Remarry my wife

Chapter 131 Wake up and lose your temper

Chapter 131 Wake up and lose your temper (3)

"Thank you for your kindness." Xiao Tang replied coldly with his expression still stinky.

Pan Ziyuan and Sato Miyajiu looked at each other, each shrugged, not knowing what happened.

"Ah Tang, I have already called a lawyer to deal with that fat man." Pan Ziyuan said again.

Xiao Tang hummed again indifferently.

Pan Ziyuan and Sato Miyajiu looked at each other again, and then looked at Su Ruo who had been silent all this time.

The room suddenly became very quiet.

"Woman, don't tell me you didn't show anything at all?" Xiao Tang was furious, seeing that the woman didn't say anything, he had no choice but to speak out by himself.

"Are you feeling better?" After Pan Ziyuan poked Su Ruo with his hand, Su Ruo asked aloud. She actually wanted to ask, but she didn't know how to say it.

"Not good." Xiao Tang didn't look at Su Ruo, and took it coldly. This dead woman must ask him to tell her, so she knows to ask?I thought she wished she could die!Maybe it's true that she must hate herself for treating her like that not long ago.

Sato Gongjiu raised the bag in his hand and motioned to Su Ruo.

Su Ruo frowned, and then asked, "Are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry." Xiao Tang accepted it coldly again.

"Then eat rice porridge, I asked the servant to make up the soup, and it will be delivered soon." Sato Miyahisa smiled.

"Yes, yes, you need to eat enough to recover." Pan Ziyuan also agreed, it's normal for a brother to be a little bit angry when he is injured, and they can forgive him as brothers.

"Woman, come and feed me!" Seeing that Su Ruo didn't move again, Xiao Tang could only speak out again, never seen such a dull woman.

"It's not the hand that's injured, can't you eat it yourself?" Su Ruo pursed her lips, it's not that her hand was broken, why did she ask her to feed it.

"You..." Xiao Tang got angry, turned his head and glared at Su Ruo, it really pissed him off.

"Ruo Ruo, hurry up, the back pain will affect the hand nerves, you are A Tang's wife, so naturally you have to feed him." Sato Miyajiu didn't know what nonsense he was talking about, so he hurriedly handed the bag to Su Ruo. Why is he angry? This man is really not ordinary stingy, and he is also very stupid. If he wants Su Ruo to care about him, he can just say no, and he loses his temper. How childish!

(End of this chapter)

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