Remarry my wife

Chapter 135 Men Are Fickle

Chapter 135 Men Are Fickle (1)

Su Ruo didn't bother to answer, she turned around and was about to leave, but was held back by Xiao Tang.

"Answer me, woman!" Xiao Tang said in a deep voice.

"I don't want to discuss this issue, you go to sleep!" Su Ruo didn't want to think about this issue any more, it would remind her of the painful two years in the past, so what if there was love, so what if there was no love!She doesn't want to touch a man like Xiao Tang again!

"No, you have to tell me clearly, I want to know!" Xiao Tang insisted.

"I don't know." Su Ruo had no choice but to reply, she really didn't know.

"Are you not thinking about it or are you afraid to think about it?" Xiao Tang frowned.

"Have it all!"

"Why? I have no chance at all? Su Ruo, I will definitely have your child with me, and the child will definitely be with me. If you don't want to continue with me, then you can only give up this child. Do you really want to If that's the case, then you can do whatever you want!" Xiao Tang was a little annoyed, this woman really couldn't make sense, now his back was hurting like hell, and his heart was filled with fire, he simply didn't say anything, let go of Su Ruo and went to sleep.

Seeing Xiao Tang went to sleep on his own, Su Ruo pursed her lips, said nothing, went to the side and turned off the light, leaving only a bedside lamp with a dim yellow light, she took a lamp from the cabinet Blanket, and then lay on the sofa ready to sleep...

Su Ruo, I can't sleep tonight, I'm thinking about what Xiao Tang said before going to bed, what should I do if I have a child?Leaving Xiao Tang and giving up the child, falling in love with Xiao Tang and being with the child, or reluctantly staying with Xiao Tang for the sake of the child?They come and go, but they can't get rid of Xiao Tang. If the child is really born, how could Su Ruo just give up the child like this!If she is really with Xiao Tang, would Xiao Tang, who is so carefree, give up the whole sea of ​​flowers for the sake of her children?She thought about this problem all night, but in the end she still couldn't come up with any results, and she didn't know how long it took before she slowly fell asleep...

When she got up early in the morning, Xiao Tang was still sleeping. Su Ruo felt a little uncomfortable when she woke up. The sofa was not very big, so she couldn’t let her sleep comfortably. She dropped the quilt on the floor last night. She didn’t cover it overnight. It's blocked, and the voice is also nasal.

(End of this chapter)

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