Jade Guanyin

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

An Xin and I decided to get married and we told our family about our decision.We also decided that we would have a simple, secret, unassuming wedding, without inviting any relatives, friends or guests, as the complete opposite of the lavish wedding receptions I had dreamed of in the past.There are only three people involved in this wedding, An Xin, me, and Little Bear.

But we haven't decided where the wedding will take place, and we disagree about the location.

I advocate being in Beijing, in our current home.This home is not only our home, but of course, it will be our new home.And, come to think of it, it's also the birthplace of our love.It was in this little living room where our love for one another was discovered through those sleepless nights we spent together.

An Xin's proposition was a little hesitant. At first she hoped to stay in Qingmian in her hometown, and later she wanted to go to Nande, but neither of these locations was obviously suitable.Going to Qingmian to hold a wedding because of her parents and so many folks in the village, it is obviously impossible to keep it simple and secret.Moreover, An Xin's parents may not want their daughter to hold a wedding with a child in front of so many folks. Of course, it is not a face-saving thing for them.It is even more unrealistic to go to South Germany to get married.Because An Xin had decided to leave Nande incognito and change his face after the organization, if he went back in a big way and had to arrange a wedding, wouldn't that be a problem?Her organization would certainly not agree.And how could it be possible to hold a wedding in a place where there are many acquaintances without being ostentatious, unassuming, or quietly?

Before the wedding venue was decided, we made a decision, that is, An Xin and I will go back to Yunnan first.

Because we have to go back to Yunnan.If we want to get married, we must go to the safe place of residence to get a certificate, which is a necessary procedure for marriage registration in civil affairs agencies.

We chose an ordinary sunny day in early June, bought a train ticket to Kunming with our child, Xiaoxiong, and set off.This excursion is almost a happy honeymoon trip in our mood.

The scenery on the Beijing-Kunming line is boundless, and we are in high spirits, talking and laughing all the way, and having a lot of fun.Especially Little Bear, at that time his ability to speak suddenly improved greatly, and new words popped out of his unclear mouth every day, which surprised the adults.What's particularly interesting is that no one taught him, but he can call me daddy without hesitation, naturally.When he called me dad for the first time, I was taken aback. I turned my face and said to An Xin, "What did you hear him call me?" An Xin pretended to be stupid and asked, "What did he call you?" You taught it?" An Xin immediately denied it: "I never meant to force you to be his father, why should I teach him." I said, "Didn't you hear that?" An Xin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

I also smiled.

In fact, in my relationship with An Xin, one of the most sensitive and important issues is Xiaoxiong, that is, my relationship with Xiaoxiong.This issue is obviously what An Xin is most worried about and most concerned about, and it is also what I need to pay attention to and handle most carefully.It should be said that Little Bear is a likable child, but liking him to tease him and living with him for a long time and taking on responsibilities similar to a father are completely different things, and the feeling is completely different.When everyone is happy, the child is the atmosphere, he will create joy and make the home more family.When everyone is depressed, especially when I am upset and Bear is disobedient, I can't help but hate him.The more complicated thing is that I have to hide my face, and I have to swallow my anger when the little bear is crying and being unreasonable, and I can't beat him, scold him, or even educate him loudly. There is only one reason, I am not his dear dad!Although An Xin said again and again, if Yang Rui is disobedient, you can scold him and beat him, but if I really scold and really beat her, she should feel distressed.It's nothing to just feel bad, maybe she will suspect that I don't kiss the child.How do you call it dear?Some of An Xin's kisses to Xiao Xiong are simply pampering, and I didn't agree with it in the first place.Moreover, even if I am his own father, the roles and perspectives of father and mother in managing children should be different.But precisely because I'm not his real father, I can't behave any differently from An Xin in my attitude towards the little bear!
I always tell myself that what matters is not how I educate my children, but how I let them accept me first.So I was somewhat surprised when the child suddenly called me daddy. I took this as the child showing his kindness to me, so as an adult, I should respond positively.My reaction is to show the side of the father who works hard for the children to the fullest during this journey.

The better I treat Xiao Xiong, the better An Xin treats me. When I have a slight or possible conflict with Xiao Xiong, it is also the time when An Xin is most nervous.For this reason, I have to concentrate on caring and pleasing the little bear all day long. No matter how sleepy or tired I am, as long as the little bear wants to play with me, I will pretend to be happy.This look sometimes makes me happy and sometimes makes me tired.It was only when I faced my children that I realized that I had really grown up and understood restraint and responsibility. I couldn't just put on my face whether I was happy or not like in the past, and let my own temperament do it.

We played in Kunming for a day and a half, it looked like a family trip.Traveling is something that everyone is happy about. I have to try my best to make An Xin and Xiao Xiong happy, so everything goes along with them.Since I was a child, my temper has never been so good. Except for a few petty quarrels with An Xin when I was shopping in Shilin, I feel like I am the best and most difficult husband and father in the world.

The few disputes in Shilin were because of a guy named Chen Xiaodong.I can't figure out whether he is a pop star produced in Hong Kong or Taiwan or somewhere else. I never thought that an orthodox girl like An Xin would be vulgar enough to be infatuated with this kind of cool and pure little man who is completely deliberately packaged.She fell in love with a new tape released by Chen Xiaodong in the store, it might be a pirated version, it was called "Happier Than Me", and she insisted on buying it.I don't agree, this is the only time I objected to her buying something after dating An Xin.I hate that pretentiously sexy face and provocative expression on the cover of the tape, and the title of the song kind of offends me - how about "happier than me"?Why are you happier than me?I said to An Xin: "Why buy it, isn't it a waste of money!" An Xin looked at me for a long time, not sure if I was really angry or just talking casually, she said: "Buy it, I like listening to his songs." I resentfully said: "Why are you so vulgar? What do you like about him? Do you like his face?" An Xin took a look at the cover and said, "Yes, it's pretty." I smiled fiercely: "Oh, let me tell you, do you think it's worth spending the price of a tape just to buy a cover? Should we keep a bear?" The bear became my weapon at this time.An Xin looked at me blankly, she probably didn't realize that I was actually jealous of the character on the cover of this tape.She was puzzled and said, "What do you mean? I don't understand." I picked up the bear, turned my face away, and said, "Little bear, I love you." An Xin finally didn't buy the tape.But the face is not very happy.She probably thought I was being so stingy for ten dollars.She followed me, showing her unhappiness on her face.I looked back at her and thought: At least in this matter, I lost to Zhang Tiejun again.She must think that Zhang Tiejun is more mature, and he is not as fussy about small things as I am, for sure.

Turning to the place where jewelry was sold, I wanted to calm down An Xin's face, so I took the initiative to please and stopped, and stopped in front of the dazzling array of beautiful jewelry.An Xin's eyes were indeed attracted by those gold, silver, diamonds and emeralds.Compared with Chen Xiaodong, maybe girls like these things more.I said to An Xin: "Let's get married. Normally, I should give you a wedding ring, but I don't have any money to buy it now. What should I do?" An Xin smiled, and her face softened. Well, anything, as long as it can represent your heart." In my concept, the keepsake should be a symbolic item, and it must have a bit of taste, and it can't be too practical, nor too cheap.I searched my brains and thought about it, but I couldn't think of anything suitable for the job, so I stopped thinking and asked An Xin: "Since it is a token, you have to give it to me. What do you give me?" She took off the Jade Guanyin that her mother gave her that she wanted to give to Zhang Tiejun but failed in the end. She said: "This is my most precious thing. It has always blessed me and will also protect you. Yes." I was taken aback, I knew what happened to this piece of jade, and said, "This is a special gift from your mother, I dare not take it. Your mother expects it to keep you safe for the rest of your life. "An Xin smiled and said: "As long as you are safe, I will be safe. You will protect me when you are safe, will you?" I still did not accept this jade Guanyin, but in front of the salesperson, I twitched He held out a hand to hug the little bear, and hugged An Xin.I whispered in her ear and swore: "Of course, I will always protect you, guard you forever, and keep you safe all your life! Do you believe it?" Generally speaking, we were happy all the way out.After a short stay in Kunming, on the morning of the third day, we changed trains and continued on our way. A few hours later, we arrived at the destination of this trip—Beiqiu.

After arriving in Beiqiu, we walked from the station to the Xiguan Police Station where Anxin's account is located.Although An Xin has been working in Beiqiu for several months, it is a self-enclosed life where she does not leave the door. She even takes the few buses in the urban area of ​​Beiqiu from where to where. are not familiar with.There are no taxis on the streets of this small city.Fortunately, the city circle is not big, and there are only a few roads from east to west.On the way, we deliberately made a small detour, passing by the building materials company where An Xin worked and lived.An Xin pointed out for me, telling me where is the office and where is the dormitory, where she usually eats and where she takes a bath, etc.We walked for more than 40 minutes from the station to the Xiguan Police Station. Because we took turns carrying the baby, we all felt a little bit sore when we got there.

The Xiguan Police Station is located in an old-fashioned courtyard that looks like a dilapidated building. The small reception room at the gate of the courtyard is only [-] or [-] meters long, and there is a counter across the third of the door. Squeezed into a small space of four or five meters square at the door.We waited for a long time before we squeezed through the door and approached the counter among the crowd.There are three policemen on duty at the counter, with tired faces coping with all kinds of official duties such as coming here to settle down, move, change name, and report and complain.It was easy for An Xin to take her turn, and caught a policeman who was about to turn around to look for a cup to drink water and told her what she wanted to do. The policeman just answered and was beaten by another group of farmers who came to settle the dispute in the vegetable market. Wrap up.I stood at the door with my child in my arms, feeling irritable but there was nothing I could do.

We huddled in the crowd and waited for nearly an hour. It wasn't until the gang of fighters left the house that it became quieter, and An Xin finally had the opportunity to be formally "received" by a policeman.She showed the policeman her He Yanhong ID card across the counter, explaining that she needs to get a certificate here if she wants to get married.The policeman first asked some information, such as do you have a job, where do you live now, etc., and then moved out Daben's household registration "receipt" from the back to check. After checking, his brows frowned and his face was full of doubts. .He asked An Xin: When did you move here?An Xin gave the approximate date, and the policeman asked again: Where did you move here?Feel free to say where and where.The police seemed to get to the bottom of it: Why did you move here?An Xin hesitated for a while, and answered: Because I found a job here.The police asked: Where do you work?Feel free to say that you are in a building materials company.The policeman asked: Why didn't you do it again?An Xin said that she went to Beijing later.The policeman asked: Is the subject from Beijing?An Xin said: Yes.The policeman raised his eyes to look at me, and then at the child in my arms. He didn't know whether to ask me or An Xin: Do you have children?Neither of us answered.The policeman didn't follow up with the questioning. He looked down at the account book with a frown, looked at it for a while, and said, "Your account is not right. Why are there so many items missing on my account book?"An Xin knew what was going on, and pretended to be confused and said: No way, did you not remember everything when I moved here?The policeman closed the "receipt" book and said: Come back in a few days, it can't be done today.At that time, the policeman who handled the registration procedures for you was transferred away. We need to understand the situation. You can come back in two days.

I leaned over and said, "We are just getting married, so you can give us a certificate of opening. We have to go back to Beijing. The date has been fixed, and relatives and friends have been notified. Please help." The policeman shook his head. , sticking to the principle and said: "That won't work, it's not just the problem of not being able to issue a certificate for you, her account statement is unclear, and the items that should be filled are not filled in, we have to figure out what's going on. , is also responsible for her. The next step is to change the household registration to computer management, how can she enter the computer in such an uneven situation?" Negotiations at the police station for a long time, to no avail.An Xin and I hugged the child and walked out of the "dangerous room" dejectedly.Standing on the side of the street in front of the courtyard of the police station, he was speechless for a while.

We stood exhausted for a while, and I spoke first, and said, "Should I find some acquaintances, see who knows this group of policemen, if not, give some gifts or something. Don't talk about getting married now, go to the crematorium to burn people You have to give gifts, otherwise you will be lined up for many days, and you will not be cooked through. What this group eats is weddings and weddings." An Xin said awkwardly: "I have no acquaintances, and I don't know anyone here. We were all dumbfounded, at a loss, and after a long time of stunned, I said: "Why don't you go to South Germany, find your original unit, and simply use your original name to issue a certificate in South Germany. Are you Saying that you don’t like the name He Yanhong makes me feel awkward, what He Yanhong is like a village girl.” An Xin sighed and said: “I didn’t want people in our team to know that I was going to get married, they knew I would never agree with me using the name An Xin. Last time Captain Pan heard that I was still using this name when he was on a business trip to Beijing, he scolded me severely, saying that no matter how disobedient I am, the bureau will not be responsible for any accidents. You don’t know us Everyone in that kind of unit pays great attention to organizational discipline.” I didn’t sit down to rest for a while, and my arms were numb from hugging the bear, so I asked angrily: “Then what do you think? ?" An Xin thought for a long time, but her face had no idea, she hesitated for a while, and said: "Or, or... let's go to Nande?" To Nande?I didn't expect that An Xin would agree to go to Nande, so I couldn't help but get excited, nodded quickly, and said in a conclusive and decisive tone: "Okay, then go to Nande!" That night we were in Beiqiu City. Stay in a small hotel.Departed early the next morning to the train station and took the train to South Germany.Nande is bigger and newer than I imagined.As soon as you come out of the train station, you can see many newly built high-rise buildings in the distance from the roofs of a small bungalow.The buildings of the municipal government, the municipal people's congress, and the public security bureau in South Germany are all very well built.But I don't like these new buildings. I think it's these high-rise buildings with similar shapes and rough workmanship, as well as the colorful billboards and neon lights on the top of these high-rise buildings, which make this very cultural ancient city tasteless. .

As soon as we arrived, we saw many places on the street decorated with lights and festoons, and some festive arrangements. After inquiring, we found out that the day after tomorrow is the Water-Splashing Festival of the Dai people.The Water-Splashing Festival is the New Year in the Dai calendar, and it is the most important festival for the Dai people.Because Beiqiu is not an area where the Dai people live, there is no atmosphere of the Songkran Festival.South Germany is a region where the Han, Dai and De'ang ethnic groups are the main body, and the Lahu, Hani and Bulang people live together, so there are many festivals in South Germany.

We didn't have the lively scene of lingering on the streets, so we looked for a place to live when we got off the train.I fell in love with a hotel converted from an old building not far from the train station on the edge of the city. The appearance of the hotel is very stylish, and the door is facing a straight street with wooden buildings built in the 60s and [-]s on both sides. Make a low room.The low houses make the street broaden the view, and the wide view expands the width of the street in a sense.

In front of the hotel, there are several mature broad-leaved plantains planted, with two not-too-small green areas on the left and right. There are some shrubs and flowers that have not been pruned for a long time on the green areas.Instead of playing the role of greening and beautifying the environment, these shrubs and flowers added a bit of dilapidation.Fortunately, the background of this ancient building is the lush Nanmeng Mountain. The overall feeling is very extraordinary. It seems that the few of us and this two-story building have been painted, and it has become a random scene of Nanmeng Mountain.

Only after we entered the hotel did we realize that the house was really an ancient building in the Qing Dynasty. It was a Xuanfu Department built in the fifth year of Guangxu, and it was a relatively well-preserved Tusi Yamen in Yunnan Province.The architectural style inside the yamen is a bit of Dai style, but the exterior is basically Han style.In the history of such ethnic minority areas, Han-style things often have the function of expressing power and deterring the people.

An Xin and I set up a room. The room was only about ten meters in size. There was only room for a mother-child bed and a small writing desk, but it cost 60 yuan a day.About 30 yuan of it is for us to live in this house with cultural relic value and feel nostalgic for the past, and another ten yuan is for us to enjoy the scenery from the rear window.As soon as we entered the house, we saw the majestic Nanmeng Mountain at dusk from the palm-sized rear window.

After settling down, it was time for dinner.Surprisingly, this hotel also has a babysitting service for customers.An Xin and I took a special look at the "nursery room" and found it to be fairly clean. There were some toys on the floor and some cartoons on the walls. When we went, there were two two- and three-year-old children in the room. Play on the mat without crying or fussing.The nannies are two middle-aged aunts, who are enthusiastic. When they saw Xiao Xiong, they would say a lot of compliments and likes, An Xin and Xiao Xiong were a little overjoyed.Although boasting that other people's children are aunts to them is a bit of business experience, but after all, it has caught the parents' minds, and of course they are invincible.

This pocket-sized nursery takes care of the children on an hourly basis, at three yuan per hour.If you need to feed, you can add another three yuan, which is much cheaper and more affordable than the prices in Beijing.An Xin and I asked in detail what we would eat if we were to eat, and it sounded pretty good, so we entrusted the little bear to them.Cubs may always live with adults and usually lack companions, so they are very curious about children of the same age and have a strong desire to play with them.Coupled with the sweet words of the two aunts who spared no effort, and lured him with toys and candies, he was able to let an aunt hug him like a mother, and immediately started playing with a smile on his face. When we left, Anxin waved to him and said goodbye He didn't even hear it, even though he shook An Xin's hand at his aunt's request, but the shaking was formalistic and absent-minded.

I'm so happy, without the burden of children, I can easily go to the street to eat with An Xin.After dinner, I asked An Xin to take me to revisit her old places, including her dormitory by the river, the anti-drug brigade where she worked, the two-bedroom and one-living room she and Tie Jun lived in, etc. I was very interested .

An Xin was very hesitant about my request, and she said let's not go.Our bureau doesn't let me come back without asking for instructions. If I go to those places and run into acquaintances, tell the team and the bureau chief that I will definitely be scolded.It's better to call and contact Captain Pan first when we go back at night.

I think she is taking too much chicken feathers as an arrow. The orders made a year or two ago are still being carried out in such a serious manner. Is it possible that after working in the police for a few days, they can be controlled like a machine for a lifetime?So I tried my best to encourage: What are you afraid of?

We chattered with each other for a long time, and finally reached a compromise: first call Captain Pan, if you can, follow Captain Pan's request, if you can't, An Xin will take me to those places quietly by night.

When we got out of the small restaurant, we looked for a public phone and called the anti-drug brigade. The person who answered the phone with an unfamiliar accent said that Captain Pan was not there.Called his home, no one answered at home, called his mobile phone, said not in the service area.I asked An Xin if she wanted to find someone else, such as Captain Qian.An Xin thought for a while and said: Let's find Captain Pan. Captain Qian has a bad temper. If you know that I came back without asking for instructions, you must train me.

Can't get in touch with Lao Pan.Reluctantly, An Xin took me to where I wanted to go, but due to time and location, we only looked around the temporary new house where she and Tie Jun lived that night.Because I was worried about the little bear, I couldn't go back too late, so I couldn't go to other places.

When we returned to the hotel, the little bear had already fallen asleep. We thanked an aunt on duty who was still in the "nursery room" and carried him back to his room.We went to sleep after returning to the room. We have brought a child all the way here from Beijing in the past few days, and we are all tired.

The next morning, An Xin still couldn't get in touch with Captain Pan. We couldn't help but feel a little anxious. We didn't want to go out all day, and went out to make calls after a while.An Xin was afraid that people in the team would recognize her voice, so she always asked me to make calls.In the evening, Captain Pan’s mobile phone was suddenly connected. We were very happy. An Xin seemed a little excited when talking with Lao Pan. She said that the captain was me, and I was An Xin. I came here specifically for you.Lao Pan was obviously surprised by An Xin's sudden return to Nande without his consent, and I could sense it while listening to their conversation.Lao Pan asked for a long time how she came here, what she was doing, and what was the matter.An Xin told us on the phone that we were going to get married, and that we wanted to ask the Nande City Public Security Bureau to issue a certificate.

After An Xin finished explaining our reason for coming, Captain Pan was silent on the phone for a while, and then asked An Xin to go to the anti-drug brigade to find him.He said: You come alone.

After hanging up the phone, I looked at An Xin's face and asked her what Captain Pan had said. An Xin briefly recounted it, and her mood changed from excitement to depression, even a little uneasy.She asked me to take the little bear and stay in the hotel. If I was really bored and wanted to go out for a walk, I would go around nearby, don't go far, she said she would be back soon.

An Xin left, I took the bear for a walk around.There are no shops near the hotel, and there are no interesting places. Seeing Nanmeng Mountain is close in front of you. The mountain is lush and green, and the penetrating green makes people yearn for it.Such beautiful mountain scenery cannot be seen in Beijing.There is also the small tea shop on the cliff, which is different from my imagination.But I just hugged the little bear, and Wang Shan sighed for a while, knowing that the saying that Wang Shan ran a dead horse was correct.If we don’t have a car, we’ll have to go from here to the foot of the mountain until it’s dark!

Little Xiong babbled, using unclear language and crying, expressing that he still wanted to find those two aunts and those two children.He said he was looking for "dongdong" or "dudu". It took me a long time to understand that it was probably the name of another child entrusted with him yesterday.

Of course I can no longer spend money to take the little bear out, so I tried my best to divert his attention by talking and talking, and the little bear started to cry, no matter how I tried to coax him.I had to take him back to the hotel and take him to the nursery and the cub stopped crying right away.The aunts on duty greeted them with smiles, and I felt that the smiles and sweet words of the aunts here were like giving the little bear opium, which made him addicted and couldn't do without them.

An Xin didn't come back until almost nine o'clock in the evening. Her face was gloomy. It was a bit strange to see me standing in the courtyard of the hotel smoking and the little bear in the nursery with my aunt.When we took the child away, I paid the money as required, and when I got back to the room, I explained to An Xin that Xiaoxiong didn't want to be with me and had to be with those two aunts.An Xin said how is it possible, are you a little annoyed by always bringing the bear with you these days?After all, it is not your own.

I knew that An Xin said this probably because she was in a bad mood, but I was still a little angry: What do you call that, I have been with you for so long, when did I get bored with Little Bear?
An Xin said: "Yang Rui, I feel bad for Little Bear to bother you so much these days."I'm telling the truth, he's not your own, I understand if you want to bother him, I don't mean to blame you, I thank you for it's too late.

My face turned red, and I felt very uncomfortable. I vented: How could I be bad to the little bear?I don't even know how to treat him well, I don't even know what to do to be more like my own.To be honest, if he was really my own, I would never be so spoiled by him.I'm so used to him all because of you!I know you want me to be especially nice to Bear, and even better, I know it in my heart!It doesn't matter whether you love me or not, what you really care about is whether I love Bear or not!

An Xin's face turned pale.She said: Bear is my child, I must love him!As for whether you love him or not, it is your freedom. I will not force you to love him, let alone force you to love him.I can't force you to love me or not.

An Xin and I had quarreled before, but it was all trivial matters, such as with Chen Xiaodong.No one takes anger seriously.This quarrel was the first time we said something that hurt each other, and the first time we got angry in our hearts.I saw that the two sides' words were a little intentional, so I suppressed the fire and shut up first.And I found that Little Bear seemed to understand that our quarrel was for him. He sat on the bed in a daze, at a loss, and didn't cry.The way he looked at us nervously made me really feel sorry for him.I know that the child is almost two years old, and the appearance of adults can already be half-understood. At least, his cerebral cortex can already remember fear.And the most dangerous thing is that he is still unable to think and process this memory. Once this emotional memory without thinking and correct processing is stored in the child's brain, it may affect his lifelong habit of character and emotional response, which is very unfavorable to him. .

So I kept my mouth shut and suppressed my anger first.In fact, I know that if you are angry, as long as you don’t say it in a deep and harsh way, it will be easily resolved when the anger subsides.I also understand that the only bad thing that may leave a shadow is not the language of our quarrel this time, but its cause.The reason is for the bear.

An Xin is also a person who is good at restraint, once I shut up, she will stop talking.I wanted to ask her what she said to Captain Pan just now, and how the matter was going, but the faces of the two of them were both awkward after the quarrel, so I couldn't ask.An Xin hugged the little bear and faced the wall, I turned my back to An Xin and faced outside, the two of them turned off the lights with their faces darkened, and went to sleep separately.

The next morning, Cub woke up first, crawled over from his mother, and leaned over me to get dressed.I usually dress him mostly, so he looks for me as soon as he wakes up.An Xin also got up and helped me dress him together.Little Xiong waved his hand and said that "Dongdong" might be "Duddu" yesterday, I echoed him in a coquettish voice, An Xin didn't say anything, but the weather on my face was much clearer.

In the morning, before I had time to ask An Xin what happened to Captain Pan last night, Captain Pan came to the hotel.That's right, Captain Pan is exactly the old-fashioned man I saw a year ago under the streetlight at the intersection of Jingshi Sports School.An Xin hastily introduced me to Captain Pan, and Captain Pan also shook hands with me carelessly, with a tired face and not much to say.An Xin asked me to take the child out for a walk, and I went out with the bear in my arms.When I went out, I heard Lao Pan ask An Xin: "How old is he?" I knew, it wasn't about Bear, it was about me.

I thought to myself, An Xin's leader is too lenient, and now that An Xin is not a policeman, he won't think that I am too young to prevent An Xin from marrying me.

I hugged the bear and wandered around in this quaint hotel.It is a two-story building with two inner courtyards at the front and back.I took a look at the floor plan of the former Xuanfu Department of the Qing Dynasty standing in the courtyard, and the layout of the rooms is quite different from the current one.The main hall and the large meeting hall marked on the floor plan have been divided into several guest rooms of different sizes. The granaries and prisons on the map have also disappeared, and even the location of the door has become completely different.After all, this house has experienced hundreds of colds and heats, and its functions and partitions must have changed several times with the change of dynasties. It may have been a military command post, a warehouse, and a base for class struggle education, and now it has become a profitable hotel. .

Judging from the floor plan of the Xuanfu Department in the Qing Dynasty, the room we lived in was the original back house.The main room of the back house is the living room of the dog official Xuanfusi and his eldest wife, and the two rooms are the rooms for family members, concubines and servants.The [-]-square-meter hut where we lived could only accommodate a bed and a table. It was located in the corner of the main room, and it might be the place where the chieftain put his cigarette couch.

I carried the little bear on my back and walked back and forth on the original site of the main house several times. After calculating the area of ​​the main house, I found that it was cut into a dozen or so small guest rooms and three long and thin strips. Corridors can be regarded as doing their best and making the best use of everything.

During the half an hour when I was wandering upstairs and downstairs like an archaeologist with Little Bear on my back, An Xin and Captain Pan talked behind closed doors in our hut.Maybe they were worried that the walls have ears, so their voices were kept very low. The voices were so low that people outside thought they were talking about some irrelevant things calmly. In dispute.

(End of this chapter)

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