Chapter 257 All Dead

Concubine Qin Xian committed suicide by taking poison in Ziyun Palace, and Concubine Gu also took Hedinghong in Zilan Courtyard, and both died in the end.

When the prison found out that Concubine Gu was dead, Qin Er couldn't accept it for a while, and shouted, "Jiaoer..." He vomited blood and died.

The three who knew the secret back then all died one after another. Behind this is the conspiracy of King Ding of Beiliang.


The old concubine learned the news and came to Zilanyuan to accuse the prince of being cruel.

Prince Mu picked up the woman and put her on the bed, then glanced coldly at the old concubine, his eyes were scarlet, and his voice was as cold as ice, "If it wasn't for you, she wouldn't have died today, you forced her to end today, you guys Knowing that she likes Qin Huaijin and doesn't want to marry me, but she is pushing her hard, all the tragedies are caused by you, why are you doing this!!"

At the end he couldn't help but yell.

The corners of the old concubine's lips trembled slightly, she clenched her fists secretly and raised her eyes to stare at him, and said forcefully, "If you don't force her to talk about what happened back then, she won't be cornered and commit suicide by taking poison. I wasn't the one who killed her." ,It's you."

When Mu Jiuqing heard this, she felt annoyed. Mu Mingyu and the Seventh Young Master were both there, and the old hag deliberately instigated them to hate their father by saying this.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Mu Mingyu hugged the seventh son and looked at his father with hatred in his eyes.

Prince Mu clenched his fists tightly, the veins on his forehead throbbed violently.

Mu Jiuqing couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Why do you say it's the father's fault? Back then, you designed to lock them up in a room, gave them love drugs, and forced them to marry. Concubine Gu married into the palace for many years , You also forced her to poison the father and kill the father."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room looked at the old concubine in shock.

The old concubine was out of breath with anger, and said angrily, "You are rebellious, you are rebellious, you are a rebellious woman, come and pull me out..."

She shouted angrily but no maid came forward.

The old concubine's face was a little distorted, she looked at the prince, and said sadly, "You unfilial son, this is the good daughter you taught, and you actually slandered your own grandmother, it made me mad, what crime did I do!"

Prince Mu said coldly, "Jiu'er is telling the truth, you are not worthy of a mother." He didn't know that she still wanted him dead after all these years.

It's not a secret that the old concubine poisoned the prince, but she still can't get out of the shadow of the past after all these years?
Forcing side concubine Gu to marry the prince, placing her next to the prince, threatening her to poison the prince with the matter between her and Qin Er...

No wonder he went to Zilanyuan to have a meal, and the next day he had diarrhea, and then he felt weak all over. The imperial doctor only said that his stomach was ruined.

What she gave to Concubine Gu was poison, but Concubine Gu couldn't bear to secretly change to ordinary laxatives.

Later, he didn't dare to go to Zilan Courtyard for dinner, and they would have no chance to attack.


Concubine Gu didn't know why the old concubine insisted on doing this, she just felt that the old concubine tortured her deliberately, because at first the old concubine asked her to marry the third master, but she didn't agree.

At that time, the Mu family had not yet been crowned king.

Although the Gu family's family background is not high, it is also a fourth-rank official family. She is the daughter of the Gu family, with a high heart and arrogance. She likes a man who is talented and gentle and handsome. When she met the second son of the Qin family at that time, she looked down on the third master and disagreed.

The old concubine took a fancy to her and asked her to marry the third master as his concubine. After she didn't agree, she held a grudge because of it. Later, she found out that she was in love with Qin Er, so she secretly obstructed her and proposed to the elder master Gu to let her enter the palace as a side concubine.

Before the Mu family was crowned king, Elder Gu would never agree, but after being crowned queen, the present is not what it used to be. When the old concubine mentioned it, Elder Gu immediately agreed.

But she still disagrees. The eldest cousin is at the border all the year round, and she has never seen him a few times. In the impression that the eldest cousin is a soldier, he doesn't understand the style. He is cold and serious. She doesn't like it, but she likes Qin Er Like the son, the second son of Qin also likes her, and the two of them are in love with each other, so she asked Qin Er to meet at the Great Buddha Temple, secretly meeting, unable to help herself, she gave her body to him, and had a child.

Even so, they still didn't give up and forced her to take away the child. In the end, she compromised and agreed to their conditions to protect the child.

After the child was born, he was sent to the Qin Mansion for upbringing according to her request.

And she cooperated with them to enter Prince Mu's Mansion.

It was originally agreed that Prince Mu would be given chronic poison to kill him on the day of their marriage.

But Prince Mu didn't enter the wedding room at all that day, so he didn't have a chance to do anything.

Since then, she has become a side concubine in the palace. Seeing that Prince Mu and Princess Mu are very affectionate, Prince Mu is completely different from usual when facing Princess Mu. He is gentle and considerate, with eyes full of doting. She hides in the distance secretly Watching, unconsciously fell in love with such a man.

It turns out that my cousin can still be so gentle. When he is not wearing armor and battle clothes, he has a gentle temperament, a personable demeanor, and a handsome appearance. He is not at all inferior to Qin Er, and even better than Qin Er.

The prince has a noble status, holds military power in his hand, and is an extremely human minister.

Such an outstanding and almost impeccable man, I am afraid that there is no woman who will not be tempted.

After she fell in love with the prince, she stopped talking to Qin Er and focused on how to attract the prince to her room.

To put it bluntly, she is a bad woman who loves the new and dislikes the old.

The prince is not Qin Er, he has a good concentration and will not be tempted by her at all.

She began to be jealous of Princess Mu, and then asked the old princess for help.

With the secret help of the old princess, she once again had the opportunity to share the same room with the prince...

Gradually, in order to get the favor of the prince, she became the pawn of the old princess.

She didn't want to poison the prince, so the old concubine asked her to find a way to find out about the military situation from the prince, or collect money for her.

But these have not been going well.

So in private, the two often quarreled and hated each other.

These things, Gu side concubine died, only the old concubine and Wu Momo knew about it.

Nanny Wu was the one arranged by the old princess to watch over Concubine Gu.

If the old concubine didn't tell, I'm afraid I didn't know the truth.

The old concubine's face was ugly. When she heard the third master and the others coming, she fainted...trying to fool her.

Prince Mu sneered, "Help the old concubine back to Chenxiangyuan."

The third master and the fourth master came in together, saw the old princess fainted, and immediately worried, "My lord, what did you do to the old concubine?"

Uncle Zhang hurriedly said, "Concubine Gu died, and the old princess fainted from grief."

Lord Mu sneered, "Within three days, all of you will move out of the palace for this king, and the third master will take the old concubine and leave together."

The faces of the third and fourth masters changed, "This..."

"The king has made up his mind."


Seeing Lord Mu's icy cold eyes, the two of them felt apprehensive, they didn't dare to say anything and hurriedly left Zilan Courtyard with the old concubine.


Looking back, looking at the fourth girl and the seventh son who were crying into tears, Prince Mu sighed secretly, pursed his lips, told Uncle Zhang to arrange the funeral, then turned and left, he had to go to the palace.

This King Ding of Beiliang is so vicious and merciless, there is no law in Western Chu, so he must be eliminated.

" don't care about us..."

Mu Mingyu was a little scared holding the seventh son. She was not stupid. She could feel that the old concubine hated her father very much. Her mother's death must have something to do with her. No one in the Gu family liked her except Gu Qingzhou. She didn't even like her. don't want to go back.

The concubine mother is dead, if the king and father don't care about her, I'm afraid they will bully her even more recklessly.

(End of this chapter)

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