Remarry my wife

Chapter 124 Like a Couple

Chapter 124 Like a Couple (5)

"It's just casual again, you're really embarrassing me, so let's go to the restaurant I often go to." Xiao Tang thought for a while, stretched out his hand to stop the taxi, and then reported the address.

The car stopped at a high-end restaurant, Xiao Tang took Su Ruo's hand and walked in.

As soon as he entered the hall, a lobby manager who was familiar with Xiao Tang hurriedly greeted him. The relationship between the two was pretty good. When the lobby manager saw Su Ruo, he couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and then joked with Xiao Tang: "Brother Tang , Changed taste again, pure sister."

When Su Ruo heard this, she felt uncomfortable. It seemed that Xiao Tang had brought many women here for dinner, and she knew it from the lobby manager's appearance.

"What are you talking about, this is my wife." Xiao Tang raised his eyebrows.

"Ah, so it's my sister-in-law, I don't know Taishan, please forgive me." The lobby manager hurriedly apologized, feeling quite confused, Xiao Tang has a wife?Still such a cute little sister?

"Come on, hurry up and arrange a box for us." Xiao Tang sent.

"I'm so sorry, Brother Tang, you didn't reserve a seat in advance. The business here is so good that there are no boxes, but there are still seats in the lobby, and the environment is also good. One is in the corner by the window." The lobby manager said apologetically .

Xiao Tang frowned, looked at the position pointed by the manager Ali, turned around and asked Su Ruo: "Is it okay?"

Su Ruo nodded, it's just a meal, no private room is needed.

Seeing Su Ruo nodding, Xiao Tang said hello, and then led Su Ruo to the location.

Xiao Tang helped Su Ruo move the seat, and after letting her sit down, he sat down on the opposite side.

After the two ordered food, Su Ruo looked at the scenery outside the window and ignored Xiao Tang.

Xiao Tang didn't want to come out for a meal, the atmosphere was still so tense, and just about to speak, a female voice interrupted him.

"Tang, is it really you?" A whiny female voice rang out.

Both Xiao Tang and Su Ruo looked up at the woman in front of them, and a beautiful woman with sunglasses appeared in front of them.

Su Ruo felt a little familiar, and felt that she had seen it somewhere before, but Xiao Tang frowned, why did this woman still appear in front of him, shouldn't she appear in front of him again after she was paid for it?
(End of this chapter)

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