Remarry my wife

Chapter 15 Xiaolu 1 hand

Chapter 15 Xiaolu's First Hand (1)

After reading it for a while, she closed the notebook, went back to bed, closed her eyes and thought about things for a while before falling asleep...

Since the last dancing incident, Su Ruo watched the monitoring of the day, and she felt blush for her boldness, but that feeling was really good. Chen Xiaoyan told her a long time ago that she is very quiet on the outside. In fact, Su Ruo never believed in a very fiery person, until today she realized that she had really suppressed herself for too long, in fact, she could also live a very passionate life, but she was strangled by herself.

Thinking of all these years of being quiet and well-behaved, she felt an urge to let go. In fact, the previous life was not what she wanted at all. What she wanted was a life that would make her happy and unfettered.

The sadness of being married and not being able to divorce brought a watershed in her life. If she wanted to continue to live in such a quiet and sad way, she would still live vigorously. She finally let go of the things she had only dared to think about before but dared not do. Burden, choose the latter, since you want to live, let your heart go!
From silence to enthusiasm, there seem to be two extreme states, as long as you really think about it, you can do it!

Early in the morning on the weekend, Su Ruo woke up early, and Xu Ningning was also woken up early in the morning by her. Recently, she has been living in Xu Ningning's single apartment.

Su Ruo was making breakfast in the kitchen, Xu Ningning came out of the bedroom rubbing her messy hair, half-closed her eyes, leaned against the kitchen door, and said to Su Ruo who was busy in the kitchen: "Ruoruo, it's a pity I'm not a man , or I will definitely marry you!"

"Hehe... go wash your face quickly." Su Ruo smiled while frying eggs. Although she is a rich girl, she moved out early because she didn't get along with her family since she was a child, and she is self-reliant. Cooking is a piece of cake for her , she can cook a lot of Chinese food, including Western food. In the past two years, she had no chance to cook at Xiao's house, and her hand was born. Recently, she has cooked a few times before she gradually became familiar with it.

While yawning, Xu Ningning went to the bathroom to wash up. When she came out, Su Ruo had already prepared breakfast, and was sitting at the dining table while reading the newspaper while waiting for her.

(End of this chapter)

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