Remarry my wife

Chapter 133 Is there still love

Chapter 133 Is there still love (2)

"I don't need it, let's eat rice porridge!" Su Ruo picked up the hot rice porridge, took a chair and sat beside the bed.

She scooped up a spoon and sent it directly to Xiao Tang. This man asked her to feed him even though he could move on his own. I really don't know what An's heart is, she has to be careful!

"Hey, you don't even know the temperature, so you send it to me directly, aren't you afraid of scalding me?" Seeing Su Ruo feeding himself very perfunctorily, Xiao Tang frowned.

"It's been so long since I bought it, it must be cold, do you want to eat it?" Seeing that this man is still so picky, Su Ruo felt even more disgusted.

"You... You actually talk to me in such a tone, do you think it's wrong? I, Xiao Tang, make the decision in this family!" Seeing Su Ruo becoming more and more presumptuous, Xiao Tang's face darkened. Women really can't treat her too well!

"I know, you don't need to keep emphasizing it. Don't you want to eat it? Then I won't feed it." Su Ruo said lightly, and then she was about to withdraw her hand that had been raised all the time.

Seeing that Su Ruo really planned not to feed, Xiao Tang was already very hungry at the moment, and he didn't want to make trouble with his stomach, so he said in a deep voice, "Hurry up, I'm starving to death!"

"Then open your mouth!" Seeing Xiao Tang's appearance, Su Ruo almost laughed out loud. It turns out that a man will be a little weaker when he is injured!

Xiao Tang opened his mouth and took the first mouthful of rice porridge. Su Ruo scooped up another mouthful and sent it over. Xiao Tang continued to eat with his mouth open, mouthful after mouthful. The two will look at each other occasionally, and Su Ruo will stop talking soon.

A bowl of rice porridge soon bottomed out, and after feeding, Xiao Tang got tired and lay back on the bed, while Su Ruo started to pack things.

When Xiao Tang fell asleep, he closed his eyes and said to Su Ruo: "Woman, I will see you first when I wake up. Don't be the same as before. If you make me angry, the consequences will be serious!"

Su Ruo's tidying hands paused for a moment, this man threatened her again, she really didn't stop when she was sick, she was really helpless!

He was about to go out to throw out the trash, but just as he opened the door, Xiao Tang opened his eyes and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Throw out the trash!" Su Ruo finished and left.

(End of this chapter)

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