Jade Guanyin

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Regarding my case, there is a question that has not been clarified until now, that is: who actually sued me.

Before the trial, I had a total of three talks with the female lawyer. She learned the real facts of the case from me, and I guessed the real whistleblower from her.

I have always thought that I was wronged, that I was falsely accused by someone—perhaps by Zhong Ning and Zhong Guoqing—and they accused me of going to jail to avenge my "previous shame". Maybe they had planned this for a long time.I have always believed that the law will eventually and fairly exonerate me and restore my reputation.But after several conversations with the lawyer, I had a hunch that something was wrong.

The lawyer believes: First, according to the relevant regulations, the 2 yuan may be regarded as a large kickback in nature; In terms of terminology, it was "squandered" by me.The crux of the problem now is that, according to the anti-corruption and bribery regulations, whether receiving kickbacks constitutes bribery mainly depends on two factors: first, whether the kickbacks are disclosed; second, whether the kickbacks are recorded.If my charge of 2 yuan in kickbacks is made public, the leaders of the unit know and agree, and it is recorded in the official accounting accounts of the unit, then it does not constitute bribery, and it is a legal kickback.

Regarding the first point, I confidently assured the lawyer that my collection of the money must be made public, and it was approved by the two leaders above me—Bian Xiaojun and Zhong Ning.In fact, I handed over the money at that time, and I handed it over to Bian Xiaojun the next day. They only asked me to take it.Regarding the second point, I'm a bit soft-spoken. The money obviously didn't go into the account, and it didn't go through Guoning Company or the finance department of the Taekwondo Hall Preparatory Office.I thought that Zhong Ning and Bian Xiaojun were the boss and the superior, and they asked me to take it, so I took it. I didn’t secretly take kickbacks and damage the company’s interests to engage in shabby projects. I never thought about it Take advantage of your position to accept bribes for personal gain.After listening to the lawyer, I realized that if the money was paid to the company's account first, and the boss agreed to let me take it out of the account and give it to me, it would probably be fine.

In addition, what the lawyer learned from the case files was more serious than I imagined. Not only was the item of whether to enter the account against me, but even the item of whether to disclose it was also in danger.The lawyer told me that none of the evidence collected by the procuratorate can prove that I handed over the money or reported the matter to my superiors.Judging from the certification materials issued by Guoning Company, the company did not know that I had received this kickback at that time.In the confession of the boss of Longhua Company and when the accounts of Longhua Company were checked later, there were explanations and records that he had paid me the money.

The matter is very clear, I think this is Guoning company wanting to put me to death!
But I can't help it.Apart from surprise, resentment, and dumbfounded, I only regret it.I regret that I was so confused, careless, careless, and lacking common sense at the time.I didn't want to take bribes, I didn't realize I was taking bribes, but it was hard to get rid of the crime of taking bribes.I think that I had a Dingdai Hualing on my head who was the deputy director of engineering, and I thought I really understood everything. I just entered the society from college and thought I was able to cope with this complicated society.My self-confidence at that time was so blind that it was a bit ridiculous, but now I realize that I am just a very ambitious kid with no social experience and no understanding of many procedures, just a hairless silly hat.

I am completely familiar with Zhong Ning's character. If she likes anyone, everything is fine, but if she hates anyone, she is useless.When she framed An Xin, she could use any means to ruin her job, but now she can also commit crimes against me without hesitation.Not to mention her elder brother Zhong Guoqing, who was able to become a wealthy man from a penniless bus driver to a wealthy man, wouldn't he be ruthless?
My only hope can only be pinned on one person, perhaps only this person can prove my innocence.I provided his name to the lawyer, and I asked the lawyer to find him. I told the lawyer that my girlfriend, An Xin, also knew this person, and that if I wanted to find him, I could ask An Xin to take her there.

This person is Liu Minghao.

The day before the trial, the lawyer came again.Every time she comes, besides answering her questions and telling her the process and details of the matter, I also ask her for peace of mind.From her, I know that An Xin is fine now. She is very anxious about my matter, but she is still quite strong. She has given the lawyer a lot of help, leading her or accompanying her to find the witnesses she needs.She told the lawyer that the person she admires and fears the most is the lawyer.If the lawyer says that this thing is black, he will be able to find evidence of blackness, and if he says that this thing is white, he will certainly be able to find reasons for it to be white.Maybe the two lawyers in Nande left An Xin with a deep impression, which made her deeply believe that the lawyer's palm and back, one upside down, the other upside down, can completely turn the sky over again!

When the lawyer met with me for the last time before the trial, he told me that An Xin was running around to help her collect evidence and had already quit her job in the furniture store.This incident made me feel surprised and sad. I know An Xin's situation. What does she eat without a job?What does the child eat?
I asked the lawyer, "Is she still living in my house? Has no one harassed her?" The lawyer said, "Not yet. I met her yesterday." I bowed my head and remained silent.Maybe my bad luck came too fast and I was caught off guard. Until now, I still have difficulty adapting to and accepting this reality, and I always suspect that this is just a nightmare.

Although the lawyer is a woman, her professional habits and expertise endow her with a calmness and tact that we men can hardly imitate.Those things that made me wronged, angry, shocked and speechless, when they came out of her mouth, became objective, ordinary, transactional and out of the ordinary.She said: "Yang Rui, we've almost finished talking about the facts of your case. I'm here today to hear your opinion for the last time. The court will start tomorrow. How do you want me to argue?" How?I didn't understand and couldn't figure out what a lawyer meant.I said, "Didn't you say: Facts are the basis, and the law is the criterion? The facts are like this. You know it all. You know better than me how to apply the law." The lawyer thought for a while, as if he didn't know what to say. "Yang Rui, you have two choices now. One is to admit that your actions have violated the crime of accepting bribes. The point of my defense is that your process of accepting bribes and the specific background are relatively special. The circumstances should be considered relatively minor. In this way The purpose of the defense is to get a suspended sentence. According to your situation, you are more likely to win a suspended sentence, and you can come out once you get a suspended sentence. Do you want to come out?" I said in a daze, "Of course." The lawyer Nodding her head, there was no expression between her brows and eyes, and there was never any emotion on her face that never smiled.She went on to say: "There is another method of defense, which is to plead your innocence. If you succeed, you can completely wash away this matter and go out clean. However, the pleading of innocence is not very sure. Now only your buddy My son Liu Minghao promised to appear in court at that time and explain the situation at that time, proving that you said beforehand that you would hand over the money to Bian Xiaojun, and you also talked to him afterwards that both Zhong Ning and Bian Xiaojun agreed to leave the money to you. If the court accepts his testimony, the kickback basically complies with the disclosure requirements. As for the fact that the money was not paid, it is the business of Zhong Ning and Bian Xiaojun, and you should not be responsible. It depends on whether the prosecution's evidence is strong or not, and whether there is anything new, so I dare not say that I can get a verdict of innocence. If I argue this way, if I fail, the court will convict you. Once you are convict, I'm afraid I can’t even win a suspended sentence. Because there was a rule in the High Court that those who refuse to plead guilty will not be eligible for suspended sentences. Once you are sentenced to real punishment, you will really have to sit in prison for several years. Therefore, Do you want me to plead guilty and try to get a probation first, or to plead not guilty and try my luck? You must think clearly about these two options, and you must have a clear opinion, so I can follow you. We have unified our opinions, and we have to cooperate in court tomorrow." I was at a loss for a while, my mind was a little messed up, as if I couldn't figure it out.I can only turn to a lawyer for help. This female lawyer, who is probably not yet 30 years old and looks like a serious big sister, is almost omniscient in my eyes now.

I asked, "If you plead guilty, how sure are you of getting a suspended sentence?" She said, "90.00%." The lawyer didn't answer right away, as if he needed mental calculations, he was silent for a while, and then said: "20.00%." ​​I was also silent, and I looked up to see that the lawyer was still staring at me, and that gaze fell on my heart like a weight , I can't breathe.

"What do you think," I asked, "how do you choose?" "Each has advantages and disadvantages." The lawyer's answer was simple, crisp, and impeccable.I said sullenly: "Have you asked An Xin, what does she hope for?" "Yes, I talked to her in detail yesterday, and I asked her for her opinion as your relative or friend. I should ask her Opinion?" The lawyer asked back.

"Should, she is my relative, she represents my relatives, represents my family. What does she say?" "She said, this matter is up to you to decide." "Didn't she say any biased opinions? The lawyer thought for a while and said, "No. Of course she hoped that you would come out earlier, but she was afraid that if you pleaded guilty, you would be confused, that you would be unhappy for the rest of your life, and that you would be charged with this crime in the future. Your future will be affected, and she is afraid that you will live in this shadow for the rest of your life." The lawyer stopped and waited for my statement, but I still bowed my head and remained silent.The lawyer didn't rush me, as if she wanted to give me time to think. After a short pause, she still spoke: "Actually, even if you don't plead guilty, you are still guilty of the crime even if the court convicts you, and you will be followed for the rest of your life." You will affect you for the rest of your life. I think it is the same. So, I think you might as well get a probation first." The lawyer finally expressed her inclination. A wager on a handicap-style game.I remember an old American movie called "The Deer Hunter". I have seen this disc before.It is said that several American prisoners were forced by a group of Vietnamese soldiers to hold their heads with a revolver loaded with three bullets for the Vietnamese soldiers to bet. The probability of death is half and half, and it's too cruel to let you choose yourself. It was cruel when I saw it at the time!Now, I feel like the GI trembling in front of the trigger with a gun to his head.

The lawyer added: "This is just my personal opinion, and it is up to you to decide in the end." I ordered myself to stop futile thinking, stop the trembling in my heart, I looked up, looked at the lawyer, and I ordered myself to make a sound Be calm.Even I don't know why I have to pretend to be so fearless and decisive at this time.

I said, "I want to be innocent!" The lawyer looked at me for a long time, and she nodded after looking at me for a long time.Not a word was said.

The next day, the court opened as scheduled.It was a small case, and not many people came to observe it, so I found peace of mind easily in the public gallery once I was escorted into court.She sat not too far in front, and kept looking at me.There was a hidden smile on her face, and only I could understand the warm meaning in that smile. At that moment, I suddenly felt that she was like my mother.

I didn't know the other observers. They sat in groups of three or two, a bit like some university students who volunteered to watch the trial.

Except for a reassuring smile, I can hardly recall the circumstances of that trial until today.I remember that both Zhong Ning and Bian Xiaojun went there that day. They went as witnesses rather than spectators.When Zhong Ning came on stage, I looked at her very calmly. My eyes were as calm as possible, but she still had the air of jealousy when meeting an enemy, and her tone of voice was still gnashing her teeth and refusing to forgive when she testified. people.I know that Zhong Ning's personality, status, cultural accomplishment and her age have not yet taught her to forgive.

In my impression, the lawyer's performance that day was still okay, at least the plausible posture made people believe that she basically did not lose the chain at the personal level.The core point of her defense is that the kickback I took was handed over to the company and then returned to me with the consent of the person in charge of the company, so it is already a reward for the company's employees in nature.Based on her argument, I also stated to the court how I handed over the money to Bian Xiaojun, how I told Zhong Ning about it, and how Bian Xiaojun and Zhong Ning answered me.Regarding my statement, the prosecution's evidence seems to be easily refuted. First, Bian Xiaojun testified blankly that he did not remember that I had given him a kickback of 2 yuan. Denies that I told her about it on the way to put her on the plane to Nanjing.Bian Xiaojun, from entering the courtroom to testify until he walked out of the courtroom after testifying, always avoided looking at me. He only watched the judge and the prosecutor talking, and when he was told to leave, he bowed his head and walked away.Zhong Ning stared at me as soon as he entered the arena, and looked at me again after the testimonial, with a smug and vicious smile on his face.I still looked at her with peaceful eyes, and wanted her to be blamed by her conscience, but until she left the scene, I didn't see her blushing at all about my conspiracy and perjury.

The lawyer's last resort to fight back against these perjury was to announce in court my previous relationship with Zhong Ning, the subsequent breakup, and the reason for the breakup.That is to say, as an alternate member of the Guoning family at that time, it was impossible for me to embezzle this mere 2 yuan of petty wealth, and it also reminded the court that Zhong Ning had the motivation to set up a revenge scheme in this case.The lawyer persuaded me to agree to announce my previous relationship with Zhong Ning and the process of falling out with Zhong Ning because I fell in love with someone else.She believes that this is precisely the most critical fact in the relationship between the characters in this case, which can make the court greatly discount the credibility of Zhong Ning's testimony, and may even disqualify her as a witness based on the principle of avoidance.

The last witness brought out by the lawyer is my buddy, my friend since childhood, my friend Liu Minghao.

I remember when Liu Minghao entered the stage, I smiled at him.I know that Liu Minghao is a witness on my side. After being detained for several months and isolated from the outside world for a long time, suddenly seeing my old friend come to testify for me, I feel very sad and comforted in my heart.I can't help but sigh that friends are handed over since childhood, and only childhood friends will become eternal friends.I really want Liu Minghao to look at me, I really want him to see me smiling at him.But like Bian Xiaojun, he avoided looking at me whether it was intentional or unintentional.He came out from the side door, lowered his head, and walked directly to the witness stand. His face was always tilted in another direction, and I didn't know who he was looking at.It wasn't until the presiding judge started to ask questions that I saw his nervous face and unnatural eyes, which I still remember vividly.

I remember that Liu Minghao on the witness stand had flickering eyes, slurred speech, gray complexion, and stiff muscles.When he answered the presiding judge's question, his reaction was almost dull.His voice and appearance also made me feel strange.I can't even recall how the presiding judge asked questions that day and what he answered.The only few answers that are still deeply in my memory are: "...No, when he collected the money, he didn't say that he would hand it over to Bian Xiaojun....No, he didn't tell me later There was a matter of the company agreeing to accept the money from him, but I don’t remember him talking about it.” This is Liu Minghao’s testimony!His testimony made him, in effect, a witness for the prosecution.

In the whole process of the trial that day, only at this moment, when Liu Minghao suddenly betrayed and gave the above testimony, did the lawyer become stupid.

Later, after a long time, I forgave Liu Minghao.When I came back from the United States, the first place I settled down was also Liu Minghao's home.Before I left for Yunnan to find peace of mind, Liu Minghao gave me 2 yuan as money, which was the same as the original kickback amount, not much, not less.Of course I didn't want the money.

I forgive Liu Minghao only because he is a businessman, and the principle of a businessman is to put interests first.I later learned that Zhong Ning and Zhong Guoqing had somehow learned that Liu Minghao would be a crucial witness for the defense, so on the day before the trial, at the same time as I asked the lawyer to defend his innocence, Guoning Group The head of the supply department invited Liu Minghao to have a meal of Tan's family dishes at the Beijing Hotel. After the meal, both parties signed the letter of intent for the supply of the air-conditioning system of the Guoning Building on the spot.It is said that it was a big transaction with a total bid of more than 400 million yuan.

I was found guilty and served two years in prison.On the day the verdict was served, my lawyer represented me to appeal to the Municipal Intermediate People's Court.One month later, the Municipal Intermediate Court made the final judgment: the appeal was rejected, the original sentence was upheld, and the sentence was not suspended.

After the final verdict and before being sent to custody, the lawyer asked An Xin to meet with me in the detention center as a family member.When we met, I found that both of us deliberately put on a relaxed demeanor and tone, trying to comfort each other, but in fact, one was more uncomfortable than the other.We all pretended to be nonchalant and talked about innocuous things about the body, sleep, food intake, job hunting, etc., and how the little bear is doing now, etc. As for the future of me and An Xin, what to do in the future, these are the issues that I am most eager to know from her and communicate with each other, but no one has said anything.Not only because this question is so sharp that I dare not speak it out, but also because, according to regulations, there was a policeman present in the room when we met. One ear is of course also responsible for listening to the conversation on our side.

The meeting lasted for 10 minutes. At the end, An Xin suddenly took off the jade Guanyin piece around her neck and handed it to me across the table. Our hands only took advantage of this opportunity to touch for a moment.My hands are hot, but An Xin's hands are cold.She has always had cold hands and feet like this. I have said many times that when I have money, I must take her to see a Chinese medicine doctor to recuperate her qi and blood.

Our hands were held together, and we didn't dare to linger to feel each other's body temperature, then let go, and said with peace of mind: "Bring it on and you will know that I am always by your side, and I am protecting you." Although she Her hand was cold, but the piece of Jade Guanyin she was wearing next to her body was warm.The police saw our movements, suspected that we were handing over some secret and prohibited items, and immediately came over to intervene.

"Hey, what is this?" The policeman asked me, and the lawyer came over. I spread my unrecovered palm on the table, and on the pale palm lay a piece of green jade.The lawyer consulted the police in a half-pleading tone: "This should be no problem, it's something that hangs around the neck." The police took the jade and examined it carefully. There was still a thin red string dangling from the jade.The policeman said, "How much is this stuff worth? You can't bring any valuables in, and you have to let the prison put them away for his safekeeping." The policeman directly returned the Jade Guanyin to An Xin who was in a daze. , Said: "Don't give him such an expensive thing. Later, he will go inside and change it for a cigarette, and you will not be able to redeem it." Then he didn't allow us to say anything, looked at his watch, and said that the meeting time had passed. Here it is, it's time to end.

"Well, all right," said the policeman.

I stood up very well, and said, "Okay." An Xin also stood up, and her eye circles turned red.

I smiled at her, wanting to carry the relaxation to the end, and said with a smile: "Don't come here again, find a job first, and then, hurry up and remarry with Xiaoxiong!" An Xin's "relaxation" front finally collapsed, tears like tears Like falling outwards, falling down in clusters.Without saying a word, she wiped away her tears with the back of her hand clutching Yu Guanyin, turned around and opened the door, and ran out without saying a word.I wanted to cry too, but I held back.

I left the detention center two days later and was transferred to Beijing Prison to serve the two-year sentence.Life in the prison is boring and depressing. In addition to studying and working every day, I continued to carry out futile appeals almost for the purpose of balancing my heart, supporting my spirit and protecting my face.Sunrise and sunset every day, going to and from work, feeling depressed and rarely happy.The cycle of life was nothing new, and I often regretted that I didn't listen to the lawyer's advice. I pleaded guilty and asked for probation to go out early. At least that way I could continue to be with An Xin.If she doesn't think I'm a sinner, we can continue to be together and live as before.Will An Xin despise me?

For me, two years is a bit too long because anything can happen in those two years.Maybe when I walked out of the iron gate of the prison, An Xin had already moved on, had a new life, and met a new husband.Life is changing every day, and there is absolutely no one whose life remains the same.Especially in the situation of peace of mind, with no job and children, the most important, most urgent and most urgent thing for her to consider is undoubtedly not love and loyalty, but realistic survival, not for herself, but also for her children .So when I broke up with her, what I said about asking her to "remarry" quickly was not my original intention, or even the thing I was most afraid of in my heart, but I had to say it!This is not a joke, I can't give An Xin any psychological pressure to ask her to wait for me.What's more, even if I come out in the future, it will be difficult to find a decent, white-collar job.Who would want a person with a criminal record of bribery to be released from prison in a serious company?There is no doubt that I will be an untrustworthy thing for the rest of my life because of this crime!
An Xin is different from me. Although she has the trauma of that period of life and has a child, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.She is still young and beautiful, she still looks like a pure virgin, and her looks are still attractive to many men.And, more importantly, she is a good character, and her history is complicated but clean.Innocence these two words are now in my heart, has a particularly precious meaning.

An Xin really never visited me in prison since then.Later, my dad came here once, but he didn't see me, and gave me some nutritional supplements and a few books, which were informative.He told me through the prison cadres, asking me to listen carefully to the cadres' words, rehabilitate well, pay attention to study, and after I have been rehabilitated, I can be a new person and serve the people and the four modernizations.

My dad came to give me something, remembering that he had such a son, which in itself touched me very much.It doesn't matter what he sends or what he says. The important thing is that this incident tells me that I still have relatives in this world.Maybe it was because there was no news from An Xin at that time, and she didn't reply when I wrote to her. I felt very deep in my heart and felt a kind of fear of being abandoned.

It was a long time later that I found out that An Xin tied the child on his back the day after he saw me for the last time in the detention center, and took the train back to Qingmian, Yunnan.It was a long time later that I found out that when she returned to Qingmian, as soon as she walked into her northern-style house, she knelt down on her knees when she saw her surprised parents in that yard.She burst into tears and couldn't afford to kneel for a long time.She said to her parents: "Dad, Mom, please help me. I am going to save a man. He is so kind to me. I love him. I must repay him!" His parents sold almost all of their property, including their northern house with cornices and heavy tiles.They have completely become impoverished poor people from a wealthy family, if you don't count the nearly 30 yuan in cash they handed over to their daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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