Remarry my wife

Chapter 108 Write a song for you

Chapter 108 Write a song for you (3)

Su Ruo frowned because of the pain in her waist, she turned her head to look at Xiao Tang, his expression didn't change at all, there was still a handsome smile on the corner of his mouth, this bottomless man hurt him.

After playing the song, Zheng Yuan stood up, bowed again to everyone, and then walked off the stage gracefully, walked quickly to the lounge, and quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

The people who were immersed in the music came back to their senses. This time they thought of applauding. The applause continued for a long time. Some sentimental women still had tears in the corners of their eyes. They were shocked by the emotion in the music.

"Mr. Zheng, you rarely play the piano in public, and this time you came on stage twice in a row. I wonder if you have taken a fancy to a woman in the reception?" A lady standing not far from Su Ruo said.

Someone nearby was responding, saying that the second son of the Zheng family was the most mysterious and handsome, and what he saw with his own eyes was really extraordinary.

"Woman, throw away all your thoughts." Xiao Tang suddenly leaned down and whispered in Su Ruo's ear.

"Are you annoying!" Su Ruo also responded in a low voice, this man is too good at thinking, he always thinks of them as adulterers, they don't know each other very well, okay?Even if Zheng Yuan likes her, that's Zheng Yuan's business, nothing to do with her!

"Su Ruo!" Seeing Su Ruo's impatient look, Xiao Tang frowned slightly.

"I'm a bit tired, when can I go back?" Su Ruo didn't want to discuss this matter with Xiao Tang, Su Ruo changed the subject, she was indeed very tired, wearing such high heels on her feet, her feet were sore from standing.

"It's still early!" Xiao Tang said coldly.

"I'm pregnant now, you have to pretend to be intimate, and be realistic." Su Ruo brought out the fake news fabricated by Xiao Tang.

"Hehe... Woman, do you want to get pregnant so much?" Xiao Tang suddenly smiled.

Su Ruo stared, what did this man say!When did her words reveal this information.

"Then it's good for us to go back earlier. For the sake of the baby after September, I think I have to work harder." Xiao Tang smiled smugly.

"You..." Su Ruo didn't know how to answer him, this man really...

"Go and say hello to me, and we'll go back." Xiao Tang took Su Ruo's hand again.

(End of this chapter)

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