Remarry my wife

Chapter 13 Xiao Tang's Absolute Destruction

Chapter 13 Xiao Tang's Absolute Destruction (1)

She handed the passbook to the bank staff to check. This is the money she has been saving all the time, and it is also the basis for her future survival. When the staff said that the funds in it were frozen, Su Ruo felt that she was struck by lightning. The whole person was dumbfounded.

The staff reminded her several times before she took back the passbook, said sorry and left.

When she got out of the bank, her heart was cold, and she knew who had frozen her funds without even thinking about it. Damn Xiao Tang, what she did was too much. The money in this passbook is all her own Yes, I didn't expect him to seal her credit card and even her passbook. Did he want her to show it on the street so that he would be satisfied? It's so irritating!

Su Ruo touched a few hundred dollars in cash on her body, and lost her mood for shopping, so she had to take a taxi back to Chen Xiaoyan's residence. At this time, she should be resting, and she could only ask her to make up her mind. Among the individuals, Chen Xiaoyan is the best at handling things.

Back at Chen Xiaoyan's residence, she was still sleeping as expected, Su Ruo didn't want to disturb her, thought about his situation, maybe he should find a job.

Let the housekeeper find some newspapers for herself, and then read it seriously in the job application column. She majored in dance and piano in college. She thinks that she should be able to find a job in a piano store or play the piano in the lobby of a certain hotel. .

"What? You said that Xiao Tang froze all your accounts?" Chen Xiaoyan put down the coffee in his hand, frowned and asked Su Ruo in front of him.

"Yeah, I think I should find a job, and I can't just sit and eat." Su Ruo sighed slightly, and her beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly.

"How can this be cheaper than that bastard Xiao Tang, the money in the passbook is obviously your own, I will accompany you to find him to argue." Chen Xiaoyan was a little angry, this Xiao Tang was really deceiving people too much, thinking of last night She was still furious about the matter, and the red marks on her hands had turned purple by now, which made her feel embarrassed to wear short sleeves.

"You know, I don't want to see him again." Su Ruo shook her head, she didn't want to see Xiao Tang once now, and after she left, she didn't want to meet again.

(End of this chapter)

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