Remarry my wife

Chapter 120 Like a Couple

Chapter 120 Like a Couple (1)

"Go shopping, dress casually, don't always wear white skirts, let's go, I'll pick out some clothes for you." After eating, Xiao Tang got up, pulled Su Ruo and walked upstairs.

Su Ruo frowned, this man is too good at controlling, he doesn't even care about what he wears, he is unwilling!

After entering the dressing room, Xiao Tang went in to pick out some clothes, and after a few minutes, he took out some clothes and handed them to Su Ruo: "Go in and try, I've always had a good eye."

Seeing Xiao Tang's appearance, Su Ruoneng said no, so he had no choice but to go into the locker room to change.

When Su Ruo came out, Xiao Tang smiled very proudly.

Su Ruo looked at herself in the mirror. Her upper body was wearing white puff sleeves and small floral chiffon which is popular nowadays, and her lower body was wearing red shorts. She was very playful. She seemed to be many years younger at first glance, although she was only in her 20s. But she likes to wear white skirts, as if she is otherworldly, this suit makes her a lot more vivid.

Xiao Tang brought some decorations from the side and put them on for Su Ruo, and then brought a beige sun hat that is popular nowadays, and put them on for her, all the pretty and cute girls stood out.

He took out 2 pairs of couple sunglasses from the shelf, and asked Su Ruo to take the bag, and the two set off.

The driver drove the car to the downtown area and left. Today is the weekend, there are many people, and it is extremely lively.

Xiao Tang also put on the sunglasses, and then helped Su Ruo put them on too, seeing Su Ruo who suddenly turned into a little girl in front of her, Xiao Tang laughed and said: "You are so beautiful today, little girl, let's go shopping with my brother today gone."

Su Ruo pushed the sunglasses, looked at the handsome man beside him, and really didn't understand why he was in such a good mood today.

The two walked hand in hand on the street, and the rate of turning heads was as high as [-]%. People frequently turned their heads to look at them. Xiao Tang smiled slightly. Only he knew in his heart that this was the first time he was with a woman like this. Dating, how could I have time to walk leisurely on the street like this before, and I was busy in the company every day in suits and leather shoes, and I only went to high-end restaurants to eat, and then went to open rooms and so on. At the end of summer, the temperature was still a bit high, but the soft and icy little hand in his hand made him very comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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