Remarry my wife

Chapter 129 Wake up and lose your temper

Chapter 129 Wake up and lose your temper (1)

Xiao Tang was also lucky, he didn't hit the vital point, but he was cut open in the back and had more than ten stitches, the wound was quite hideous.

Seeing Xiao Tang lying on the hospital bed with her upper body naked and gauze tied behind her, Su Ruo shook her head helplessly. She had just left the hospital not long ago, and now she entered the hospital as Xiao Tang.

After Xiao Tang was injured, several of his brothers came over.

"That damned fat man, my brother will definitely ruin his company and make him drink Northwest Wind." Pan Ziyuan said fiercely, not to mention how angry he was when he saw his brother lying unconscious and injured on the bed.

"Ruoruo, are you okay, the child in the stomach won't be frightened." Sato Gongjiu looked worriedly at Su Ruo who was sitting on the side.

When Su Ruo heard this, she smiled: "Xiao Tang even lied to you, I'm not pregnant."

"What? This kid even lied to us!" Pan Ziyuan, who was still venting his brother's anger, heard this, and immediately shifted his position.

"Hehe... this kid is just like that." Sato Miyahisa sneered, he knew Xiao Tang's virtues too well, no matter what, they were brothers for several years.

"Ruoruo, you haven't eaten yet, let's go out to eat together, there is a housekeeper watching over here!" Sato Gonghisa suggested, everyone didn't eat dinner when they arrived, it's already late at night after the matter here is settled, I'm already hungry.

After being told by Sato Gongjiu, Su Ruo and Pan Ziyuan also felt hungry.

Su Ruo didn't refuse, and went out for dinner with the two of them. Pan Ziyuan and Sato Miyahisa were very humorous, and they sang together, which made Su Ruo coax into laughter.

Maybe they know about Xiao Tang's flirtatiousness, the three of them ate Japanese food together, but they didn't mention Xiao Tang much, the three of them chatted about some happy things, Su Ruo seldom talked, just listened to Pan Ziyuan and Sato Miyahisa talking funny After a meal, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Su Ruo's feeling is that Xiao Tang's two brothers are pretty good, so why is Xiao Tang like this!Didn't you say that people are divided into groups?
The three of them ate half of their meal, and Xiao Tang woke up in the hospital. When he opened his eyes, he only saw the housekeeper. After turning his eyes around, he didn't see Su Ruo. He felt a little upset.

"Young master, are you awake?" The butler hurried forward.

(End of this chapter)

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