorate would not be in a hurry to withdraw the case.Comrades from the Legal Affairs Office of the Public Security Bureau said: Let us study and study to see if we can find any breakthroughs.

On the same day, after intense research within the Public Security Bureau, it was decided that Captain Pan would rush to Guangping overnight.The next day Captain Pan found Grandma An Xin's home, even visited An Xin's mother and son, and talked about it.Of course, the main thing is to talk about this matter.

Lao Pan said: "I remember you said that you and Mao Jie talked a little while delivering goods on the ship. Mao Jie told you not to do this kind of drug trafficking in the future. He said that this kind of thing is not for girls. Yes, do you still remember what he said?" An Xin said: "Yes, it seems that he said that. At that time, the boat was about to reach the shore, and people around were crowded to get off the boat, so it was impossible for us to talk too much. It’s impossible to speak too clearly.” Lao Pan said: “That’s enough, and it proves that when he handed over the things in his hands to you, he knew exactly what he was doing!” In a later period of time, Captain Pan, as well as some other members of the team, told An Xin one after another how Mao Jie and his mother excused and covered each other in court.Listening with peace of mind, imagining that scene, I can't help but feel my heart pounding.Of course, she also understood that their crime of drug trafficking was unforgivable, but from the simple point of view of mother-child love and saving each other through death, An Xin's heart was shaken.

Captain Pan said to An Xin: "We have already negotiated with the procuratorate and the court, and the trial will continue the day after tomorrow. Mao Jie has been detained for a long time, so the day after tomorrow, he will either be sentenced or let him go. The court said it is not good. No more delay. So you have to go back to Nande the day after tomorrow at the latest, and we have to study and prepare with you carefully. The day after tomorrow, you will testify in court as a witness for the prosecution. Can you leave for a few days, my child? If not, you can take him with you." An Xin was stunned for a moment.She understood that the thing she had always wanted to avoid, not only couldn't avoid it, but also fell on her head.She froze for a long time unable to say a word.

Lao Pan said: "If you have difficulties, I hope you will overcome them no matter what, okay?" An Xin avoided Lao Pan's anxious gaze, lowered her head and stammered: "Oh, no, no." Before returning home with the child's grave sweeping, Captain Pan left. He took the noon train back to Nande.On the morning of the third day after Lao Pan left, An Xin followed the order and took the noon train back to South Germany.Regarding the reason for her going back to South Germany, she didn't tell Tie Jun and her mother-in-law too specific. She only said that the team wanted her to go back. There was a case she handled in the past, and she had to go back and explain some situations.Because the person involved in this matter was Mao Jie, she didn't want to go into so much detail with Tie Jun's mother and son.

On the way, she thought about this matter repeatedly in her mind, and it made her feel an indescribably heavy heart.Although, she knew that she was a policeman, and as a policeman performing tasks at the trapping scene, it was her duty to go to court to prove the criminal's guilt.However, as far as she is concerned, she really does not want to stand in court by herself to face her former friends.She asked Lao Pan, if Mao Jie is found guilty, how many years can he be sentenced?Lao Pan said: It should be the death penalty.In fact, you don’t need to ask her to know. When she was in the public security college, she was the legal class representative in the class. After graduation, she worked in the anti-narcotics brigade for so long. She also knew how many years the prison sentence for heroin should be. Based on the fact that Mao Jie took the canvas box from her, if he was found to be involved in drug trafficking, he would not have enough heads to chop off even nine heads.Maybe it's because An Xin told Lao Pan from the beginning that there was nothing between her and Mao Jie, she said that she had never had real feelings for Mao Jie, so Lao Pan was so unscrupulous and realistic He said the word "death penalty" easily, matter-of-factly, and easily.

Yes, she and Mao Jie have no relationship.She thought that she probably didn't really have any feelings for him from the very beginning, at most she could only say that she had a good impression of him.In essence, it's just the lust of opposites attracting.She wanted to forgive herself—in this day and age, girls and boys, Xiao Bu Shao and Xiao Bu Mao have such things, and the purpose of marriage and childbearing is not necessarily the goal.Of course, it is reasonable to say that men and women can only do things if they love each other, but nowadays there are many young people who do not have sex just to love each other forever.When I was in college, many students believed that sex is one of the basic rights of people. Everyone should be allowed to use and dispose of their own bodies according to their own will. As long as the relationship is consensual, it is not a mistake.Of course, she knew that this point of view only resonated with young people.

Yes, she has no relationship with Mao Jie, but for her to accuse Mao Jie and finally send him to the execution ground, for An Xin, there are some obstacles in thought and emotion.She was too much influenced by her mother's literati temperament, and she was not so open emotionally and psychologically. She was a bit unable to do that kind of ruthless and ruthless thing.She knew that the deepest part of her heart might be too soft for her career and her experience.Whether it's the public security school, the Taekwondo training team or the anti-drug brigade, the place where she stays is full of vigor, wildness, fierceness and cruelty.Although her personality on the surface is still cheerful, bright, straightforward, and pungent, and she seems to be able to adapt to this atmosphere, she is actually weak.Except for her parents and later me, no one else, including Tie Jun, noticed that there was a particularly important difference between her and others in terms of deep temperament.

She returned to South Germany.That night, I discussed with the Legal Affairs Office of the Municipal Bureau, the Procuratorate, and Captain Pan to consider the testimony she was going to provide to the court, and the discussions continued until late at night.An Xin went back to her dormitory by the Nanmeng River and stayed for half the night, half the night without falling asleep.From the expressions on everyone's faces during the meeting at night, she knew that tomorrow's court session would most likely be the last trial of Mao Jie, whether he was killed or released, it would all be tomorrow!
At dawn, she actually fell asleep, and by a strange coincidence, she dreamed of Mao Jie.The scene in the dream is undoubtedly what they looked like when they first met, it seemed that they had dinner together somewhere, and then they went somewhere, and had a lingering relationship.When Mao Jie was full of tenderness, he suddenly sneered, smiled and turned into a villain, and then turned into a green-faced ghost... She was startled awake, and when she woke up, she heard someone knocking on the door.

It was Captain Pan who knocked on the door, and he drove An Xin to the court.

It was a rainy day.An Xin sat in Captain Pan's jeep, rolled over the wet cobblestone road in the old streets of the city, and drove towards the Nande City Intermediate People's Court in the city center.I saw the building of the Intermediate People's Court later. It was newly built a few years ago. From the base to the top, it was all made of white bricks and vermicelli. It can be seen that a lot of money was spent. Although its architectural style is completely incompatible with the surrounding old streets and alleys, it can be said that To put it bluntly, it is a kind of wanton destruction of the ancient style of Nanzhao in this city, but it is hard to imagine that such a small place in Nande would have such a grand court.Not only the courts, but also the procuratorate and the public security bureau in South Germany, all the buildings are very impressive.So I still can't figure out why An Xin used to say that the police officers in their anti-drug brigade are extremely poor.

At nine o'clock in the morning on this day, An Xin sat in a witness lounge on the second floor of the court building on time and waited for the summons.This room is quite big, there are only her and Captain Pan.Lao Pan was very silent, standing in front of the window watching the rain falling outside, smoking one cigarette after another.An Xin sat in a corner of the room, and there was a row of wooden benches in that corner. She sat on the benches, also silently in a daze.

The trial should start at nine o'clock. An Xin knew that there would be a series of procedures before entering the court. The prosecutor and the defender would have to reiterate their points of view. She and Captain Pan waited in this room for nearly an hour. Someone came to summon them.They were summoned by a young court clerk who hurried into the room, said hurriedly, "Witness is in court!" and hurried away.An Xin and Lao Pan glanced at each other, without saying anything, and there was no need to say anything, they walked out of the dreary room together.

Leading from this room to the judgment hall is a wide and long corridor, and there is no one in the corridor.She and Captain Pan walked forward step by step along this corridor. The leather shoes knocked on the tiled floor, the sound was very lonely and empty.The voice seemed to belong to someone else, from somewhere else, like a distant echo in a dream.

At this time, An Xin unexpectedly flashed back to the nightmare of that morning. Although the main content of the dream was cheerful, forgetful and lingering, but dreaming of Mao Jie at this time was undoubtedly a nightmare for An Xin. !The evil is the evil, this dream reminds her not to forget that she and Mao Jie did have, undeniably had a good time, regardless of the length of that time!
An Xin and Captain Pan walked through this long corridor side by side. At the end of the corridor there was a double-opening heavy door.Captain Pan took the first step to open the door, and it was obvious that he was already familiar with this place.It was the first time for An Xin to come here. She did not expect that the newly built court in South Germany would have such a beautiful trial hall.Perhaps because the South German TV station had made two special reports on this case, there were really many people who came to observe this day.Because a gun battle took place on the day the case was solved, it became a sensational news in the society at that time, and the citizens were very concerned about the outcome of the incident, so this case is considered a major case in South Germany.When Mao Jie's mother was kidnapped and sent to the execution ground for execution a week ago, the TV news also broadcast it.Although the trial of her son Mao Jie has been held many times and lasted for a long time, judging from the attendance rate of the court today, people's interest has not diminished day by day. Seventy to eighty percent of the audience in the stepped auditorium have already sat. It was a black mass.

An Xin walked into the courtroom, and saw the dark audience, and the dark audience also looked at her together.In addition, the chief judge, judges, jurors, clerks, prosecutors, lawyers and bailiffs all focused on her face, and followed her solemnly, moving to the witness stand.An Xin was so nervous that her pace was a little flustered, she felt like she had walked for a long time before reaching the witness stand.The witness stand is on one side of the court, forming a tripartite rivalry with the presiding judge and the defendant.An Xin took a deep breath to calm herself, then looked up at the presiding judge, who immediately asked, "My name is An Xin. I am a trainee superintendent of the Narcotics Brigade of Nande City Public Security Bureau." An Xin's voice was uncontrollably thin and small. , She couldn't help but had a kind of evasive mentality, as if she was afraid of others, especially Mao Jie, who heard her last name, name, and what she was doing.The presiding judge didn't care about her ambiguity, and continued to ask: "Witness, according to Article 40 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China and Article [-] of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, citizens have the obligation to testify. Anyone who refuses to testify or perjures will bear legal responsibility, do you know?" Although, it is not only her obligation to testify to the court, but also her duty, she is not only an ordinary citizen, but also a drug enforcement officer. The police; although she rushed back to testify, how to testify, and even discussed with her about every sentence of the testimony, but now she is really standing here, standing in this solemn court, her answer is still a little bit different for some reason. Perceivable strain.

Her eyes subconsciously avoided the judge's gaze, and she replied: "Clear." "Witness, on September [-] last year, the Nande City Public Security Bureau arrested the defendant in Wuquan for illegally transporting heroin. Did you participate in that arrest operation?" "Participated." "Now, please take a look, is the person who transported drugs that you arrested that day the defendant?" An Xin turned her head and looked at the dock. After entering this trial hall, he faced Mao Jie squarely for the first time.Before that, she had been trying not to let her eyes move there, even though she knew that Mao Jie was there, standing on the dock.Now, she finally, and must, look at him head-on.She and his eyes were burning!She could feel from Mao Jie's eyes, from the moment she walked into this hall, these eyes had been staring at her to death!
How are those eyes different from the past?Yes, those eyes have no luster, no life, and have been dull.An Xin couldn't even tell whether it was indifference or viciousness, hatred or fear in those eyes.Mao Jie looked at her like a motionless zombie.

How long did they stare at each other?No one could tell. The judge and the audience only heard An Xin's answer very quickly: "It is him." The judge said: "Please witness to this court to truthfully testify to this court about what happened when the defendant was arrested that day." Jie withdrew her gaze, and at that moment her heart was in turmoil, and she almost began to give her testimony as if reciting.Her testimony went through a group discussion at the meeting last night, and it was carefully crafted paragraph by sentence, with a concise structure and rigorous words.She first spent less than 2 minutes conceptually describing the background of the case, how to file a case, how to conduct long-term investigation, how to capture the young woman carrying the canvas box in that small hotel, and then how she decided to go to Wuquan to trap her The person who receives the goods.Afterwards, she told in a dull tone how when she was on the boat in Wuquan, she suddenly took out the Elephant travel bag from a nylon belt when she saw Mao Jie approaching the shore. Need to do this.She also said that she was very surprised when she saw Mao Jie, because she knew him before, when she was fighting with some drunks in a small restaurant.When she got to this point, the presiding judge interrupted. The presiding judge's sudden interjection made An Xin a little flustered. She almost wondered if she said something wrong because she was nervous. In fact, the presiding judge just asked An Xin and Mao Jie in detail. The purpose of the process seems to be to allow the audience to hear more clearly.Afterwards, the presiding judge began to prompt An Xin to narrate the most critical passage.

"Witness, when you and the defendant found out that they knew each other, did the defendant hand over the canvas box to you?" An Xin hesitated for a moment, this moment of hesitation came from her uncontrollable instinct, she seemed to lower her head in thought, Only then did he answer in a very unsmooth way: "It's handed over.... I saw him take out the travel bag, so I went up to him and said a code word to him. I asked him: 'Do you know it's raining today?'... He took it My code word, he said: "If I don't leave today, I will leave tomorrow." At that time, we put our suitcases and travel bags on the ground, and when he got off the boat, he took the initiative to take the canvas suitcase I brought." "Did you offer to let me go?" The defendant helped you lift the canvas box to the shore, did you ask for it?” “No.” “Then did the defendant offer to help you lift the canvas box to the shore? Or did he Is it possible that the defendant was trying to help you with your canvas case?" "No, no, it's impossible." "Why do you think it's impossible? Did the defendant say anything to you at the time?" "Yes, he asked Why did I do such a thing, he told me never to do such a thing in the future." When An Xin answered this sentence, she couldn't control herself not to look back on the past, Mao Jie's warning really proved his The essence of drug trafficking, but it also shows how much he cares for her.An Xin knows that she doesn't love Mao Jie, but Mao Jie loves her!
The presiding judge’s voice was still calm, and he asked step by step: “According to your understanding, what does the defendant mean by telling you not to do this kind of thing again?” “It refers to drug trafficking. The defendant said to me at the time: Don't do this in the future, this kind of thing is not for girls! He also said that no matter how long I have been doing this, I hope this is the last time I do it." Up to this sentence, the main content of An Xin's entire testimony , The main problems that I want to explain have been said.Her testimony strongly supported the procuratorate's accusation against Mao Jie, which can be seen from the buzzing of the audience and the whispering movements of the two defense lawyers opposite.

After An Xin finished speaking, she glanced at Mao Jie, only one glance.In other words, her gaze naturally swept over Mao Jie's face.She saw that Mao Jie was still sitting like a puppet with a dull expression, but his gaze was no longer on her.

The presiding judge demanded silence in the venue, and then asked Mao Jie: "Defendant Mao Jie, is the witness's testimony true?" Still a little sluggish.

"No, no." "You answer loudly." "No." The presiding judge was also dull for a while, and then continued to ask: "Please explain in detail, which sentence is not true." Isn't it true that I took the travel bag out of the nylon bag when I disembarked?" "It is true that the boat is very dirty. I put the travel bag into the nylon bag because I was afraid of getting dirty. I just took it out." "Did you tell the witness that you don't want her to do this kind of thing again?" "No. Because I knew her, I chatted with her. It seemed that the weather was getting worse and I forgot I didn’t say anything about the rain. When the boat arrived at the shore, I asked her if the box was for my parents, and she said yes. I just took that box.” When Mao Jie said these words, his voice was completely hoarse , the voice is dull and lifeless.He used a lifeless voice, denying An Xin’s testimony in full.

The next procedure that should be carried out is that the public prosecutor and the defender question the witnesses separately.The public prosecutor said that there was no more question and would not ask any more questions.The defender asked An Xin how you and the defendant met, what kind of relationship did you have later, what was your impression of the defendant before, did you think he would do something like drug trafficking, and so on.Answer with peace of mind, according to the evaluation of the public prosecutor and Lao Pan after the court ended, he handled it fairly well.Regarding the process of her acquaintance with Mao Jie, she repeated what she said in her testimony, that she met a drunk in a small restaurant; regarding the subsequent contacts, she said: Not too many contacts, and Mao Jie came to see her a few times later The second time, just to chat or something; Regarding the impression of Mao Jie, she replied: I don’t know much about Mao Jie. On the surface, Mao Jie’s personality is more impulsive, and so on.If they are all ordinary, it is not easy for the other party to catch any loopholes.

Then, the presiding judge made An Xin leave the court.An Xin took one last look at Mao Jie out of the corner of her eye before leaving the stage, and that corner of her eye told her that Mao Jie was also looking at her.After all, her peripheral vision was blurred, and she couldn't see clearly whether Mao Jie's last look at her was dull, normal, or particularly ruthless.

The day's trial ended like this. On the way back from the court, Captain Pan and the leaders of the Municipal Legal Affairs Office who attended the on-site observation were very relaxed.Although An Xin was confused and speechless throughout the testimonial process, judging from the conversations of the leaders in the car, they all seemed to think that today's results were good, and they were more optimistic about Mao Jie being sentenced.

An Xin has been silent since she came out of the court. From the perspective of her mood, she certainly cannot be complacent about being recognized for her performance in court.For her, the role of witness has always been a shadow.As soon as she returned to the anti-drug brigade, she proposed to Captain Pan that if her task was completed, she would like to return to Guangping as soon as possible, and now the child is too young to be separated from her.

Captain Pan agreed.

In the afternoon, Captain Pan put down what he was doing, personally drove An Xin to the train station, bought a ticket for her, and told her that he had called home for her, and that Tie Jun would pick her up at the train station.

While waiting for the train on the platform, An Xin was depressed and silent. After the train pulled into the station, she shook hands with Lao Pan to say goodbye.Old Pan had a kind face, and suddenly said something like this: "An Xin, I know that you are not feeling well about Mao Jie. I understand this feeling. You go, go... After all, you are friends. But he did this after all. This kind of thing, this kind of poisonous thing, cannot be forgiven. We didn't punish him for no reason, it was him who did the decapitation." An Xin looked up at Lao Pan, and Lao Pan's face He looked very haggard and very old.She said: "I also understand your captain, your father was killed by this kind of thing. I hate Mao Jie for doing this, but you hate it more than me!" Lao Pan didn't answer immediately, he and An Xin looked at each other for a few seconds Zhong seemed to be pondering An Xin's emotions and words.His next tone was a bit unhappy, and his tone became serious: "Anxin, if you think, me, and the rest of the team, we do drug enforcement out of personal feelings, because we have something to do with that thing Qiu, then you are wrong. You are wrong if you think so." After hearing this, An Xin didn't reply, but suddenly choked up and cried.She herself couldn't explain why she was crying, was it because Lao Pan was talking about her so sternly for the first time?Is it because Mao Jie will eventually die because of her testimony?Perhaps her generation and Lao Pan's generation are always somewhat different in psychology and worldview.Lao Pan and the others take their principles and responsibilities towards the country, society, and the party very seriously, and they are very fixed, but now young people at An Xin's age pay more attention to personal feelings, feelings, and pure human nature, and evaluate one thing. What is right and wrong depends more on personal feelings and moods.After all, she and Lao Pan belong to two generations, even though they are both policemen.

The train was about to leave, and the conductor began to put away the ladder at the door of the carriage, and someone waved a small green flag on the platform at the rear of the train.An Xin said: "Goodbye Captain." Then she lowered her head and got on the train, and the train started immediately with a bang.She saw Lao Pan turn around and walk towards the exit of the platform. The wind blew his hair, which he hadn't had time to shave for a long time, shaking it like a black flame.

She thought: Lao Pan's life is not just a word of "bitterness".It was really not easy for Lao Pan.

An Xin returned to Guangping, seeing Tie Jun coming to pick her up at the station, her mood improved.It's only been two days since she saw her, and she thinks the child has already thought of how distressed she is.Of course, I also want the Iron Army.Tie Jun asked her: Have you finished dealing with the affairs in the team?She finished.She silently thought that this matter should be over, she and Mao Jie should have been over long ago, but she didn't expect it to be done in such a way today.

She calmed herself down and tried to forget the past.Forgetting the past is a method of psychotherapy, and being able to forget the past requires drawing strength in real life.She thought, this strength is her family, lover, and children!
Yes, in her heart, family, lover, and children suddenly became important, and career didn't matter all of a sudden.What made her feel warm and comforted most now, and what she should cherish the most, was this home.Tie Jun and her mother-in-law have always hoped that she will be assigned to Guangping after her internship in Nande, and they have worked hard for this purpose.It's a pity that the Guangping City Public Security Bureau is unfortunately streamlining its organization, and there is no quota for accepting college students this year. Even if An Xin can enter the Guangping City Bureau, he can only be assigned to the grassroots.So what Tie Jun means is that it’s okay not to be a policeman.Graduates of Guangping Public Security College can be found everywhere.So Tie Jun's mother contacted the Municipal People's Congress, they wanted to expand the Letters and Visits Office, and they needed people to come in, and the deputy director of the People's Congress who was in charge of letters and visits work had already nodded.But An Xin is still seven months away from the end of her internship, so it is impossible for them to wait for her with an empty staff.According to Tie Jun's opinion, An Xin simply extended her maternity leave until the end of the internship period. During her maternity leave, she could go to work at the People's Congress Letters and Visits Office first, occupy her seat first, and talk about it later.

Originally, An Xin didn't want to leave Nande and the anti-drug brigade, she was used to it and had feelings for it.But on the way back to Guangping from Nande to testify in court, she suddenly felt that she should forget about Nande and never go back.

On the morning of the second day after returning home, while eating breakfast, the mother-in-law told An Xin that Deputy Director Xing of the Municipal People's Congress celebrated his birthday today, and I would send some things.When you go back this time, have you discussed with your leaders about the extension of your leave?What do your leaders say?An Xin hesitated a little, looked up at Tie Jun, and Tie Jun also looked at her, An Xin sank her heart, turned to her mother-in-law and said: Not yet, but this holiday, I think it should be continued.

When she said this, it was tantamount to a statement, a decision.For Nande and the anti-drug brigade, she still has a little nostalgia and sadness in her heart, but she still said so.Both mother-in-law and Tie Jun are very happy.Tie Jun also said, wait two days before you go back to the team and make sure the matter is settled.You just say that you and your child are not in good health now, and I can do it if you need a doctor's certificate.An Xin said no, our Captain Pan is nice to me and reasonable, I will give him a call in two days and just talk.

A week later, before An Xin made this call, Captain Pan called first.The call came after lunch, when An Xin, her mother-in-law and the child had just fallen asleep.The first one to be woken up by the ringing of the phone was the child, who began to cry, and An Xin coaxed the child. The mother-in-law got up annoyed and went to answer the phone. After asking a question, she handed the receiver to An Xin and said, "Looking for you." Yes." On the phone, it was Lao Pan's voice, as if he was still angry when he saw An Xin off at the train station, and his voice was dull.An Xin asked: "Captain, what's the matter?" Lao Pan was stunned for a while, and then said: "This morning, the court has finished hearing Mao Jie's case." This past incident, but upon hearing the word Mao Jie, she still asked eagerly: "Oh, how is it?" "The procuratorate took the initiative to withdraw the case before the verdict was pronounced. At noon today, Mao Jie was acquitted."

(End of this chapter)

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