Remarry my wife

Chapter 147 Su Ruo Missing

Chapter 147 Su Ruo Missing (1)

When Lin Xiaer came, there were many paparazzi behind her. Su Ruo saw the lights of many cameras, and hurriedly closed the door.

"Woman, I want to drink bone soup." Xiao Tong said, Lin Xia'er delivered the bone soup in time.

"Aren't you afraid it's poisonous?" Su Ruo sneered seeing Xiao Tang staring at the thermos bottle that Lin Xia'er put down just now, it turned out that this guy was thinking of bone soup.

"Yes, then you have a taste first." Xiao Tang took it.

Su Ruo rolled her eyes, this man is really... She was just joking, Lin Xiaer would be stupid for doing this.

As a result, Su Ruo fed Xiao Tang with the bone soup from Lin Xiaer, and Xiao Tang drank it all in one gulp. In the end, Xiao Tang endured back pain and went to the bathroom to relieve himself...

Every time she sees Xiao Tang getting up to go to the bathroom with a pale face, Su Ruo just laughs beside him, he deserves to drink so much.

During the week when Xiao Tang was injured, he and Su Ruo had a small quarrel, quarreling over something. Although there were quarrels every day in the ward, the relationship between the two has gradually stepped out of the shadow of the past, no longer Overwhelmed by too many things.

It's just that when the two of them didn't really feel each other, one incident changed the relationship they had finally improved.

This night, Xiao Tang lost his temper because of Su Ruo taking care of his own rest. Su Ruo has not been anywhere recently in order to take care of Xiao Tang, and she has lost a few pounds, but Xiao Tang is not considerate at all, and even hates Su Ruo for being too perfunctory He, if Su Ruo got angry, he didn't talk to Xiao Tang all night, and let Xiao Tang ignore what he said. In the end, Xiao Tang also got angry, and the two of them had nothing to say all night.

The next morning, Su Ruo was angry again, and went out to buy breakfast as usual. Just after buying breakfast and getting ready to come back, she always felt that someone behind her was watching her, but when she turned around, there was nothing. She was suspicious of herself. A little annoyed, Su Ruo walked back quickly. Just as she reached a corner in the hospital, she suddenly felt a pain in the back of her shoulder. She turned her head, and before she could see clearly the eyes of the person who beat her, she fainted.

Xiao Tang waited in the ward for a long time, but he didn't see Su Ruo coming back. Thinking of the quarrel between the two last night, he had another thought in his mind, this woman won't run away again, right?
(End of this chapter)

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